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It is the 492nd message
The human being is made up of two bodies; we have the spiritual body and the physical body. The physical body is called small body and the spiritual body called the big body. All things that are realised in the physical body are first realised in the spiritual body. For example, if the ...
It is the 492nd message
The human being is made up of two bodies; we have the spiritual body and the physical body. The physical body is called small body and the spiritual body called the big body. All things that are realised in the physical body are first realised in the spiritual body. For example, if the hand likes sharing, it is because this desire was first manifested in the spirit. Therefore, the will first starts in the spirit before arriving in the physic. If the refusal is manifested in the spirit, the physic will simply follow, thus, the sharing will be prohibited. The same, this world is divided into two; we have the spiritual world which is the big world and the physical world which is the small world. Therefore, all what happens in the spiritual world have consequences or effects in the physical world. For example, it is the case with air planes, telephones, cameras, vehicles... that we use in the physical world today; all these things first exited and were used in the spiritual world. The devil dominates, control and destroys the physical world thanks to the instruments of the spiritual world. In this spiritual world, we have witchcraft that uses spirits of wild animals; it is in this witchcraft that the Africans, especially those of sub-Saharan Africa are dived and dominated. This wild witchcraft is also a major factor that prevents the development of this continent and dives it in great poverty. In Africa, just as parents send their children to school to be initiated in the knowledge of earthly things, the witches also introduce new people to initiate them in witchcraft, and this up to babies.
Africans practice wild, stilly and poor witchcraft that consist to prevent their brothers and sisters from prospering, flourishing and to be in good health. African witches remove the brain (intelligence) of little children and children, either to eat, to use as manure in farms and plantations or to go and sell abroad. African witches extract blood from the bodies of their brothers, sisters and children to drink or sell abroad, or to use it as fuel in their night planes that are sometimes pieces of worn and folded metal sheet, old sardine tins or cans, old shoes, empty match boxes, brooms, cassava cuttings... When these African witches travel abroad in their astral body, if they are old in their physical body, they take a young body appearance; and if they are a child in the physical body, they will take the appearance of an adult and will go and feast in night clubs and snacks abroad. On their way back, some of them often fall on roofs of houses in a town of their country or neighbourhood of their town. This often arrives when they must take another night plane to come back; for time being primordial, the crew often pushes them out of the aircraft. When they fall, they recover their body that they have left on the bed; by way of illustration, look at the case of these three witches that you are seeing on the first page of the message in image. They have all fallen from their night planes; but the one that you are seeing being burned transformed herself into a bird, and it is in this transformation that she has been stricken and burnt by an electric cable while falling, she recovered her physical body but the burnings have stayed.
These witches that are wild animals eat the human flesh and brain; they also drink the human blood. They send spirits of hooliganism and stealing to young boys, and the spirit of frivolity to young girls and sometimes put the spirit of butterfly in their bodies. These girls will move from one man to another and will never find the right man like a butterfly that moves from one flower to another without seeing a flower where to stay. These witches have two sexes; they sex with pregnant women in spirit or dreams in the aim to provoke miscarriage or to transmit diseases to the baby that will be born. They sex with young girls and boys to make them witness a difficult fertility still called sterility.
These witches often take bodies of people or certain parts of their bodies in spirit to go and work or use them in different works; and these people usually wake up with an extreme fatigue that can last all day long or a whole weak, and are sometimes sick. Also, these old witches change their vertebral column with those of young people for a little while. They like staying in people’s bodies and infect these bodies with all kind of diseases such as malaria, yellow fever, typhoid fever, liver cirrhoses, CVA, HIV, renal impairment... They sometimes paralyse bodies and render people blind. These witches sometimes go in hospitals to kill the force of medicines of patients that are committed in these hospitals; they block the flowing of infusions, notably on patients that are on a critical or comatose situation. These African witches sometimes sit on chairs and leave diseases on them that will contaminate those who will sit there after them; it can be back pain...
These witches always have trees around their homes where they keep certificates of children, the womb of women, kidneys of men, the job, the promotion, money, travelling, marriage... and even men. Some of them keep goods or things that they have deprived people of in pots, calabashes, under rocks; they sometimes bury or put them under their bed. These African witches gather themselves to tie or bind young people of their villages, and this brings many people to run away or to desert from the countryside. These witches block projects that are aimed to develop their environment. You will find that in a village, the project of construction of a road or the rehabilitation of certain infrastructures, the electrification of certain zones, the provisioning of drinking water, the creation of schools, health centres... are blocked by the witches; and in their witchcraft, they sometimes go up to destroying the drilling that supply them with water. These witches often dig big gutters on ways or routes that serve certain countryside or localities. Do not be astonished to see that these people do not like the development or light; but we should simply understand that these witches being animals sometimes in spirit, they do not even wish it, for they have pleasure to live like bush animals that do not want the destruction of their environment and thus, do everything to prevent it. These witches eat human beings in their groups, and everyone has his time to bring the game according to their language. If the time of one of them arrives and that he does not give a game, this last will be eaten by his colleagues in the place of the game that was not presented. They like eating young people who are intelligent or who have a future.
In the Western world, there is a country that I will not call the name, where there is the world market of witchcraft and it is in this big market that the African witches supply themselves in all kind of diseases to come and infect their brothers and sisters. In truth, African witchcraft is not only wild, but it is also silly and poor; for how can the African witches remove the intelligence of their children who are genius and to extract the blood of their brothers and sisters to go and sell abroad against diseases to come and infect their brothers and sisters? Also, these witches bring back diseases that they throw in plantations and thus kill cultures. The banks of African witches are very rich because they take the money of their brothers and sisters to keep it; this deprivation or lack is felt in the physic.
In truth, the African continent makes me too pity because even majority of the African head of States being Rosicrucian and freemason are sometimes sponsored by certain foreign head of States, they become the wives of their counterparts. In the magic practices, he who sodomise has power on the one that is sodomised; and many Africans do not understand why their head of states are intimidated, but it is because they do not understand certain things of which I will not enter into details.
The spiritual world is the big world and the physical world is the small world. The Lord Jesus knowing that the devil has given his spirit of the beast to his men to disturb the others, also gave his power which is his word, his spirit and life so that whoever receives it should dominate or walk on animals in spirit. It is by the spirit of God in us that we have domination over the animal spirit in the man who is in front of us, and the Lord Jesus giving us this supreme power told us: “Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you” (Luke 10/19).
It is not those who carry the spirit of God or God in spirit who must tremble, panic, run, hide in front of those who carry the animal spirit, but it is rather the contrary. God did not give us a peel, herb, perfume, the handkerchief, water, salt, a ring... for shelter or to protect ourselves against the witches, but he gave us his Son Jesus who is the power of protection and of domination.
We should be careful because many people are under proud, fake, jealousy, lies, hatred, adultery... and accuse the witches to have blocked their life, ignoring that they themselves live the animal life or the life of the beast which is the devil, and which is a life of witchcraft. Therefore, living this life is to become yourself a door and not a window for the witches. You should not accuse anybody if not yourself and your life. We should become tied to God in order to become one word, one spirit and one life with him, and where God dwells, there also dwells the domination on every word which is confessed, declared, prophesy against this place which is your heart and body being the house and temple of God. He dominates every spirit.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
It is the 42nd message
In this century, almost half of the people transform themselves into an animal. It does not mean of natural animals but the supernatural animals. Given that this world is a world of animals and that these animals live in man (in spirit), the Lord Jesus Christ who is also spirit makes us to understand in John 14/18 that: “I will not leave you as orphans, I will come to you”. In 1 John 3/24 he also says: “…we know that he abides in us, by the Spirit whom he has given us”. And finally, in 1 John 4/4 he says: “he who is in us is greater than he who is in the world”.
To listen and to keep the word of the Lord Jesus does not only permit us to be above these animals that are supernatural and sometimes invisible and destructive, but it will also permit us to resurrect on the last day. That is why it is written in Romans 8/11: “If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you”. For it is this word of God which is listened and practiced that permit man to receive the Holy Spirit. But today, it is not the spirit of the resurrection (the Spirit of God) that live in man, but it is instead the spirit of Satan, the spirit of the dragon and the ancient snake (Revelation 20/2).
Today, people transform themselves into many types of animals (not in the physic but in the spirit) because the spirit of the dragon and the old snake live in them. That is why all the powerful men and witches in this world have a sign on them. These people can transform into a lion, panther, buffalo, elephant, snake, owl, sparrow hawk, dog, cat, mouse… but they mostly use or transform into a snake because they use it in practices and magic. That is why they use it to have success in their activities (the search of the richness). In towns, the snake strolls in the neighbourhoods. A neighbourhood can have near to 75 snakes. The people who live near those who have these snakes suffer a lot because they lick the body of children, they suck their blood, they swallow the pregnancy of women and they do many other things.
What is amusing is that, people use the snake in all their activities. It is the case of the business man, an official, a planter, a marabou, a witch doctor, a musician, a footballer, a pastor, a priest and it is also the same with those who do not work. Many among them do not know anymore where to keep these snakes. Some keep them in the toilets, in swampy areas, in the rivers… and others carry them or have them in their stomach. Sometimes, they keep them in the stomach of other people. These snakes generally feed on chicken eggs, the human blood and man too.
This world which has become the world of animals frightens a lot because if a pastor or a prophet has a boa snake or transforms into an animal, how much more of his believers? That is why in all these assemblies called church, chapel, cathedral, they are the ones (these animals) seated there. Understand that it is not because somebody has money, the plain, the ship, vehicles, villas and castles that God will be happy of him. But God will only be happy when this one will have his spirit in him; his thought, his feeling and his love because in God, the flesh (dust) has no value but only his spirit of truth has value. When God look at a man, he wants to see if his Holy Spirit lives in him and not the spirit of the dragon and the ancient snake. This world frightens by his evilness because it is without pity and feeling, that is why in their (the witches and the powerful men) group, association, meeting, they give people in sacrifice as if it was a chicken or a goat just because they are search of the richness, the glory, power or pleasures.
But only the eternal fire will testify the work of everyone.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
It is the 333rd message.
In truth, the degree of domination of the devil in this century is not seen in peoples’ flesh but rather in their souls; and it frightens me a lot, it worry me a lot, it saddens me a lot and it makes me to lament.
When you are in the faith in this century, even if you are at the head of all nations and that all the richness of the underground, the buildings, the enterprises, the children, the women, the men… belong to you, you will never be in joy because being spiritual, your joy is spiritual and comes from the spiritual things and not from fleshly or physical things. In this century, the people possess all the titles, the material, the celebrity, the glory, health in the flesh, but in their souls they are too poor, miserable, blind, deaf, naked, sick and death. If you are spiritual you will see that the people are well in the flesh which has a limited existence and which will return where it has been taken; but they are not well in the soul which stays for the eternity, for which the Son of man has suffered and shed his blood on the cross so that it should attain the purification, the sanctification, the curing and life, because they are poor, miserable, naked, sick and death. It is cries and lamentations of the spirit of the Lord which is in us because it sees the poor, the sick people and the spiritual deaths. For the flesh which is vanity possesses all what it needs like food, clothes… meanwhile the soul which is eternal has nothing; whereas the Lord Jesus has given himself to our souls so that all what was lacking should be received. Unfortunately, everything goes very bad because the glory of man and the earthly things have preoccupied and gained us.
How to understand that in truth, the devil has engulfed the people of this century (their souls) in the false belief, magic and witchcraft? Let’s start with the false belief of Christians; those who believe to belong to Christ and who’s most popular denomination is called “church”. Lets talk firstly of the catholic Church which has filled the world. These adepts say to be Christians or of Christ, but are not edified on the foundation of the apostles, the prophets and the Lord Jesus himself in order to walk and to teach like them as it is said: “built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone” (Ephesians 2/20). Are they in the foundation of the apostles, the prophet and the Lord Jesus himself? Are they edified or taught by the writings of the apostles or the words of the Lord Jesus? Were the apostles and the Lord Jesus baptised when they were still babies or children? Were they having parents of the baptism? But today, they do not only baptise babies and children; in addition, they sell this baptism at the price of money. Have they learned that the apostles were praying Mary as they do today? Have they learned that the apostles were carrying rosaries or were praying with them? Have they learned from the writings that the prophets, the apostles, the Lord Jesus himself were fabricating carved images so that people should come and prostrate in front of them as they do today in their ministry?
Those who are in this belief today are dominated by the lie and are engulfed by the eternal death. How can the people not see that if the pope was even in a simple lie, he would be called apostle? For, he says to be the representative of Apostle Peter. But since he is in an aggravated lie, he made himself to be called pope saying to be the representative of an apostle, but what irony! They say to be the church of God by the Lord Jesus, but they neither have the name of apostle nor prophet, pastor, evangelist, or doctor; meanwhile according to those who are established by the church of God, it is said: “And God has appointed in the church first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, helping, administrating, and various kinds of tongues” (1 Corinthians 12/28). Therefore, see how the devil has engulfed the people (their souls) by this big lie.
Another denomination called “the protestant church”. Are these adepts edified on the foundation of the apostles, the prophets and the Lord Jesus himself to baptise children by taking money from them? Have they learned from the apostles that somebody should give money in order to receive the title of church elder or deaconess? But what engulfing of the souls by the devil through his plan of war which is the big lie that permits to transform people into slaves of the perdition or of the eternal death.
On the other side, we have the “Jehovah Witness”. They say to be Christians, but they are edified on which foundation? Is it on the foundation of the apostles, the prophets or the Lord Jesus himself? Who did the Lord Jesus or the apostles call Jehovah so that today, they should be taken as his witnesses? The Lord Jesus told the apostles to receive the Holy Spirit and to start bearing witness of him from Jerusalem up to the extremities of the earth (Acts 1/8). But today, these witnesses of Jehovah doubt of the existence and the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. Being tormented by the father of the lie, they say to be Christians but bearing witness of Jehovah. Being edified on the foundation of the apostles, have they (the apostles) spoken of Jehovah? Did the prophets and the Lord Jesus speak of Jehovah? What engulfing of the souls by the devil in this century!
Lastly, we have the pentecostal churches where some learn how to speak in tongues. Have they seen the apostles or the Lord Jesus learning how to speak in tongues? They do visions and prophecies on marriages, traveling, finances… Have they been edified on the foundation of Christ or on the one of the apostles to do what they call the prayer of blessing or of grace? They ask people to give money, and sometimes imposing a fixed amount of money. They bless the handkerchiefs and mineral water that they sell. Where have they seen that? Others forbid people to put yellow coins in the offering basket. They are sometimes called “papa”; where have they seen that? In their prayers, they are always sending fire everywhere, it comes from whom?
There are many examples in the denominations for those who believe to be Christians. There are also those who believe in God but do not believe in Christ, they are called muslims. They believe in the blood of the sheep, they hope in this blood… For the buddhists, they have their god called Buddha and boxes where the gonzo is found. Therefore, all these beliefs are not founded by the man of the new heart (Jesus Christ) for the evil to be dominated. The evil that dominates in this century proves that it is the flesh which lives; and the soul does not live because its death comes from the evil.
Meanwhile, the Lord Jesus has come so that the soul should live and for it to no longer be death, so that man should live the good for the evil to be dominated in him. For the kings, head of states, stars… the majority of them are great magicians who live in communion with Lucifer in order to benefit of his power, his glory, his richness…, and to offer him the human being or his blood in return. They possess totems; they are delivered into horrible conditions because their souls are sold at the price of the glory of man, the material and other things of vanity. Today, the majority of vehicles, buildings… are obtained through magic. Even the small business men like sellers of cold water, fritters, gari… possess peels and others to better sell, for evil has triumph. We should not forget homosexuality that increases day after day, especially in the foreign countries where the homosexual marriage is legalised. We find two people of the same sex getting married in the civil status, and who further receive the blessing of their union from a man of God, what an abomination! Witchcraft has covered the world today as a river covers the sand. They initiate, transmit… and these works are seen on the bodies of other people, preventing them to be in good health and many other things.
For the people of this century, their flesh has what to eat, to dress, a shelter… but their souls have nothing. That is why this state greatly touches the heart when we see what the Lord Jesus has suffered, not for the flesh which will sooner or later return to itself (in the ground), but for the soul, and this soul, especially in this century is deprived of all what the Lord Jesus has brought to it. The Lord Jesus is sad when he sees the people of this century who are rich, great and alive in the flesh, but poor, sick and death in their souls. In truth, it is only those who are of the law that are not touched in the spirit, but those who are of the faith are very affected spiritually when they see the blind and the deaf who have preferred their dust at the detriment of their soul.
I firmly believe that the Lord Jesus has prepared something for this century which must pass through us in order to be accomplished. Those who are of the law have much of money and many other materials; they are rich in what will soon return in the ground, but poor in what remains for the eternity. They are great in what must be thrown, and small in what must be conserved for the eternity. We are sent to put fire in this century; from the greatest to the smallest, and to expose all the plans that the devil has used since centuries to make believe to man that he is the God who saves. He has established and has placed the one who is considered and called the representative of Apostle Peter at the summit of this world; what usurpation of representation! I will not die for my father, my mother, my children, my wife, the material, but I will die for the work of God which is to bring the people to know the truth in order to be free from the lie, the evil and become saved. For, it is the work for which the Lord Jesus and the apostles were imprisoned and assassinated.
To God only the glory by Jesus Christ who is putting all his power of light in the disposition of people so that they should no longer be in the confusion, the misleading, and the death which has engulfed them.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
It is the 89th message.
Witchcraft is a big mystery, mystery in which on one part, there are witches that live naturally in the physic; working in the bewitchment and in the destruction. Next, there is a spirit which does not live in man; it is the spirit of a death man. It is not the person himself who destroys, but it is the spirit in him that does the works.
The spirit of a witch that lives in the flesh is stronger than the one that does not live in the flesh (the physic) of man. Because the one that does not live in the flesh is the one that roams and it is easier to be chassed when it is found in man, and when we chase it, it goes very far.Meanwhile the spirit that lives in the flesh of a witch is very powerful because when it is in man (the bewitched person), it can be cast out at 10pm and it comes back at 04am in the same person that was delivered and sometimes with its colleagues for a reinforcement. Witchcraft is a mystery where the spirit of the living person that has fallen somewhere is followed by his body which is sleeping in the house and they all form one body in the place where the spirit has fallen no matter the distance that separates them (the body and the spirit). A witch (man or woman) can fall somewhere at 5am with a body and this body being the one with which he or she works. This one (the spiritual body) changes gradually as the day breaks. It is to say that; this body (this spirit) progressively takes the form and the skin colour of the body that is sleeping in the house. In other words; it is to say that a witch (man or woman) that has fallen somewhere being young will progressively take his old aged form as the day breaks. It is also the case of a young witch that has taken the form of an old man or woman.
These witches neither have God’s feeling nor man’s feeling or the feeling ofsome animals, but they are more than animals because they eat their own children. These witches (men or women) that you see during the day in the physic are together at night with those who are already death. They see and know each other. A living or death witch can frighten you at night and it will be difficult for you to recognise if the spirit that has frighten you is from a death person or the one that is alive. The witches that are death in the physic work in the spirit; as well as those who are alive in the physic work in the spirit. There are certain pastors, priests, church elders, deaconesses, catechists that are already death in the flesh (already buried), but who continue to work in witchcraft, without saying that with their believers who are also witches. The devil has his angels, his demons and spirits work in order to prevent man’s soul to enter the kingdom of heaven.
For the witch, the distance does not prevent him from working unless the targeted person has already received the Lord Jesus in her heart; because it is only in this way that the witch can find the distance between him and the person who fears God in spirit and in truth to be very far. The time is serious with the witch women who remove children’s brains that serve them for manure, these brains are used in farms and plantations. There are some witch parents who remove the brains of other children to reinforce their children’s brains so that they should become genius.
As there are some Africans that sell their cocoa and wood to the foreigners, there are also those who sell the human blood and brain at night: it is the case of the witches. Those who sell cocoa and wood during the day receive money that can help them to do few things, but those who sell the blood and the brain receive sicknesses in return that will serve in the destruction of people’s bodies. If majority of the apostles, pastors, priests, prophets are witches, what would those who are around them become? A witch does not have more than a second to enter the body of a person and once in, he is the one who sometimes controls the life of this person and responds in the place of this one who does not more have authority on his own life. A witch (man or woman) can take the form that he or she wants. He can enter in a young girl to make the men to start looking her like and old woman. He can pass through your cat in the house in order to fight you. The witches that are already death live in their grave and they come out at night to go and operate.
For the witch, there is nothing good than the human blood and brain; that is why what you give to the witch during the day cannot be more than what he or she drinks and eats at night.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
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