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                         WHY DOES CAMEROON ONLY HAVE A PHYSICAL PEACE?                                                      

                       It is the 181st message.


        I am a Cameroonian of origin, but of flesh. When I was of flesh, I had a patriotic feeling, but from the moment I have been called by the spirit of truth, I became what I am. I see and I speak like a god and not like a man because I have been sacrificed in the flesh by the truth, to tell the truth and to die for it. What picture does this country display to God’s eyes with the men of God who are swindlers and the corrupted leaders?

     From the day I was born till this day where I write these messages, my country has always had a physical peace and not a moral and a spiritual peace. In this country, the brigades, the police stations and the courts don’t always apply their law with justice; it is the reason for which the poor are always the victims of injustice. I take a simple case: In this country, when a poor or an ignorant has a problem with someone who has money, this one (the poor), even though he is right, he would not be able to defend himself facing this rich. Because the first person to lodge a complaint will be this rich man who will go up to corrupting the commissioner, the commander or the investigator. Having thus received the money, the first of the things that these men in uniform do is to take the temperature of this poor man in order to be insure if this last one knows the law or if he has an influential person; if it is not the case, this poor will be put in jail and from there, they will mention the articles that will condemn him to the sentence of imprisonment, sometimes assorted of fine. The worse is that; you recognise to be right but they harm you, they tell lie to your topic and all this will be kept against you.

     In the same way, you can have problems with a girl in your neighbourhood and this one decides to harm you just because she has a friend who is a police man, a gendarme... because even though she is not right, you can be jailed from the moment you answer to the convocation. In Cameroon, it is first of all money and the relations then, comes the justice and the merit. Because in this country, a high commissioner or a business man can drag you in justice and take your good just because he knows that you neither have money nor the relations. And the magistrate or the judge who have received the money of this corrupt will send back this matter to an interminable manner until the discouragement of the poor victim. It can also be the case of this clerk who after receiving the money of this rich man will tell you that the file has disappeared.

     In this country, it is money that speaks and the foreigners know this system; that is the reason why this one can do all what he want to you because he knows that he will not be worried since in this country, the poor is always guilty and the rich is rendered innocent by these dishonest investigators and others. Some Cameroonians being rooted in corruption always propose money to the investigators, to the commissioners or to the commanders by telling them that; if they don’t accept that amount of money which has been proposed for their matter, they will be going to give it to the district attorney (who can even take less) so that they should go court. The dishonesty of which the men in uniform are has pushed some lessors to not accept them in their homes.

     In addition in this country, when an contest is organised and that there are only 100 places available, you will find that 50 places are being reserved to the families of the high ranks and the big personalities, 40 places can be destined to the sale and 10 places can come back to the merit. But understand that this contest that has been organised let in much money to the state. Which amount of money enters in the state’s checkouts if out of 15000 candidates, each one only gives 10000 FCFA as expenses of deposit of the files? You must understand that it is a great business for the state. Because they leave the young to easily obtain their certificates while knowing that it will be difficult to find a job. While yesterday, one could easily find a job, but to obtain a certificate was very difficult, there were jobs but fewer graduates. But today, it is the contrary. In fact, it is the politics of the old foxes. Because yesterday, it was difficult to get only the First Scholl Living Certificate (FSLC), but to fail it today is very difficult; that is why you will find in some schools where the rate of success is 100%. But when the young obtain these certificates in easiness, they ignore that the government is destroying them. In proof, it is this government that is the first to decry the incompetence of these young graduates because he (this government) says that the letter of motivation of the bachelor in search of work is filled of mistakes. And he affirms that; that one who had received the FSLC in the former times, writes French better than a student who has the BEPC or even the Baccalaureate in the twenty first (21st) Century. But to whom is the fault?

     In this country, to find a job is not easy, that is why many of the young have rushed in the trade, some in the urban transport (motor taxi for example), but the urban community and the urban council don’t let them in peace. Very often, this community takes their goods and their motorbikes, keep them in order to later sell them. Besides, other young want to get involved in agriculture, but where the people cultivate and harvest, the roads are damaged and they can not evacuate their supplies. In the same way, in this country, traders suffer on one side because of the urban community, the urban council or the ministry of commerce and on the other hand, the drivers of motor bikes, taxis, etc... because of the police men and the gendarmes.

     Also, in this country, the patients suffer in hospitals because the nurses or the doctors don’t take care of them if they don’t have money to instantaneously pay their care. There are regular cuts of light and electricity in this country, people suffer from that, but you can’t complain because certainly, there are foreigners who manage the said companies. The life which becomes more and more difficult in this country brings some young to be sodomised by these sectarians. All what these people who manage the country can do is to embezzle the public funds; that is the reason why some, in spite of their advanced age, they refuse to go in retirement. I am anxious to remind you that due to all what happens in this country, the peoples’ brains get hot, the hearts are filled of rage, but it is only the physic that is afraid to manifest its discontent because of the weapon. It is the reason for which I say that Cameroon only has a physical peace. However, the “men of God” of Cameroon and in Cameroon speak of peace to us, but what they say is not astonishing about this country because even yesterday, all the prophets were prophesising good for Josepha, except Micah the prophet (1 Kings 22/12-28). Nevertheless, I remind you that these men of God of this country prophesise as such because they have something to put under the tooth (Micah 3/5).

     To God only, the justice and the mercy by Jesus Christ for the eternity.


CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of men, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid to sin and to be free from the eternal death.(John 8/32)

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