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It the 332nd message


       By the grace of the Lord, I make the maximum to give, to transmit and to give back what the Lord Jesus has given me so that through this, his blood that has shed on the cross should not be in vain for the people of this century (their souls). In truth, when we are in the law, we are autochthones of the earth and all our future rest on the obtaining of the earthly things for richness, greatness and glory; in the seeking of the intelligence and wisdom on the knowledge of the things of this world in order to have a great intellectual luggage. Man put all his time to seek all these things with all his heart and power; and once he obtain them, he fight for his children, and even his grandchildren because for him, his glory rest on his children, his grandchildren… he wants that as once as his soul leaves his flesh, this last (his flesh) should be conserved in the mortuary for a few time, then it should be dressed with expensive clothes, it should be put in an expensive box, and the day this flesh will go down in a hole, there should be much food and drinks, people should dance saying that he has work a lot and has left many children, grand children, houses, plantations, enterprises…  He wishes that the priests and pastors should be present; they should all make a mass for the blessing on the flesh. Are these blessings not for maggots that will receive it with joy?

       Therefore, in the law, we deprive the spirit of its goods in order to satisfy the flesh, meanwhile, the Lord Jesus has come as spirit to vivify, to enrich, to glorify the spirit of man; that is why it is said: “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life” (John 6/63). In the law, the spirit suffer because when the earthly things come to lack, we put the spirit into prayers, asking God to provide; we sadden the spirit, we put it in lamentations, filling it with worries for the things that absolutely bring nothing to it (the spirit). We make it to work like a slave. When we are in the law, it is for our children, our wives, our parents and our family that we fight and suffer firstly, so that they should be relieved, so that their soul should live well and lack nothing. When we are in lack of the earthly things, we make the spirit to suffer by making it to spend sleepless nights; we cry and bitterly sadden the spirit. In the law, we count our goods in terms of land, houses, vehicles, plantations, enterprises, bank accounts. Going to church on the Sabbath day or another day of the week becomes a formality to ask for a long life on earth, a good health… to God. In the law, the children and parents are the ones who are dear to us, that is why our worry is to satisfy firstly the one who is dear to us so that our heart should be full of joy. We will fight so that the children and parents should lack nothing, so that they should also be in joy because it is when we see those who are dear to us in joy that we have the joy.

       The Christians of the law do not seek for the richness of their soul, but rather the richness of their flesh; meanwhile the Lord Jesus has suffered and has shed his blood on the cross so that man’s souls should not remain poor; that is why he accepted to be poor in the dust in this world, passing all his time teaching so that man should become spiritually rich thanks to his word. He has preferred this poverty in order to transmit his word which is a great richness of heaven, so that the poor souls should become rich; that is why it is said “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich” (2 Corinthians 8/9). The Lord Jesus having nothing in the physic, the people of the law could not follow him for a long time and when they separated from him, the Lord Jesus asked the other disciples if they also want to go. Apostle Peter, the man who aspired to the faith asked him were else will they go in order to enrich their souls if not near him, he who has the words of the eternal life (John 6/67-68).

       If the people of the law were looking at the Lord Jesus (heaven) to gain the richness in him as they look at the ground to gain the richness, they would be too rich in the love and mercy of heaven, and the evil would then be restrain and blocked; and the work of God on earth which is the good manifested to his similar will advance and not the work of the devil as it is the case today. In the faith, we are autochthones of heaven and strangers on earth; and all our heart, our feeling and thought must be resumed in possessing the goods and things of heaven where we will stay for the eternity; that is even why it is said: “Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth” (Colossians 3/2). This word of Christ speaks of the goods and richness of the soul and not those of the flesh; that is why Apostle Paul found it good to say that the one to whom they give the spiritual goods should also give the goods of the dust to the one who enrich him of the eternal goods as it is said: “Let the one who is taught the word share all good things with the one who teaches” (Galatians 6/6); and he continue saying: “If we have sown spiritual things among you, is it too much if we reap material things from you?” (1 Corinthians 9/11).

       The man of the faith is the Lord Jesus, who we have to imitate in order to have faith in him. He has made his flesh to suffer and to become poor so that his spirit should not only eat and become rich, but for the spirits of others to also eat and become rich. That is why when his disciples brought the food which they went to buy in town, they found him speaking with the Samaritan woman and the people that she called, while they were hurrying him to eat, he made them to know that they did not know the food that he had to eat, because he says: this food is to do the will of he who has sent him and to accomplish his work (John 4/31-34).

       In the faith, the flesh suffers for the soul and not the contrary as it is the case in the law. That is why the Lord told the rich man that there was one thing left to be accomplished: to go and sell his goods and to give them to the poor, and to follow him. He was not talking of the physical poor, but rather the spiritual poor. It is the same thing, when he was talking of losing his life in the flesh for his good news which was to be announced to the poor. He was not talking of the poor in the physic, but rather the poor in the spirit. Therefore, to lose his life in the flesh because of him in order to gain it in the spirit as it is said: “… but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel's will save it” (Mark 8/35). Therefore, when the apostles started to preach the faith, willing to be like the Lord Jesus which is to lose in the flesh in order to gain in the spirit, as well as those who were listening to them; they were selling their farms and houses and were bringing the proceeds of what was sold and laid it at the apostles’ feet so that it should serve to all of them (Acts 4/34-35; Acts 4/44-45). The men of God of the law who have filled the world use all what the people come to give to God for their personal ends. Others have millions and billions in banks for many years meanwhile this money has been given by the people for the work of God; but it does not serve for this aim. There is much to say, but I will come back later.

       I am physically very poor today because I want that people should be spiritually rich; that is why the messages that I write, I print and distribute them for free, either on paper or posting in internet so that people should read them freely because selling them does not only make me to become spiritually poor, but it is also to despise the grace of the Lord Jesus. For these writings, only the Lord Jesus possesses the copyright and he offered himself freely, that is why all what he give is free of charge.


       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)

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