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It is the 557th message

    In truth, the men have exchanged their value against the material, for this reason, they are immersed in the veritable blindness up to the point where they take their fellow men for a material

    In the beginning, God first created everything, then, he created man in the last position; and God did not create things in his image, but rather man as it is said: “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them” (Genesis 1/27). God did not create man for things, but he rather created things for man. God did in such a way that all things should carry the name that man will give them, that is why it is written: “Now out of the ground the Lord God had formed every beast of the field and every bird of the heavens and brought them to the man to see what he would call them. And whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name.  The man gave names to all livestock and to the birds of the heavens and to every beast of the field…” (Genesis 2/19-20).

    But the men did not keep the value that God gave them since creation which is to be above the material and any other thing, for they have sold it against the material. They have therefore taken things to be more important than themselves and their fellow men; that is why the human being is sold in the aim to obtain or possess earthly things (the material). Certain people who are thirsty of the glory of man sell years of their life on earth against an abundance of material to live happily according to them and to die young. There are some people who attack, rob and kill their fellow men to take their material; certain leaders of great nations put small nations into fire and blood to exploit the richness of their ground and underground. Others make lists of names of their fellow men to sell them in their secret sects against the material.

       The fact that the men have sold their souls in order to posses the material has led and raised the sacrifice and selling of human beings, robbing, attacks, stealing, wars, killing, pernicious sects, jealousy... As such, fear has invaded the hearts of many other men because they are afraid to become victims of these horrible and tenebrous acts and practices.

    To all the men living on earth, from the head of states or leaders of great nations, it is time to be freed by redeeming our value from the material; for this reason, we must first seek to know the truth of God that will bring us to understand that the human being since his creation has very great value. For God created him in his image and also created things to be at his service, and everything carries the name which is given to it by man. As such, man has power to transform these things as he want and can. That is why we take these things at the raw state, transform them and fabricate different objects to use them; such as the running box made of sheet metal and iron called vehicle, flying box made of sheet metal and iron called air plane, pieces of papers that are coloured and numbered called money... Therefore we mix many materials that we transform and mix to fabricate many objects by giving them the form and name that we want.

    After the man had sold his value to objects, he found that the material henceforth gives him value; that is why in this present century, the man who does not have the material is nothing. Man seeks to have the material at all cost, and he is ready to fulfil conditions that will be imposed to him. That is why even the men of God of today, though saying that God who has created them lives in them, recognise to be nothing without the presence or reserve of the material which is the work of man’s hands.

    Man has given his value to the material and in return, he has taken that of the material, that is why he becomes like an object and also takes other men as objects; he even finds that he can have the material if he sells the human being. The men have gone astray to commit all kind of atrocities because in them or according to them, the first place does not belong to that one who has given them the shape or who created them; but it is rather given to things that they themselves have given the form or fabricated.

    Look in Libya where human beings are sold and bought by their fellow men! Some men spend money or some pieces of papers to buy a human being, others receive these bank notes that are numbered after selling a human being. In truth it is too unfortunate! They put their fellow men in prison and pile them up like chicken in a poultry house; the buyer comes in prison with the seller and makes his choice. These human beings that are imprisoned are maltreated, tortured, raped, sodomised or killed. They are held captive by their executioners who ask them to join their families by means of a phone in order to send money for their liberation, if not they will be killed. They are deprived of food for days; they are beaten, others even eat faeces by force; others are chained, trampled... It is terrible and horrible to see these things!

    You black young Africans who go for adventure, many among you died by drowning, weapon, by torture, others have become handicapped, others willing to enter Europe have been sent back in their countries of origin coming from Libya, Algeria, Morocco. Europe is not the kingdom of heaven where you must enter at all cost; and Africa or your countries are not the lake of eternal fire or eternal torment that you must avoid or leave at all cost. Even if your leaders have double nationality; even if they have emptied cash boxes of your countries and kept that money for their personal use or invest it on the other side; and even if that is where they treat themselves when they have little malaria, you should no longer throw yourself in the desert, in the sea, you should no longer become goods of people who do not have the human heart, for there are better conditions of life for the soul and the flesh, the spiritual body and the physical body. But what better conditions of life do you go and seek up to the point of making yourself to be killed like house flies, or to be imprisoned like bandits or criminals, or to be auctioned like goats or chicken?

    Man will not only live of what enters in his stomach to finish his race in the toilet, but of every word of God that will make his soul to live eternally. It is the same answer that Jesus gave Satan when he conditioned him to transform stones into bread for food and to have better conditions of life as it is said: “But he answered, “It is written, “‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4/4).

    There is more than the flesh or the physical body, and it is the soul or the spiritual body. We should seek better conditions of life of the veritable body that can inherit the kingdom of heaven and not the one that will return without condition in the ground where it was taken. Let’s redeem our value from the material so that we should no longer take ourselves as objects. To God only the glory by Jesus Christ who has shed his blood for all the men so that they should be redeemed and redeem their value from the material

       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)

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