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              In truth, if in this generation the men are much more victims of jealousy, mockeries, calumny, insults, despise, racism, attacks, stealing, robbing, rape, bewitchment, witchcraft, assassinations, human sacrifice, the selling of human organs..., it is because they are too poor and miserable, not in the lack of things that their hands have transformed or fabricated, but in the lack of the heart of God, the heart which is righteous, great, glorious and rich in pity, love, forgiveness, humility, simplicity, goodness, self control, patience, peace, joy.

              In truth, from the kings, the head of States, the queens up to the least, it is good for all the men to ask God to prefer to refuse or to deprive them of everything of the earth, except his heart; because to possess the heart of God is to possess the veritable deliverance. If the men were endowed of this heart, evil would be too rare, and the fear of his neighbour would also be less.

              Possessing the heart of God is to possess the veritable deliverance, and this deliverance is greatly lacking today. Majority of the men of God in the midst of this generation operate in the fleshly deliverance by casting out demons and diseases in the human body, and not in the deliverance of the soul by the transformation of the hearts. There is lack of the deliverance that will make you possess the heart of God. That is why evil is in full swing or increases day after day.

              God willing to deliver the people of Israel and the entire world from evil, wickedness or sin had promised to give them a new heart where a new spirit also had to dwell as it is said: “And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh” (Ezekiel 36/26). With the heart of stone, we are not delivered to owe jealousy, hatred, mockeries, despise, rancour, evil, diseases, failure, stealing, robbing, death... to our neighbour; meanwhile with the heart of God, we are delivered to owe respect, pity, consideration, love, humility, justice, goodness, success, blessing, good health and the life to our neighbour both in the spirit and in the physic. If all the men on earth beginning from the head of States, kings, queens up to the least were possessing this veritable deliverance or this heart of God, there would have been less evil and more goodness, and the men would no longer be afraid of their fellow men as it is the case today; because in them, which is to say in their heart, there will not come out calumnies, poisoning, in short, evil and death, but rather success, good health and the life both in the spirit and in the physic.

              In truth, all the men of the earth were to ask God to deprive them of everything of the earth, except his heart, telling him that without this heart, they will be nothing else than wicked people and people of evil in front of him and in front of the men; for without this heart, they will remain poor, miserable and misfortunate no matter the fact that they possess all what their hands have fabricated, as well as the ground. That is why they must prefer that the creator should deprive them of all except of his heart that will make them be eternally in joy.

              In truth, if all the head of States, kings, queens up to the least of men were possessing this heart, the human being would no longer be sold or sacrificed, he will no longer be taken as an object and despised, he will no longer be a bait for other men that use him to catch fish which is money, the nomination, the maintaining in power, the glory of man... Without this heart, we will not be dominated by the owing of good to our neighbour. For with this heart of God, seeing somebody suffering also make us to suffer, seeing him sick also make us become sick; and us, not willing to suffer or to be sick, we will wish peace, success, and good health to all men.

              In truth, it is poverty and misery in the lack of the heart of God which is at the origin of evil and brings the man to be victim to the deprivation and destruction of what belongs to him by his neighbour. In this world, people rush for the deliverance of fleshly things that the devil has blocked; but nobody will seek the veritable deliverance that comes from the new heart according to God. That is why in this generation, demons are cast out from people’s bodies, diseases are cured, but evil increases day after day because the heart where this evil comes is not delivered. Evil comes from the heart. That is why the Lord Jesus says: “For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander” (Matthew 15/19).

              In truth, the deliverance that does not come from the heart is a false deliverance; and it is this false deliverance that has filled this generation where the men of God operate prodigies and miracles, they heal and deliver the flesh, but the hearts remain uncircumcised of the righteousness, the pity, the love, the forgiveness, the humility... of God to owe jealousy, despise, mockeries, calumny, racism, fake, swindling, stealing, attacks, robbing, diseases, bewitchment, witchcraft, killing... Therefore, without the deliverance of the heart where comes all the evil, any other deliverance is useless and remains useless. That is why almost all deliverances that the men of God do today do not act as a brake against evil; because they themselves have the heart dominated by the material and the glory of man.

              The men in this generation are too poor and miserable because they do not possess the heart of God. They have the hearts blinded not to see that it is in what their own hands have fabricated, their work, the material which is vanity that they draw their veritable glory, greatness and richness. Do their hearts see when they sell or sacrifice their fellow mate in exchange of things that their hands have fabricated? Or do they see when they sign pacts with the devil in selling him their souls in the price of what their hands have transformed or fabricated? Do the hearts of the men of God see the value of the word that they carry and that has created everything to go in front of people and to swindle them by the means of flattery, the seduction, the deception...? In truth, the hearts of people have remained poor and miserable while their pockets become full of papers called money or richness. Their hearts have remained blind while their physical eyes see; seducing themselves not to be blind, they do not seek to see.

              To dominate evil, you must touch or deliver the heart and not the flesh; because it is from the heart that evil comes. That is why it is said: “But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect” (1Peter 3/15). It is the heart of David, heart according to God, and not the height and weight of his flesh that brought him to be established king of Israel by the Creator (Acts 13/22). Solomon being established king, asked God to give him one thing, his heart that was all for him (1 Kings 3/5-13).

              In truth, what I ask God for the head of States and all the other men of all other social classes in this world, is not to give them long life of good health in the flesh, prosperity in things that they themselves have fabricated by their own hands, but to give them his heart which will make their veritable eternal deliverance, greatness, richness, glory, wisdom and intelligence.



      CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)

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