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It is the 116th message.



     The Lord Jesus, spirit of life, came in this world to save us. And to do it, it was necessary for him to carry the cross (in the form of wood) on his flesh; and this one, although it was heavy, represents our bad life.

     It was pleasing to the Lord Jesus Christ to carry our wickedness (the cross in the form wood) so that his life should reach us. But now, we as dead or wicked must carry his life or his goodness so that our wickedness should be erased.

     The Lord Jesus gave us a life to live in order to save our souls; this life is our cross which we must carry during all our life here on earth in order to be revived on the last day. That is why he says to us: “And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me” (Matthew 10/38). Then, he says: “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me” (Luke 9/23).

     In truth, if the men of this world were carrying the cross which has been given to them by Jesus Christ, there would not be too much wickedness. I have understood that many people do not know the cross which they must carry simply because they have not yet heard speaking of it (that is the cross which is the life of the Lord Jesus Christ). But all what has been given to them or asked to be carried is a symbol in the form of a cross and which is a malediction that has already been carried by the Lord Jesus Christ in his flesh which besides  serve for nothing (John 6/63). Being dived in blindness, the people will tell you that they carry the cross of Jesus Christ on their bodies or even in their homes. Meanwhile, they do not know that the cross which the Lord Jesus Christ carried represents witchcraft, murdering, pride, jealousy, hatred, in short the life of the devil to which we got married since the Garden of Eden. That is why Apostle Peter seeing the doctors of the law putting this malediction on the neck of people said: “Now, therefore, why are you putting God to the test by placing a yoke on the neck of the disciples that neither our fathers nor we have been able to bear?”(Acts 15/10).

     Apostle Peter condemned the carrying (wearing) of this cross (which is a malediction) because he knew that it went in opposition to the recommendations of the Lord Jesus Christ. These “men of God” who allow their believers to carry this cross, have they repented from their bad advices? For, they must understand that those are the things that brought Apostle Peter to consider these people to be the true wicked and even killers of souls (John 10/10). But if they did not repent, how can they pretend to be the representatives of Apostle Peter?

       The time of the truth has come and no one can prevent that this one (the truth) should not be revealed. For, the devil himself recognises the end of his lie, his deception and his seduction. I often shed tears when I arrive in a locality and I notice that a “man of God” passed there with a mallet of crosses while telling the people to buy them and to benefit because they (these crosses) are blessed. I have noticed that there are some people who live a life of witchcraft, murdering, jealousy, calumnies... and who do not like going where Jesus Christ is revealed for fear that their bad life should be revealed. That is why many among them profit to say: “I am in such a church and I will die there”.

      Only the Lord Jesus Christ was not afraid of the physical death because he knew that while preaching the truth to the men, many of them will be saved if and only if these ones carry his life (their cross) in them and not on their bodies. For me, telling the truth is to save not only my soul but also the ones of those who will like this truth.

     To him only is the glory for ever and ever


       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)

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