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     It is the 574th message



     I am neither a politician nor advocate of the party in power or the opposition party. I am neither instrumentalised nor used by the men who seek shameful gains; I do not come towards the men to seek money and other goods that they possess; but I come to deposit the truth of the word of creation in them in order to transform their hearts, thinking and feeling for the deliverance of their souls an physical body. In truth, I ask myself the question to know why Cameroon, model of peace in Africa and in the entire world can be found in crisis or conflict between his compatriots in the North West and South West regions of the country for many years without a solution to bring back order and peace? This conflict that continues has already made many deaths among soldiers and civilians, and all these people who have died will no longer come back; this is a great loss for Cameroon and the entire humanity.
        In truth, when the Islamic sect called Boko Haram was killing soldiers and civilians in the Northern part of Cameroon, Cameroonians were burying their children asking themselves the question to know where these people come from and what they want; but when Cameroonians bury their children who die every week in the fight among themselves in the North West and South West regions of the country, can we say that we do not know from where comes the problem and the different actors in this crisis? How can this crisis continue without any solution taken, with enormous consequences in loss of material and human beings in a country which is taken as a reference of a peaceful country? Where are the veritable men of God in this country who carry the word of peace? I do not talk here of the men of God who have implanted statues in the entire territory with effigies of actors of movie Robert Powell and Olivia Hussey taken for Jesus and Mary nor sellers of drops of water that are sprayed on the head of babies and little children for baptism, nor the men of God who are sellers of illusion, endowed of a satanic power that they have taken from Benin, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Ghana, India... and who have transformed some naive Cameroonians into their industries that produce money.

     The Lord Jesus calls on the men of God of Cameroon who are not blind or who do not take Cameroonian leaders for the gods with whom they must have a hand shake and having them as friend is a grace and favour because of the material goods that they possess as well as power and the glory of man that they have, but rather the men of God who see the hearts and souls of these leaders being far from God and near the devil, to proclaim the truth of Christ that can operate a miracle and bring back these leaders so that the veritable peace should be lived in Cameroon. If God has maintained peace in this country, it is not because Cameroonians play football, guitar... abroad and make that they should speak of this country in the entire world, nor because this country has academicians and intellectuals having obtained their certificates in renowned international universities, but it is because of the presence of messengers of God in this country who are full of the Holy Spirit and who represent the Kingdom of heaven to reveal things that are above the knowledge of men and that of the devil. That is the reason why, when Pharaoh king of Egypt had a dream, he called his magicians, advisers... to find an explanation, but they were unable to do it. The word which was given or which brought the veritable explanation and solution came from a man in whom the Spirit of God lives and reveals himself.

     That is why Pharaoh took the words of Joseph that were coming from the spirit of God for his treasure and that of his people; and the presence of Joseph in his territory was a grace for Egypt more than the presence of any other person because of the word of wisdom of God that was coming from him and which Pharaoh testified its importance and value when he said to his people: “...Can we find a man like this, in whom is the Spirit of God?” Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, “Since God has shown you all this, there is none so discerning and wise as you are. You shall be over my house, and all my people shall order themselves as you command. Only as regards the throne will I be greater than you.” And Pharaoh said to Joseph, “See, I have set you over all the land of Egypt.” Then Pharaoh took his signet ring from his hand and put it on Joseph's hand, and clothed him in garments of fine linen and put a gold chain about his neck. And he made him ride in his second chariot. And they called out before him, “Bow the knee!” Thus he set him over all the land of Egypt. Moreover, Pharaoh said to Joseph, “I am Pharaoh, and without your consent no one shall lift up hand or foot in all the land of Egypt” (Genesis 41/37-44). Look at the Cameroonian intellectuals seated in television sets to find a solution to the crisis that strike the North West and South West regions of Cameroon! Many among them through their philosophy find that it is not worthy for president Paul Biya to go towards the activists of these crisis for a dialogue, because they take them for thugs, robbers, bandits...; in fact, for them, taking such measures is a big contempt for a head of State of his calibre.

        Let all Cameroonians understand that peace does not have a price, and this peace will come from dialogue, respect, simplicity, humility... of everyone. Does president Paul Biya has glory more than the Lord Jesus Christ who left the kingdom of heaven and came on earth in the physical form to present himself before robbers, thieves, murderers, bandits... in crisis of eternal peace in their hearts and souls? No matter the fact that he has the glory of God, he came down to talk to those who were lost in order to bring back eternal peace and joy in their hearts and souls. How more of a human being like him who even say to be a Christian, having already spent 35 years as head of state, with his 85 years of age that give him the rank of a senior citizen; grandfather who is supposed to cradle his grandsons, will he not leave Etoudi palace or Switzerland to go down to Buea and Bamenda so that through dialogue, he should find a common understanding that will put an end to these assassinations of Cameroonians? The towns of Buea, Bamenda and the surrounding towns have become places of daily disasters and macabre scenes. The population of these regions live all kind of assassinations, kidnapping and violence.

        President Paul Biya, Christian of confession, can I call you brother in Christ? You have to understand that in order to avoid that the men should remain in the spiritual death and to be thrown in the lake of eternal fire, the Lord Jesus left the kingdom of heaven in a rush and came down on earth to discuss with robbers, thieves, murderers; he exhorted them and gave them advices that are a barrier against ignorance and the death of souls. In the advice of the Lord Jesus to robbers, murderers, thieves... he was telling them to see how the devil deceives them and uses them to take their souls eternally by doing everything so that they should suffer for their flesh only and not for their souls. For the devil makes them believe that everything ends in the physic on earth and that there is no other life apart of the one that is lived in the physic. The Lord Jesus made it clear to the men that the veritable mission of Satan is to gain their souls and to drag them in the eternal lake of fire, and that all those who have revolt or have become rebellious to the order of God, through dialogue, advice and exhortation, they came back to good sense.

        Should president Paul Biya not leave Etoudi palace to come down as a fire man to stop all these murders of Cameroonian soldiers and civilians, material damage and human loss in the North West and south West Regions of Cameroon through dialogue, advice and exhortation towards the population which is tormented? As an example, he can tell them: “my brothers, sisters, children, grandsons, we are a country of hospitality, welcoming land, a nation which is united and indivisible, an example in the matter of peace that we must always preserve and promote in the entire world. Children of the same stomach, even if they are twins, they can have differences, but you must find a solution that will satisfy the two parts. Cameroon was united since its colonisation by the Germans, but when the French, pushed by the English cast the Germans away from our country, they shared our territory among each other as a spoil of war, they divided, colonised and submitted us to different languages that have been adopted as our official languages. Among our brothers who have been colonised by the English, you who have been wise, you have become tied to the seed of the independent country and the other ones to Nigerian.

     The respect of the clauses of the conference of Foumban has not been considered, what seems to be marginalisation. But resolutions are taken so that the two languages of the colonial masters should be taught in an equitable manner and in all domains of education; all your children in all the regions of the country should have access into all the ministries without exception, and I will personally watch that the second and third personalities in the hierarchy of the country should be attributed to those who come from the North West and South West regions of Cameroon. All the strangers who are getting involved in this situation of crisis are against our country, lets close them the door because they are opportunists who engraft themselves on this situation to resolve their own account. I ask civilians to drop weapons that have been given to them to shed the blood of their brothers, and also soldiers that have been sent for intervention in these regions of crisis, I ask them to start breaking camp and to return in their respective bases. After the execution of all these depositions, a national mourning should be observed for all the unfortunate people who died in this crisis”.

        Why will president Paul Biya not make a national conference that will bring together all Cameroonians, even those abroad in order to talk to them as a good family man, to restore a climate of confidence and fraternal communion between compatriots without distinction of tribe and social class, establishing a constitution that will limit the presidential mandate and renewable ones, in order to build a new Cameroon where  there will be durable peace, guarantee of political stability, development and prosperity for the future generation? The necessity of a national dialogue in our country is a reality in these moments, and even if it will cost high amounts of money, rebuilding peace of Cameroon is priceless.

        Today in Cameroon, when a minister or director is named, a big feast is quickly organised in his family and village, and few years later, it is mourning, not because this last is dead, but because he has been caught and put in prison for the embezzlement of public funds. The money which has been embezzled by members of the government who are in prison and those who are still free, those who are in function and those who are no longer in function should be put back in the cash boxes of the state in order to serve for the development of the country. Look at soldiers and civilians who die in this conflict between Cameroonians, leaving widows behind and orphans as well as families that are inconsolable. What a loss for the Cameroonian nation and the entire humanity. This situation is too pitiful.


         CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)

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