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 It is the 225th message.


       You head of different countries, you who control these countries; you trample, crush, destroy and kill my people. You kill and imprison all those who oppose you. When the people do not longer need you to rule them, you punish and frighten them with your arms. You who are at the head of these different states, do you know the number of people that you have killed to have glory, power and protection? But you do it so that people should consider you like their gods. The people are not afraid of you because you merit it, but they are afraid of you because you are dictators ready to eliminate all those who oppose you. You say that you are the first authority, it might be true, but I want to know to which authority you belong, because I think that there are two authorities. On one hand, we have the authority of Satan with all what it encloses like magic, human sacrifices, killing, corruption, embezzlement of funds, and the incarnation of animal spirits. And on the other hand, there is my authority which is my justice, my peace, my mercy and my Holy Spirit. You head of states of the world, you say to be the first authority but practicing homosexuality, you make people to be killed, you are corrupted, you abuse of your power and authority. Where is my mercy and justice in you ?

       You presidents of foreign countries, you create clans (the G8…) in order to dominate small nations. You head of States of foreign countries; you manufacture bombs and heavy weapons not to kill animals that I have put in your disposition for food, but rather to kill man that has more value than everything on earth. Moreover, you have manufactured them with the aim to destabilise all small nations that will oppose you or will refuse you from exploiting their underground richness such as (petrol, gold, diamond, bauxite...). Look at what is happening in those countries where you have set confusion; but see how many people lost their life a day! You torture small nations that are independent or colonised according to you. Do you know the value of the human blood that flows in these countries everyday? You recruit a person that you impose as head of State in a nation in quality of a manipulating piece, you legalise the homosexual marriage in your countries and you want to impose it to other nations, my anger will finish by reaching you.

       You African heads of states, why do you torture my people? You did not create them and you are not the ones contributing to child birth, for everything comes from me and only by me. You take the richness of the people as something private to you and you stay in power as long as you wish. And the people who were to benefit from the richness of their underground are prevented because you have signed agreements with foreigners to be maintained on power. I want you to know that I am the one who created the world and I have said that man’s flesh which is dust will draw everything from the soil. I created nations with their limits. And each nation engorges the richness; what makes that each one would have lived and developed his territory thanks to the richness of his underground that I have put in his possession. But I see some great nations preserving the richness of their underground while exploiting the underground of others and declaring war to them if there is opposition. And they behave as such because they posses heavy weapons and an advanced economy. It is not good for a sovereign country to command another sovereign country like him as I see in this world.

       African heads of states, in your countries and especially in your country-sides, the roads are not well managed and there is no electricity nor potable water and other things. But it is from these country-sides that the richness is exploited and you make of it a private property by increasing your bank accounts and economic capital. You privatise some of your companies. You modify the constitutions, not in the favour of the people, but in your favour. I am the King of Kings, the king of nations, says God the Lord. Head of States of Black Africa, you sacrifice the richness of your underground for your own glory in order to remain in power and for your own security. Do you know the number of marabous (witch doctors) that you use in order to consult your future every day? You recruit foreigners for your security and the money that you spend for them reduces a big part of the state’s budget. Then, you sacrifice human beings like you in ritual hotels, but all this for what?

        But  I say to you: ask  to  your  multiple marabous and magicians that you usually consult what I am capable to do; for I have not changed, and your weapons, bombs and vehicles of war that you use to intimidate people, I can transform them into toys. You, presidents and kings of different nations, you have brought together all the magicians of this world and the spirits of water in order to protect you, you shed and drink human blood for power and glory that are not of me, but of Satan. Repent, because my hour has come; and I am not a human to envy your richness, glory and power that are rotten. In contrary, I am the one from whom they ask everything and what I give has neither end nor limit. I love you by the truth and in which I also want you to belong. But if you refuse it, know that it is for you that Revelation 6/15-16 says: “And the kings of the earth, and the rulers, and the chief captains, and the men of wealth, and the strong, and every servant and free man, took cover in the holes and the rocks of the mountains; And they say to the mountains and to the rocks, Come down on us, covering us from the face of him who is seated on the high seat, and from the wrath of the Lamb”.

       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)

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