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It is the 577th message



       I do not come in this world with the hope of someone who knows things of creation, but I come with the assurance of someone in whom God lives; he who created everything, knows all and possess all. His grace in me is not in vain because I have already written more than 577 messages that enlighten and give joy to many people, but bring sadness and raises jealousy in other people. These messages have many topics that highlight different titles such as: know the greatness and power of God to know him better and for the enemy to be afraid of you, The difference between the love of God and the love of the devil, The house of God is built in the heart, A life to live has been given to the men so that they should become alive before God, Christ did not come to save man’s flesh, but rather his soul, The gospel of salvation, the veritable deliverance, How should the man be so that the devil should bow down before him, Priests, pastors, tell us, between the soul which has left and the soil which is remaining, which one receives your blessing of water, Whole world, the pope has gone too far in the despise and mockeries towards the Lord Jesus by representing him with dolls and blocks of cement, Cameroon, whole world, look at products that apostle THATHEU Samuel sell to millions of people for their protection, deliverance, blessing, Message of the Eternal God to the head of States and kings of all the countries of the world, Whole world: head of states, men of all social classes, here is the veritable deliverance that we have to become in order to enter the kingdom of heaven, The witches, super travellers of the earth...

      These writings show the route of deliverance to the man and transform his heart of stone into a heart of flesh by the practice of the will of the Lord Jesus, they denounce the false christs and the false prophets, unveiling their acts of swindling, deception and seduction, they bring back the rulers of this world and the head of states to the knowledge of the veritable value, and the possession of a new heart...

      My greatness and glory do not rely on the material called richness, but in the treasure that the Lord Jesus gave me by his grace to give to the whole world, so that this great richness which is eternal should also be eternally useful to the souls. Apostle Champi has nothing and he is nothing else than what the Lord Jesus gave him to give to the world. All the men in this world should read this richness to bring their souls to become rich, because when God made man’s flesh from dust of the ground, he breathed in his nostrils to introduce the soul; that is why it is said: “then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature” (Genesis 2/7). While the first men Adam and Eve were belonging to God in the Garden of Eden by the obedience to his word (Genesis 2/16-17), the devil came to buy them by bringing these last to sell themselves to him by the obedience to his word of lies (Genesis 3/1-6) which is disobedience before God. As such, because of the first men who were cursed or spiritually dead because of that one who bought them and to whom they belonged, all humanity or the entire world, the descendants of the first men also come cursed and dead in this world. But God by his great mercy sent the Lord Jesus to redeem us from the belonging to the devil or the curse and the eternal death. Christ by his great courage of the lion of the tribe of Judah sacrificed his body and blood that were the price to pay for our redemption so that our body and spirit should belong to God again; that is even why it is said: “for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body” (1 Corinthians 6/20).

      The Lord Jesus did not come to redeem or save man’s flesh from the hands of the devil, but rather the soul because the devil was not detaining man’s flesh in prison, but rather his soul; that is why the war or fight between the Lord Jesus and the devil in man is not to gain his flesh but rather his soul. The Lord Jesus and the devil are all spirit and their eternal dwellings are the kingdom of heaven for the Lord Jesus and the lake of fire for the devil. While the devil want to drag the souls with him in the eternal torment, the Lord Jesus also want to bring the souls in the eternal resting place in the kingdom of heaven; that is why Apostle Paul says:  I tell you this, brothers: flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable” (1 Corinthians 15/50).

      Man’s flesh is like the bottle of beer and his soul like beer. Just as the man takes the bottle of beer to drink what it contains, that is how the Lord Jesus and the devil go towards the man to gain only the soul which is in him. The devil knows that the man or soul which does not have Jesus belong to him, and his fight is to make everything so that man should not have the saviour in him, as such, the soul will not be freed from his trap. The devil passes by his servants disguised into men of God in order to attain his objectives by teaching customs and traditions of men, and this cannot produce anything for the salvation of the soul; that is why his servants have the ministry which is to announce with great zeal the gospel and prophecies of prosperity concerning the physical wellbeing so that the hearts should be gained and become tied to vanities. The life of man on earth or the passage of the soul in the flesh is only for few days or years because this flesh must go back or return in the ground where it was taken; that is even why God says to the man: “By the sweat of your face  you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return” (Genesis 3/19).

      If man’s flesh does not have the veritable value, is it what he consume or gather that will have a great value? That is where the devil plays his game in order to bring people to become blind so that these last should only look at the beginning of vanities and worry for what satisfy their flesh and to become tied to it. Because when man’s flesh is still young or when it is still in the beginning like these young girls that you see on the first page, they are appreciated and agreeable to be seen, but when this flesh becomes old, her beauty also disappear and her brightness tarnishes like these old women on the first page. They become disagreeable at the sight, that is why the eyes of our hearts must become opened to see the end of all vanities, even in their beginning. When we look at someone in the prime of his life, we must also send our eyes far to see his end. When we see a delicious meal or wine, we must go beyond the pleasure that it gives to our tongue to see their end that are nothing else than faeces and urine in toilets. In truth, this opening of the eyes of the heart must deliver us from many things, and that is why children of God or servants of God in whom the Lord Jesus dwell for home, but because they do not have vanities, they see themselves to be small and without value in front of those who do not have Christ, though having vanities; meanwhile these vanities are the richness of toilets and dustbin.

      The food and drinks that enter in man’s stomach are not for him because they must come out after few minutes or hours to return in toilets, and this, not by man’s will. After the man has consumed meat, fish, whisky, beer, juice..., few minutes or hours later, he become unwell as if he has been infected by a disease, and he can only become well if he goes and discharge what does not belong to him, and which was only passing in his organism. And that is where the man says to live well, to succeed or gain his life or future; in truth, let the eyes of the heart of men become opened through this message so that jealousy, mockeries, complex, murders... due to the richness and the good that finish their race in toilets and dustbin should reduce. In truth, if a man is above you because he possesses things that finish their race in toilets and dustbin, you will be jealous of what? And if you are above someone because you possess vanities, on what will you base yourself to mock at him?

       It is because of the glory of the flesh that many people up to those at the summit of states have sacrificed their souls at the price of vanities; others do not have time for the Lord Jesus who came to save their souls from the eternal lake of fire through his truth that set free and deliver from the eternal torment. Some people work from the morning to the evening to satisfy the desires of their flesh, even on the Sabbath day without rest, meanwhile this is just useless slavery that render their passing on the earth vain, meanwhile the Lord Jesus in his will to save us says: “ Do not work for the food that perishes, but for the food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give to you. For on him God the Father has set his seal” (John 6/27). The Lord Jesus in his will for us to become the veritable rich or men of value says to us: “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal” (Matthew 6/19-20).

       The devil in his will to fight against the soul has multiplied his seducers disguised into men of God, who in their seduction bring people to believe that he who does not have the material did not succeed in his life; is not blessed and does not prosper, that is why people do not see that they do not have life and blessing without the Lord Jesus in them, but they rather know that they do not have life because of the absence of things that finish their race in toilets and dust bin. The devil in his cunning makes in such a way that when two people meet, one says to the other that the person that he knows has succeeded in his life and future because he already possess this or that vanity. This brought people to compare one another, and it has raised mockeries and jealousy in the hearts of men. Satan has multiplied routes of magic so that many people should come to him in the aim to guarantee their life or future on earth. The eyes of the heart of many people should become opened in order to see and understand that we are on earth for a short passage, and we must be very careful with things that can render our souls poor in the case our hearts become tied to them. That is even why Apostle Peter makes us awake by these words: “Beloved, I urge you as sojourners and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul” (1Peter 2/11). Apostle Paul on his side exhorted Timothy telling him: “As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life” (1Timothy 6/17-19).

       To God only the glory by his Son Jesus Christ who permanently reveals himself to us, so that his grace for us should not be vain.

        CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)

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