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It is the 556th message

    While coming in this physical world, I came with joy and peace in my spirit; being in this world, I lack this peace and joy, not because I do not have spare clothes or clothes of value, reserved food or food of quality, a safe place to sleep... but because I see some men depriving life, health, enjoyment of goods, liberty... to other men, and this because of jealousy or shameful gains.

       I do not feel joy because I have a certain skin colour, because I belong to a certain territory, I speak a certain language... to be racist or a nationalist..., but I am that one who wants to see God’s peace, joy, pity and love manifest in man’s soul, spirit, heart and body so that the human being should no longer be considered to be lower than the material, human power, glory and strength, in order to be sold, exchanged or sacrificed against vanities or to be bought, robbed, maltreated or taken as an object because of these vanities.

       That is the reason for which I am sent by the man of truth with the truth to make it to be heard by all the men up to the summit of the states, to whoever wants to listen to it or not, without being afraid of anybody. Those who are at the summit of the state possess weapons, power, glory, man’s wisdom and intelligence, and also the richness that are the works of man’s hand.

       The men of this world can only have limited power granted from heaven to imprison, impoverish and destroy my fleshly or terrestrial body which is a lump of soil, a carapace or shell which sooner or later, will end its race in the ground. Man’s physical body or flesh on earth is like a sugar cube on which they pour a drop of water, and as long as seconds pass, that is how the cube of sugar also dissolves; it is the same with man’s flesh on earth, as each year passes, it weakens and moves towards the end of a final passage. If the man had sought to glorify himself in the will of that one who made him from dust of the ground; transformed him into a lump of soil, blew in his nostrils, giving him a breath of life, breathing, movement, he would not be killing, selling, sacrifice, maltreating his fellow man and taking him like an object. Today, the man consider his fellow man like an ant, a house fly, a cockroach, a caterpillar, a rooster, a chicken, a sheep or goat.

       In truth, I feel pains deep in my heart today when I see the head of states of foreign countries being without remorse towards the maltreatment and genocides that have been committed on the Africans by their elders. They were intimidating Africans with weapons and were buying black people like sweets and biscuits from African kings, and who later became their slaves. Being led by a satanic will, they were harshly treating these slaves, they killed those who rebelled against them or deprived them of water and food for weeks. Not willing to touch the ground, they were carried by their slaves for long distances, they were putting chains on the neck of these slaves like dogs; they were killing and destroying certain villages of the Africans who wanted independence. They were maltreating the Africans, rapping their wives as well as children, they were taking pictures with the heads of certain Africans that were cut off. Look at the picture on the first page where they have hanged the heads of black men on sticks! These foreign head of states of today neither have the feelings of the creator nor the human feelings, because they do not feel any regret towards what their ancestors did on the Africans.

    They rather do the same works like those who came before them and their fathers; that is why they arm groups of rebels called Boko Haram; supply them with sophisticated weapons, war tanks, explosive belts when necessary, as well as automatic bombs. They also supply them with food and money; that is why Boko Haram recruits hundreds of agents day after day, as well as young girls that they use to make explode bombs. This group called Boko Haram is armed, financed and supplied by those one who are insatiable of the material and who desire oil of the Gulf of Guinea; and this group of rebels kill with weapons, slaughter and bombard people. They kidnap children for ransom; they steal livestock, rob stores, and prevent education of people as well as their development. The people have run away from certain zones, in other zones, they live in the fear and insomnia.

       Civilians as well as soldiers die, and these African countries become more and more poor because of enormous expenses for the deployment of soldiers on the field and their supply. As such, to face these rebels who are armed, countries that are victims make recruitments every year for their forces of defence.

       When foreign head of states want to knock down an African head of state who no longer want to be a pawn or marionette for their selfish interest, they incite war in his country and provoke instability.

       Foreign head of states..., you should have the look and feeling of God or that of man to be affected, touched when you see Africans perishing because of you! But since your hearts are still dominated by the animal regard and feeling, making and seeing the blood of Africans flowing like the blood of sheep or cow fills you with joy and peace, especially when you succeed in possessing their oil, minerals...

       I have never gone to Syria, but I am too touched to see the destruction that certain towns and people of Syria have faced. If in those days, the former president of America called Barack Obama and the present president of Russia called Vladimir Poutine had agreed on the interest in Syria, they would have limited the number of deaths and displaced people. But unfortunately, while Poutine was supporting Bachar Al Assad, Obama was in the camp of the opponents; and this country has been delivered into a show of destruction. I even wrote a message concerning this war.

       Countries such as the USA, Russia, China, Nord Korea... would have seek to glorify themselves in peace, joy, pity, hospitality, pacifism, reconciliation, the consideration of man and his blood, the development of all the nations and fulfilment of people. But contrarily, they have sought and seek to glorify themselves in the manufacturing and possession of nuclear weapons, missiles..., being capable to extinguish the entire people, a continent... They put in colossal means to attain these objectives and to glorify Satan, while people die of hunger in this world. But what will they tell to God when the time will come to give him the report of their passing on earth?

       To God only pity by his Son Jesus Christ, he who do not want to see the man owing the suffering, death... to his fellow man, but rather success and life for the eternity.


       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)

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