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It is the 368th message.

      The Lord Jesus sent me with his powerful light to enlighten this generation so that the people should no longer see themselves to be happy or sad in their skin colour which is the ground and vanity; they should no longer see themselves to be happy in the possession of the dust, or sad in the lacking of this vanity, but they should see themselves to be happy of having a white heart, heart of God, through his good and his light that are carried, and sad to have a black heart, heart of the devil, through his evil and his darkness that are lived. That is even why it is said to us that he who glorifies himself should do it in the white Lamb of God (2 Corinthians 10/17).

      For the Lord Jesus, the veritable white is not the skin colour which is the ground, nor what this flesh consume, put on… but it is a heart which is nothing else than a white heart through its good and its light. In the name of the power of the light of the Lord Jesus Christ, all the blinds should recover the view in order to no longer glorify themselves in the skin colour which only has few days before returning in the ground where it has been taken. Let the blinds recover the view in order to no longer see themselves to be misfortunate in the lacking of the human glory or in their skin colour which is waiting for its last days.

       White or black, it is time to recognise the men not in their skin colour which is the colour of the ground and vanity, but in the colour of their heart which is either white because it carries the good and the light of God, or black because its lives the evil and darkness of Satan. At this time, the man who sees himself to be white in his heart will be happy because he will enter the kingdom of heaven (the kingdom of men in white); and the man who sees himself to be black in his heart will be misfortunate because he will be thrown deep in hell in the pond of eternal fire (the kingdom of men in black). Meanwhile nowadays, man sees himself as happy or sad through his skin colour, meanwhile this skin which is dust will return in the ground where it has been taken. Therefore, either the skin is white or black, it will return in the ground; concerning the white heart, it will be led in the kingdom of heaven; while the black heart will be led in the eternal torment.

       In this world, the blinds who have the colour of the white ground which is their skin colour, glory themselves to be white, and the blinds that have the colour of the black ground which is their skin colour, majority do not glorify themselves to be black. That is why these last bleach their black skin with the help of products for the white colour to appear; meanwhile neither the black skin colour that they have nor the white colour that they are seeking with the help of products are all useless. But what is useful is to have a white heart and to become a white man. Therefore, having a black skin and seeking to make disappear the black parts in order to bring out the white parts is useless because what we make disappear and what we make appear are useless, for both of them will go in the same place which is the ground where they come from. Whereas, when we have a black heart, we must make disappear the black parts that serve for the eternal death in order to make appear the white parts that give the eternal life. We make disappear the evil parts that lead to the eternal suffering to make appear the good which lead to the eternal rest. We make disappear the dark parts that lead to the eternal cries in order to make appear the light which lead to the eternal laugh and smile. Therefore, the heart is our body. If it is white, it is good for us; but if it is black, we should seek to make disappear this black with the help of the only product which has been given: the gospel of Christ.

       The people being blind, some glorify themselves in the colour of their dust which is useless, and others use oils, soaps, injections… to make disappear their skin colour. Let all the blinds now understand that the body and its colour have passed from the physical body to the spiritual body and it is the heart; therefore, all the men must now seek to become white, as well as those who seduce themselves to be white in the colour of the skin, for the time has come. Everybody should seek to become white because it is useful and agreeable. That is why from this moment, we should understand that the white is not the one in the skin colour (the colour of the ground), but the white is the one in the heart by the good and light of the Lord (Romans 2/28-29). What is then the advantage for a man to have the white or black skin colour in the end times? Therefore, if those who have the white skin colour do not receive the white Lamb of God in his spirit of truth, they will remain the veritable blacks. And if those who have the black skin colour receive the white Lamb of God in his spirit of truth, they will remain the veritable whites. That is why to be black or white of skin is useless, but what is useful is to have a white heart and to become the veritable white (Galatians 6/15).

       What I carry is appointed for the fall and rising of many in this world; and for a sign that will provoke the contradiction as it was yesterday, for what the Lord Jesus was carrying was making the fall and rising of many in Israel and a sign that provoked the contradiction (Luke 2/34). In truth, yesterday in Israel, the people were glorifying themselves in the circumcision of the flesh as the alliance with God and they were taking themselves for the veritable; but what the Lord Jesus was carrying had to make fall this consideration of the circumcision of the flesh as the alliance with God to the favour of the rise of the circumcision of the heart as the veritable circumcision in order to become the veritable; and this was a contradiction for the people of Israel. What the Lord Jesus has made me to carry today is appointed to make the fall of many in the consideration of the white skin colour for white and to favour the consideration of the white heart in order to become the veritable white. It is necessary for the people to understand that the veritable white has passed from the colour of the skin to the colour of the heart. It is time for them to understand that they are white in the colour of the flesh which is useless, and they should now seek to become the veritable whites that are useful, like some Israelis recognised yesterday that the circumcision of the flesh as the alliance with God in which they were glorifying themselves was useless and they had sought that of the heart which gives eternal life and which made them the veritable circumcised.

      Therefore, somebody who has the white skin colour and who takes his similar for a rag, an animal, an object… is a veritable black; and he who has the black skin colour and who takes and consider his similar as the Lord Jesus wants is the veritable white. Men with the white skin colour, it is time to become the veritable whites in the heart and to glorify yourselves! Men with the black skin colour, it is time to seek to become whites not in the skin colour by bleaching yourselves, but in the heart that the Lord Jesus approves. That is why the white or the black is not what strikes the eyes, but what is in the heart where comes all the good things for the white or bad things for the black. That is even why God said to Samuel: “…Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart” (1 Samuel 16/7).


CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)


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