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It is the 183rd message.


       I am not in this world to do what the man does, but he who has sent me is the one that reveals me the force and power of the giant of this world who is the devil; and that one who reveals it to me is Jesus Christ, he is the one that I imitate. The giant of this world is considered by the men like the living God. It is the reason for which the men believe to have already gain God or the less, saved their souls, meanwhile they have fallen in the net of this giant who is the devil. The men seek God, they believe to run away from the devil, unfortunately, they always fall in his hands, believing to confide themselves to Jesus Christ.

       Why is exorcism a satanic practice or force? You should understand that exorcism has never been and it will never be God’s force or power, for this practice really fights the Lord Jesus. Exorcism is therefore another force raised up by the devil who raises ignorance and contempt in man towards the Lord Jesus Christ (the power of the Holy Spirit). We all know that the Lord Jesus has suffered in order to give the power to the men. That is why he says: “I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, an nothing shall hurt you” (Luke 10/19).This power given by the Lord Jesus Christ is not exorcism,  but himself, that is his word, his spirit and his life (John 6/63).

       In addition, the Lord Jesus said to the apostles: “I am sending the promise of my Father up on you. But stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high” (Luke 24/49). You must understand that exorcism is not the power of God, for the exorcists are not endowed of the power from above, they are besides the first people to despise the power from above, and they have brought the people to ignore the mercy and the gift of God. Were the prophets, the Lord Jesus and the apostles by whom we are edified exorcists? I say no! For you must know that exorcism does not come from God, consequently, he does not recognise this practice to be from him.

       Moreover, we must take note that exorcism existed even in the time of the apostles. And these exorcists and the other servants of the devil in their multiple practices (said prayers) always call on the name of Jesus. It is thus this mask, this veil that they use in pronouncing the name of Jesus which makes believe to the people that they are not of the devil. That is why Acts 19/13-15 says: “Then some of the itinerant Jewish exorcists undertook to invoke the name of the Lord Jesus over those who had evil spirits, saying, “I adjure you by the Jesus whom Paul proclaims”. “Seven sons of a Jewish high priest named Sceva were doing this. But the evil spirit answered them, “Jesus I know, and Paul I recognise, but who are you?”.

       In fact, the practice of exorcism has favoured the manufacturing, the selling and the using of products such as perfume, the Saint Michael soap, the anti demon soap, the blood of Jesus. There are also soaps and oils of protection, oils to attract money, flasks in which you will find the crosses, candles of all colours and dimension, oils said of Moses, of Solomon, of John…, coloured salt put in sachets called sea salt, crosses (statues) in all dimensions, all types of incense, books of prayers and psalms, oils and soaps said appropriate for a sanctification bath; there are many of them, but I have preferred to list just those ones. These things push people having problems to meet the exorcist who list on a paper  the products that they must buy. Are they doctors in hospitals or witch doctors? In fact, it is with these products that they work, and without these products, there is no exorcism. For, these people have been initiated for it. It is the reason for which the men know in advance that in order to see the man of God (the exorcist) you must keep money because there are some products that you must buy from him, of course after the prescription. These exorcists present the image of Jesus or that of Satan to the men? Because for them (the exorcists), as long as there is no money, there is not also the deliverance.

       In other words, exorcism and the exorcists make the people to become weak and lazy, because the people no longer seek the life, the justice and mercy of the Lord Jesus. They bring the people to confide themselves and to believe in the material so as to despise the word of spirit and of life which was to be a power, a force, deliverance and an eternal life for them. It is these exorcists who brought the story of water, salt and handkerchief said blessed, the recitation or the reading of psalms of protection. What a war of Satan! In addition, you must understand that exorcism has many branches, but it is according to the initiation, the science or the practice.

       The same, I have seen in a local television channel in Cameroon a man doing exorcism. This one says that he is in the exoteric pentecostal; but it has still permitted me to understand that Satan is cunning, but there is more cunning than him, that is Jesus Christ, the man of solutions and changes. Therefore, if the children of the devil are cunning, those of God are more cunning than these exorcist foxes who always say: “Jesus knead the mud and put it on the eyes of the blind man who finally recovered the view”. You exorcists, what does Jesus Christ ask you so that you should recover the view, so that you should be resuscitated, alive and delivered?  Did he recommend you to use the perfume, water, salt? Understand that you, exorcist priests and pastors are vanities like your products.

       Moreover, I remember that there was a priest in Cameroon whom I will not give the name, who was one of the greatest exorcist priests in Africa. This priest was taken for a living God for the blinds and deaf, for, up to today, the blinds and deaf cry him saying: “if our father was there, our problems would be solved”. This priest had the glory because when they called him in a locality where the witches were disturbing, he was doing his work, that is his job, and the witches remained dyeing after his departure. As such, the people found that he was strong because he killed those who were disturbing. Blind! All these people that were dying after the passing of this man, are their souls with God or the devil? And if they are with the devil, where is then the glory of God? You should then understand that it is the devil who glorifies himself at that moment. I will like to remind you that this man has trained people who are fighting the truth and the Holy Spirit today. The exorcists cannot work without the products that I listed above, and they are wicked than the witches in the eyes of God. I know that many people say that I like judging, but they would have rather said that I like saving because he who justify himself in front of what the Lord says will not be judged (condemned). And if I judge, it is because I am a spiritual man; that is why it is said: “The spiritual person judges all things, but is himself to be judged by no one. “For who has understood the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?” But we have the mind of Christ” (1 Corinthians 2/15-16).

       To God only is the glory by Jesus.


       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)


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