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It is the 210th message.


       We are sent to bear witness of the truth so that the blood of Jesus Christ that has shed on the cross should not be in vain, and we do it without being afraid of the men nor their power and greatness. It is the end of seduction and the deception, because the time has come for the truth to explode.

I am that one who neither has a diploma nor did a small or big seminary, nor less a pastoral school in order to testify the truth, but Jesus Christ who is righteous, makes his truth to be spoken in the man that he wants.

       Nowadays, the men have become drunk of the deception and seduction of the priests and pastors on what concerns the blessing of corpses. For it is something that has invaded the hearts of majority of families that like seeing the corpse of their deceased ones receiving the blessing of the priest or pastor; but what a seduction and ignorance for these families! And what wickedness for majority of these priests and pastors! You know that in our families today, when somebody dies, the presence of the priest or pastor is always needed for the blessing of the corpse before its burial, for today, it has become a big tradition and custom. But I want these pastors and priests to tell me which of the two receive their blessings, is it the soul which is gone or the ground which must return where it was taken? If you tell me that it is the ground (the corpse in the coffin) that receives your blessing, therefore, I will tell you: “for what will it serve to a ground which is already rotten?” But if you tell me that it is the soul that receives your blessing, therefore, I will tell you that it is madness.

       Men of big diplomas of theology, do you not know that it is the soul in the man who breathes and speaks that live the blessing (Jesus Christ) and who will be blessed eternally? And the soul that will live the malediction (without Jesus Christ), will be eternally cursed (Ezekiel 18/20). Men of big glory of vanities, when somebody invites you with your dish of water to bless a corpse, do you not know that the soul of this person lying or dead is no longer with him? For when the people cry saying: “he is no longer there, he has gone, living us with whom?” It is the soul that they cry and not his dust. It is like someone who wear a dress on him, and after removing this dress that he will no longer wear, the blinds come to bless this dress; that is then the case of the priests and pastors who come to bless the dust of the soul which is gone.

       I also ask myself how a family that has lost one of their members can give money for the displacement of a priest or pastor for him to come and bless their corpse? Do you not know that it is a rot? If you leave it on open air during five days, you will know if what I say is false. What is amazing in all this is that; these people who bless the rotten dust often have an amount of money that they ask or require before coming for this kind of ceremony. And when these foxes arrive in the place of mourning, all the offerings that can enter in the offering basket become theirs, for these people do not have a little remorse since they have sold their shame to the devil. And what saddens me more is their lie that they bring out when they make a testimony during mourning. For, you will find that this priest or pastor did not physically know the deceased person who is in the coffin, and for this reason, before rendering testimony, he finds to know the name of the dead person; what therefore makes that during his homily, he will be able to say: “He was a good and nice person, jovial, he knew how to attract people towards him, he was lovely and knew how to forgive”. And finally, he will say: “At the time we are talking, the Lord has already received him near him and his soul rest in peace”. And the family of the deceased person will respond: “Amen”.

       I will like to tell you that you do not need to spend money to call in a vicar or pastor. Very often, you will even find that in truth, the dead person was a witch and who has destroyed many children of his similar’. Know that every person who does good or bad works has a particular place which is reserved to him after his death. That is why Revelation 14/12-13 says: “Here is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus. And I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Blessed indeed,” says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow them!”. Unfortunately, pastors and vicars already know in advance that the Lord will welcome the deceased person.

       When these foxes hear that a rich person has mourning, you need to see how they negotiate in order to come and bless the corpse. It is the reason for which you will find more than five pastors and priests in mourning of a rich man. They know that in such mourning, there are rich men who do not give less than 5000 FRS as offering. These people have appellations such as the requiem mass and the purgatory that are done in the occasion of the deceased people; these prayers bring them money. But they need to know that prayers and mass for a corpse or ground which is already buried do not change the fate of his soul in front of God, because it is what he has done as good or bad in this world that will be with him and will bear witness. Therefore, it is not words of pastors and priests that will change the fate of the soul of the deceased person in front of God.

       We should abandon the seduction and the deception because it is a false confidence which is given. The preaching of the men of God can only help those who are still alive in the body of flesh. But since their preaching is a seduction, therefore, it cannot be useful to those who are still alive in the flesh. Mr Pastors and Mr Abbots, you should not take on the truth because you can do nothing against it. For it is stronger and powerful than you. And the only thing that is left for you to do is to repent. You should not be ashamed and do not worry for the offerings of mourning that you will lose. Does your soul not have more value than this money or glory that you have in this world?

       To God only is the glory by Jesus Christ for the eternity.

       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)

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