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It is the 153rd message.


     I don’t speak as someone who has studied God by a man but I speak as that one who has been revealed by Jesus Christ (Matthew 11/25; Galatians 1/11-12). Glory to the Lord Jesus Christ who called me to his love in November 2009. In this month, I have been baptized of water and in January 2010, he removed me from the place where I was and sent me in another place of his choice. From there, he belts me and continues to build me on the things that vivify the soul and those that kill the soul.

     We must understand that we cannot fight or defeat his adversary or his enemy if one doesn’t know in advance his strength and his weaknesses. That is why in a competition, whether it is football or boxing; the trainers view, study or find to know the strong points and the weak points of their adversaries in advance in order to better prepare their teams. They will tell to them that; while fighting or playing in such manner, it will be the defeat or while playing in such other manner, it will be the victory. Such is the case of the men who want to enter in the kingdom of heaven and who have for main adversary the devil. Therefore, to defeat the devil, they have need of the wisdom of Jesus Christ that will reveal them the techniques that will permit them to defeat him (the devil). Because the devil better fights man when he possesses him or when he blinds him (Luke 22/3-4).

     The devil doesn’t only have one power or strength but he has two. One is used to destroy the souls and those who use it are “the men of God” through the lie and seduction. And the other one is used to destroy the flesh and those who use it are; the wizards, the magicians. But among these two powers or strength, there is one which is hidden to man; it is the power used by “the men of God” who feed the men of the lie and seduction which are besides taken to be the truth. Because this lies and seductions constitute a gate for the souls that must come back to God by Jesus Christ for the delivery and the eternal liberty.

     The devil had concealed this power or strength which is a danger for the souls and he unveiled the power or strength of the demonic spirit or the malevolent confessions. However, this power or strength can only block and destroy the flesh that doesn’t serve for nothing (John 6/63). The devil is a spirit and he knows that some of the men cannot prostrate before what they don’t see. For that, he enters in man as he made with Judas in order to play the film of Jesus of Nazareth so that from the picture of the said man, people should prostrate in front of him; while this picture is only the image of the beast (the devil, the dragon, the old snake ...) (Revelation 12/9).

     Then, this strong power also comes from the fact that; people baptise children and babies; in addition to this baptism, they ask them money. It therefore makes that; when these children grow up, they already know that they had been baptised (born) in such a religion and that; it is necessary for them to stay there even if it is not in the truth because they have confidence in their parents. Here is why they hold the language as such: “Where my parents took me, it is where I will stay”. Another power or hidden strength are the titles of church elders, deaconess sold in these religions but misfortune to purchasers and to sellers because they won’t stay in God’s house.

     In the same way, another power or hidden strength is that; the devil had made the men to think that it is not a word, a spirit, nor a life of Jesus Christ that intercedes for them but that; it is a woman who will make it if they recite her name. I tell you the truth; all those who seduce themselves by thinking that it is why reciting “Mary” that they will be saved, they shall see Mary on the last day who will tell nothing to them. And they shall treat her of a nasty woman because she could not do anything for them although they called out to her day and night in their prayers. But she will tell to them: “You are the ones, who are nasty, because you refused to consult, to know and to live the holy writings, but you confided in a man who brought you to enter in the eternal suffering.” And she will add: “Do you know how I suffered while being born and while growing in Jesus Christ in order to be here in the kingdom of heaven (John 3/5; Luke 11/27-28; Acts 1/14)?” Next, she will tell to them: “Didn’t you see and read in the holly writings that: “No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven that is the son of Man who is in heaven” (John 3/13; Romans 8/16)”? She will say again: “Didn’t you see and read in the holy words that the Lord Jesus Christ who the Eternal God sent to save the souls only passed through me? And after I knew Joseph my husband with whom we had many children?” (Matthew 13/55-56) ; ( Acts 1/14).

      Instead therefore to consult or to read the holy writings that had to be a light for you (Psalms 119/105), you rather remained in blindness while saying “Holy Virgin Mary, pray for us poor sinners”, and if you did that, it is because you trusted to the people who made many years of biblical studies and they have thus put you glue on the eyes so that you should stay in the blindness that drove you in the eternal death (2Corinthians 4/3-4)”. And she will finish in these words: “good eternal sufferings and goodbye”.

     The power or strength of the devil is to make the men to know his gospel and to maintain them in the death. That is why he took some religions to have a calendar that carries the yearly gospel all over the world in their places of predication. It is like a man who keeps his pigs in the enclosure for fear that they don’t run away. What I write is the weakness of the devil and Christ’s strength. Besides, the power and hidden strength of the devil is to make people think that it is not by Jesus Christ that you should testify but Jehovah (Acts 1/8; Genesis 22/12-14). And if Jehovah means for some people to be God the Father, how will they recognise it or how (by which word) would they be able to know him as the father if they don’t have the son? Yet it is written: “No one comes to the father except through me” (John 14/6). I understood all the same that it is because of ignorance that the devil had pushed them in the year 1999 to say that there will be the end of the world in the year 2000. It provoked quick panics to the point where some people sold their goods, others gave themselves to death and others left their homes going into the bush in order to avoid the worse. However, all this was only a game in the devil’s game.

     Besides, another power or masked strength of the devil is to bring the men to hang in their homes and in their places of prayers; the pictures of their supposedly prophets. It is the reason for which these people will tell you that they don’t glorify Jesus Christ but their prophet branham. By these facts, I understood that the devil always arise a person so that he should be venerated. Here is why Apostle Paul tells to the Corinthians: “Who is Apollo and who Paul is...”? It was to make them understand that it is neither he nor Apollo who are the saviours but that; it is Jesus Christ only who is and who stays the only Saviour.

     Finally, the power or the hidden strength of the devil is to bring man not to know Jesus Christ as the Saviour but rather as a simple prophet. This is why in some religions; they don’t accept the blood that erases and that removes the sin of the world (John 1/29) but they rather accept that of the sheep. In short, that is the true power or the true strength which the devil uses to dominate the men and their souls.

     Because I am what I say and what I say gives me the glory and greatness in the sky and in the same time, I am exposed to calumnies, rejects, jail and in the physical death on this earth. If the Lord sent me as a strong, I must therefore fight not the weak (demonic spirits) but the strong (the seduction, the lie). Therefore, the letter doesn’t have the right to mention but the Spirit (the revelation) (2Corinthians 3/6).

     Courage and domination were, are and will always stay for the lion of the tribe of Judah.


CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of the men, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid to sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)

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