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It is the 169th message.


          The visible or physical world is submitted to the invisible world, without which nothing can be done because it is a more strong and powerful world than the physical world.

     In fact, lets understand that the majority of the things that are done in the day are only the achievement of what has already been done in the night or in the invisible world. You will find that for cases of sudden death (accident, illness…) that we see during the day or physically, the majority is only the achievement of what has already been done in the night. It is also the case of the football matches (especially those of national teams) where you will see that the wizards and the marabous play a match in advance (in the invisible) and during the day, the things accomplish themselves as they happened at night.

       Also, the advanced technology, brief every thing that we use in this physical world, are the things used in the invisible world, but that have been brought back in the physical world. We can simply say that the inventors concretize these invisible things: it is the case of the plane, the telephone, the camera, radio cassette and others. And to achieve these things, the sacrifice of human beings is indispensible. That is why to construct a big bridge (or a road) for example, it is firstly necessary to make it in the night before achieving it in the day, and for it, they must use the brains and the spirits of men.

       In this physical world, you will see that most people who have the glory, wealth, big titles…are the ones who have sacrificed human beings either to the spirits of waters, those of the earth, and either to those of the deaths because without the sacrifice, it is difficult for the men to become rich, to have the glory or big titles. Some men suffer a lot because their similar uses them (give them in sacrifice) in order to have money, the glory, the power and the greatness. The spirits of the devil are interested in four things in man; it is about: blood, the brain, the spirit and the flesh. These are the things that the devil always asks to the people who want money, the power and the glory. You who sacrifice your similar, to be considered by the men, how will you be seen before God at the end of times?

       Besides, they are the spirits and the brains of people sacrificed that make operate the devices (computers, plane’s black box...), that we see and use. This world is rotted because nothing of so great can be done without the sacrifice of a human being or without magic. I announce you that this world pulls to its end and it is the devil who nearly makes all because, you will see that; it is through magic  that the majority of fishes or games are been killed and they are these things that leave a lot of illnesses in the bodies. You will then see that the majority of the things that people receive are brought by the totems: these things are of the devil and not of God.

       Besides, the radars that one uses today are the things that the wizards have used since because it is what permits them to see the people’s future. You must understand that the world is controlled by the sorcery because the wizards don’t only know the future of people, but they are also informed of the things that will happen is such or such country. I tell you that before the Lord comes, you are going to hear or see the effects of the sorcery, magic and also what happens in the houses of prayer (churches). Open your ears well because these things will happen and it is what will announce the end of all things.

       This world is a world of sorcery and lodges. The sorcery exists from the time the devil had taken the power on man. As she (the sorcery) advances, the technology also evolves. Today, you will see that a baby, a child, a young, a father, a grandfather are all in the sorcery. It is to tell you that the sorcery doesn’t have any age because a baby, having been initiated, can show you what he is capable of. Therefore, on one hand, they remove the brains of children and these ones become hopeless in school and on the other hand, these brains make to advance the invention, the realization, the working and a lot of things that we use. It is as the human bones that people go to dig up, these human bones serve for the manufacturing of many things that we use and that I would not like to mention here.

       This century is more in the killing, sorcery, poisoning, the abomination and corruption more than Sodom and Gomorrah. Before, I knew nothing of what happens, I had the taste to live in this world but today where I know this world and all what it consists of, I have lost the taste to live here. And the physical death is preferable for me than the physical life. Only the Lord shall decide on my life span in the flesh that I carry. The Lord says: “my time to act is already there”.


     CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of men, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid to sin and to be free from the eternal death.(John 8/32)

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