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It is the 146th message.


      The first men, that means from the creation of the world and his destruction due to the disobedience to God’s word, until the restoration of the second with Noah and his family, man had not come back anymore to God (his picture) so as to be forgiven eternally. But it was pleasing to God to prepare what had to arrive; for it, he chooses a people and gave him the Ten Commandments through which they could not be forgiven and have the eternal life. (Acts 13/39; Ezekiel 20/25; Hebrews 7/18-19; Hebrews 7/28). Because these Ten Commandments were only; “the shade of the goods or things to come and not the exact...” (Hebrews 10/1; Colossians 2/17). The people of Israel being under the law (the Ten Commandments), it was therefore necessary that they wait for the arrival of the forgiveness that would deliver them from their enemies (the sin); that is why it is said: “And she will give birth to a son; and you will give him the name Jesus; for he will give his people salvation from their sins” (Matthew 1/21).

     The Eternal God has loved the world so much that he gave his forgiveness (his Son) so that whoever receives it (believes in this forgiveness) is forgiven (John 3/16). The forgiveness has been given to the men as one life to live so that through it (the forgiveness) the men should live in the kingdom of heaven. That is why the Lord Jesus says: “his flesh doesn’t serve for nothing and the forgiveness that we receive is spirit and life”. The seduction has invaded the men to the point where some automatically know that as Jesus Christ had suffered and died on the cross for them, it means that they are forgiven or free of the sin or the eternal death. For others, because they are baptised, they recite the Ten Commandments, they receive the communion and the confirmation, and they give money or attend to various meetings within “their churches” give them the right to the forgiveness. It is necessary to understand that it is not in this way that they will receive the forgiveness face to God, because I understand why they say to be true Christians. But it is necessary to understand that the forgiveness is a life that man must live, a food that man must eat and water which he must drink. Therefore, the soul that doesn’t live this life, that doesn’t eat this bread and doesn’t drink this water won’t be forgiven; and the Lord says: “As the Father who is alive sent me and that I live by him, the same, the person who eats me will live by me?” (John 6/57).

     When man receives the forgiveness, it means that he has abandoned his thought, his feeling and his life to the profit of the Lord Jesus Christ. One speaks of the forgiveness when there is the transformation of the thought, the feeling and man’s life in Jesus Christ. Therefore, from the reception of the forgiveness, man doesn’t make things anymore according to his power and good pleasure; that is why 2 Corinthians 5/15 says: “And that he underwent death for all, so that the living might no longer be living to themselves, but to him who underwent death for them and came back from the dead”.

     Besides, I ask to myself if the men will be saved when I see how they are bound to their customs, to their traditions, to the lie and the seduction. Being miserable, they believe to be pleasant to God from what they receive from their “men of God” who unfortunately fight the Lord Jesus Christ. I saw again the men confessing from their mouths: “Lord, forgive me, “wash me of your blood”. But it is necessary for man to understand that without the becoming of this life, one is not forgiven what ever is the recitation that one can make. Then, there are some people who know that such an act is not good in front of God, but they will tell you: “I will first do it, later, I will ask for the forgiveness to God”. Understand that God gave the forgiveness to the men and this forgiveness is Jesus Christ who must become their life for the eternity.

     Jesus Christ is the humility, the pity, etc. And the man who leaves the pride for the humility is forgiven, but provided that this humility stays until the end of his days on earth, that is why it is said: “ But the upright man will be living by his faith; and if he goes back, my soul will have no pleasure in him” (Hebrews 10/38). The forgiveness has been sent so that man leaves the darkness to light, from the death to life. As Jesus Christ died in the flesh for the whole world, the men will only be saved if and only if they take the Lord’s life as their own life, what will allow them to be in the forgiveness and to be finally forgiven eternally. The men should stop seducing themselves while thinking that it is when they will say: “Lord forgive me”, they will be forgiven. How can man be forgiven if he doesn’t leave the lie, jealousy, pride, forgery, swindle, stealing, calumny, magic, idolatry, quarrels, selfishness, ingratitude, dissolutions? How will they be forgiven if they dress and decorate themselves according to their good pleasure? How can the men be forgiven if they don’t become the love, patience, justice, sweetness, temperance, pity, fidelity, goodness, peace and joy?

     If the harm is growing today, it is because the men are not forgiven before God. Because if they had the forgiveness, they would not manifest harm towards their neighbours or the less, the harm would decrease. That is why it is said: “For the man who has had no mercy will be judged without mercy, but mercy takes pride in overcoming judging” (James 2/13). The harm that dominates the world is only the picture of the glory of the eternal torment.

     An advice: don’t think that while repeating after the man of God, you will be forgiven, or while reciting the psalm 51; but say to yourselves that it is while living the forgiveness that you will be forgiven and saved. Learn to edify yourselves in the forgiveness (Jesus Christ) in order to be a dwelling of the forgiveness in the spirit and in the truth (Ephesians 2/22).

     To Jesus only; the wisdom, the power and the glory for the eternity.

CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of men, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid to sin and to be free from the eternal death.

                                                                    (John 8/32)

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