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It is the 560th message

    Depriving the dead soul of the resurrection, liberty, richness, health and life is more dangerous than any other thing on earth. I neither seek to become the friend of the head of states, ministers, diplomats, super stars..., nor to have the material and the glory of man, but every day, I instead seek to be a big friend of the Lord Jesus by bringing the truth to be heard and known by all men, the truth which sets free from the gates of ignorance and evil, those who accept to know it and live it. I neither seek to be seen nor to be known by president Paul Biya nor his surrounding, but I want the head of State to know the Lord Jesus in truth; he who has been sent since heaven to come and deliver his soul from the hands of the devil in order to save it from the lake of eternal fire.

              In truth, when I look at president Paul Biya, I see a poor man of whom I feel pity, not of his flesh or carapace which has reached the summit of the material, the earthly power, glory, and greatness, but I rather feel pity of his soul which lacks everything, but which can resuscitate and live through listening and practice of the only gospel of Christ. Thanks to the listening of the word of truth of the Lord Jesus Christ he was to take the engagement of a good conscience towards God to be buried in the water of baptism in the death of Christ or to bury his old body of sin or the former man and to resuscitate in Christ to walk for him and with him in a new conduct and life.

              I have trouble to be in joy and peace when I see president Paul Biya being happy to know that he had received the baptism when he was a baby; being happy to have been in the seminary or to be the child of a catechist; to have taken communion from the hands of pope Benedict XVI; to have been in the Vatican to greet statues presented by pope Francis... statues that are the gods of the Vatican. Paul Biya has been deprived of the knowledge of truth by the men who have not only deceived his parents and him, but who have also swindled them through the lie, forgery and corruption. As such, he has remained blind, ignorant from the knowledge that the Lord Jesus became flesh to sacrifice this flesh or his life in order to give us power, force, glory,... the sacrifice which is above every animal or human sacrifice and that, it is by the recognition of the sacrifice of the Son of God that we receive and put on the Spirit of God; therefore, he has not understood that by the animal or human sacrifice we carry demons or animal spirits like the lion, the panther... The head of state did not listen to the truth of Christ to understand that when we are in the Lord in spirit and truth, we no longer move from the Rosicrucian order to freemasonry, and that all the powers and forces that have been given to him from different tribes in Cameroon are only legions of demons taken from the Sanaga river, river Wouri, the grave of Ngok Lituba, mount Kupe manegouba, the desert from the northern region, the forests of the south, east...

              In fact, president Paul Biya had the bachelor’s degree in political science, but the veritable value is in the knowledge of the Son of God and the consideration of the human being to be more than any other thing on earth. Meanwhile, those who could bring value to the head of State like Christian TUMI, Samuel KLEDA by announcing him the gospel of Christ did not do it, but they rather tell him to abandon power. If Christian TUMI, Samuel KLEDA and those who came before them had announced the truth of the Lord Jesus to president Paul Biya when he was a child, being in power, he might have lived this truth and fought against lies, corruption, forgery, the embezzlement of public funds, homosexuality... But Christian TUMI and Samuel KLEDA in their functions lied president Paul Biya and his parents that, drops of water that they had poured on his head was baptism, and this at the price of money. That is why in the title of the 426th message, I made it clear to president Paul Biya that he has never received the baptism according to God and that drops of water that they had poured on his head when he was still a child was at the price of money and it was a lie, forgery, corruption, magic, witchcraft, and that it has an eternal impact on his soul and functions at the head of the state.

              TUMI, KLEDA and your colleagues, in your functions, you are more dangerous than president Paul Biya because you deprive Cameroonians of the knowledge of the truth of Christ and bring them away from the Lord Jesus who came to save the souls. You trouble the people by bringing them another gospel in the aim to reverse the only gospel of Christ. You prevent Cameroonians from receiving the baptism that Jesus Christ received as well as the apostles whose names are written in the bible. You swindle Cameroonians by selling them drops of water that you pour on their head for baptism. You have filled the country with statues in the effigy of Robert POWELL and Olivia HUSSEY taken for Jesus and Mary; and Cameroonians who are still ignorant bow down to pray these idols. Your cathedrals are filled with pictures of these comedians and actors of movies taken for Jesus and Mary. The esplanade of your temples are full of statues that are implanted and put at the disposition of those who come to bow down and pray in front of these carved images. There are lands that the first missionaries who came before you snatched from the old autochthones to put them in value today by implanting statues on them; sometimes building small houses for statues called virgin Mary.

       TUMI and KLEDA, instead of telling Paul Biya that since he is already old, he should not go without receiving Christ in truth; his word, his heart, his spirit and life, you rather tell him to abandon power because of his old age; but it is obvious because the life of man’s soul does not interest you. President Paul Biya is already more than 84 years old, and when he will die or when his soul will leave the flesh which is only a lump of soil, you will be invited in his funeral. And during his burial, you will pour drops of water on his coffin for blessing as you did on the coffin of his mother-in-law or as TUMI is doing on the image on the first page of the message. What severe blindness for not seeing that the soul has already left, and that it is this soul which is the spirit and which must receive Christ in spirit and truth in order to become blessed by him while still found in the flesh and not this flesh or lump of soil which is being buried in the ground!

       TUMI, KLEDA, your functions are too dangerous! Your mission consists in fighting against Christ near the men so that they should neither know him nor receive him. But it is time for Cameroonians who seek the truth of Christ to know who you are in truth and the danger that you represent. Millions of Cameroonians died drowned in the belief of your customs and traditions while having assurance that it is the gospel of Christ. The multitudes of those who are still alive have remained chained by your words of lies.

              The first priests who arrived in Cameroon asked Cameroonians to throw tree barks, herbs and other fetish that served them as protection against bad curses and mystic attacks, because they were making them believe that they have brought them the truth of Christ that gives the man and invest him of the supreme power. But in contrary, it was a means to remove them from their protective powers in order to bring them to the lie that will render them weaker in the love of the neighbour, or which will make them become very wicked. During this time, these priests endowed of the power of the Rosicrucian order and freemasonry were initiating Cameroonians in reciting and greetings addressed to the virgin Mary. In truth, even the little love that Cameroonians had yesterday towards their neighbour has been replaced by jealousy and witchcraft.

    TUMI, KLEDA... you have brought Cameroonians who recognise to be believers of your customs and traditions not to be interested in reading the bible in order not to discover the truth that you mask. You have the pope as head of State of the Vatican and he is also above the other head of states, you also have Paul BIYA as one of your believers; ministers, senators, deputies, generals, governors, prefects, sub prefects, attorneys, commissioners, commanders, stars, money, big buildings, lands, statues made of all materials that are your gods... but you do not have the truth of Christ that you fight; the truth that reveals and which will always be revealed in order to expose your spiritual crimes. TUMI, KLEDA... if we are mandated by Christ to touch the works of the strong men of the Vatican who are the body of the lie, how more of your works that are only the finger of this body. Understand that the truth of Christ is only taking position to burst like a thunder storm in order to liberate many people that are held captive by the lie that you have given to them and which they have consumed for many years.

              To God only the glory by the Lord Jesus our saviour who wants us to be enlightened on what concerns his kingdom and the kingdom of the eternal lake of fire so that those who seek him in truth should no longer believe in the human customs and traditions that are considered to be his gospel and will.

     CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)

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