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It is the 194th message.


     The men cannot become the gods because they don’t have the knowledge of the truth. It is due to the fact that most men of God don’t possess the Creator’s power, but that of the creature. It is even the reason for which they have filled the world with their so-called blessed materials, becoming the gods of the men; yet these men owed themselves to become gods by the spirit and life of the Lord Jesus that has been given like food and water for the soul and not for the flesh. Here is why it is said: “As the living Father has sent me, and I have life because of the Father, even so he who takes me for his food will have life because of me” (John 6/57).

     You must understand that the material, its power, its miracle doesn’t deliver and don’t protect the soul, but rather the flesh that doesn’t serve for nothing. The material that the men receive and the belief which they have of it can never deliver their hearts or their souls. And if the harm is in increase today, it is because of this material. Because, the men don’t want to become the good that is the protection and the delivery. And the men know that if those who are “God’s representatives” on earth bless their material before selling it, or give it for free, it let believe that this material is Jesus Christ, and that with money, one can easily get it. Therefore, that is what brings man to believe that God is money and not the grace. Yet, it is through the becoming of the thought, the feeling and man’s life by Jesus Christ that one speaks of the delivery. Because we don’t live anymore for ourselves, but for the one who died and resuscitated for us (2 Corinthians 5/15).

     The Lord Jesus tells us: “You are winners because you live and believe to the Creator and not to the creature”. The victory, the greatness and the power, man would have had them in him; but unfortunately, they made him (to man) believe that they are found in the material, to know: water, salt, handkerchief, the incense, perfume, soap... That is why man has become the slave not of God but of “the men of God” who bless these things (this death). If you therefore see thousands of men gathered somewhere, know that they are not there for God, but for “the man of God” (the reception of the said blessed material and the prayers). How will the men know the real power of God’s word when it is the predication of the customs and traditions, the prophecy of seduction and flattery that took over on man? If man tastes the Creator’s power (word of God), he will find that the one of the creature (water, salt, handkerchief, incense...) is inefficient and therefore dead. Does man know that, if he becomes attached to the Lord Jesus Christ, he is with him in only one spirit and that the Lord is the spirit and where his spirit is found, there is liberty there (1 Corinthians 6/17; 2 Corinthians 3/17) ?

     The Lord is not the material for man to say that he will get tied to it in order to get a delivery or a protection. The Lord Jesus Christ is the spirit, he came to deliver, to protect and to vivify man’s spirit (his soul), that is why he says himself that: it is the spirit which vivifies and protects... (John 6/63). It is thanks to the delivery of the spirit and man’s soul that his flesh benefits from the delivery of the illness and others. Therefore, the material which “the men of God” bless, sell or give for free is not for the protection or the delivery of the soul; but I will tell you, if these “men of God” had the Creator’s power (demonstration of the spirit and of power) (1 Corinthians 2/4), they would have not given the material to people. The material has the power when its creator is not there, but at the moment its creator is there, this power is annihilated. In more, we must understand that the Lord gave himself to us so that we have the power, the strength and the eternal life; and if that is the case, for what does the material which doesn’t deliver neither the heart nor the soul serves to us? The material brought the men to be idolatrous and weak when it is about to make good.

     When I make the prayer, it is for the good of the soul and the flesh can only benefit at this time. On the other hand, the material which is given by “the men of God” only limits itself to the flesh. The true bewitchment which I saw in this world is the glory of man and the love of this one for the material; those are the things that have bewitched the men. It is necessary for people to understand that the power, the strength and the protection in God are not bought, but it is at the cost of enormous sacrifices in the becoming. The Lord says: “I am the Lord; that is my name: I will not give my glory to another, or my praise to pictured images” (Isaiah 42/8). But today, you will see the blinds and the deaf self-appropriating their gods who are either water, the handkerchief, the incense, salt... That is why everywhere they go, it is necessary for them to have their gods (water, handkerchiefs...) in their bags. Because, to be insure that they are protected, it is necessary for them to take a mouthful of the so-called blessed water. And as the devil is very shrewd, he made man to believe that the so-called blessed material has a place in his life and God also. To convince man more, the devil brought him to read the biblical verse where it is said that Jesus-Christ had rubbed the mud on a blind’s eyes.

     In truth, if God’s word touches the man’s heart, what will this last feel? Is it not the power of the Creator? But the men don’t know and don’t believe in this power of God’s word because of the material. That is the reason why when a house is haunted (where every time that people go there, someone must die) and that they call you in order to chase this spirit of death or to annihilate this power, if you don’t have the oil, salt, water, perfume or small bottles in which there is a cross, the people in this house won’t have confidence in you, brief, they will consider you as a false man of God. But I would like to tell you that, the power which the Lord has given to me is himself, his life, his word of life. Because his power only manifests in man when this one is in his love, his forgiveness, his humility...; therefore, all the power that is not in this life is not of Christ. How can I have the Creator in me and I still carry the said blessed material to work? Is this material powerful than the one who is in me, that is in my thought, my feeling and my spirit? But since this world didn’t receive the spirit of life to have the Creator’s power that is why the men remain attached to the flesh; that is why they think that the delivery can’t be done without the material.

     To God only, the glory by Jesus Christ for the eternity.


CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of men, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid to sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)

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