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                               IN THE FILM ENTITLED JESUS OF NAZARETH.                               

It is the 258th message.


       Blinds, deaf and death, you who prostrate in front the statuette made in the image of an actress who has played the role of Mary in a film entitled Jesus of Nazareth. Death women, can you understand that it is a woman like you who had played this role and that it is in front of her image, caricature in the form of block of cement or wood that you people prostrate?


        What contempt against him who vivifies and who said: “You will not make carved image for you nor representation, and you shall not prostrate in front of it” But what do you practice? What do you glorify if not this eternal death which is in you? Moreover, you will find the image of this actress in big format on calendars,on book covers and in some posters. 

       In truth, women, receive life and become alive. Receive God in spirit and in truth and become a god because by being, the people who would like to see the image of the living God in this world will just have to look at you and not these calendars and blocks of cement that have become your god. Women, believe in this word. However, when you see a mad woman searching the dust bin to look for food which sometimes have maggot, you ask yourself if she is blind to a point where she is not seeing the maggot that she eats but know then that you are ten thousand times mad than this woman and your state of blindness is deplorable. How can you imagine that you who speak and walk, who have conscience, you go and prostrate in front a block of cement which does not shake and does not speak and you say: “Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with you, you are blessed among women and Jesus the fruit of your womb is blessed ”. More on to that, these blind often carry a big piece of wood on their shoulders under strong sun, saying that they are doing the way to the cross but all this in truth is only the way of death to these people. What sadness !

       You do not hesitate to spend much money to carry out many displacements, leaving your houses, your neighbourhoods, and sometimes even your towns or countries with the only aim to go and prostrate in front of these idols. Sometimes, even when you find that these idols are destroyed (the head is cut for example) you treat those who are responsible of this act to be wicked and you lament and cry just as if it was sacrilege but allow me to tell you that those who are at the origin of this destruction love you in life and not in death. Women why do you refuse to receive the Lord Jesus who has come to sober you from drunkenness, seduction and lies telling in which you were thrown since the Garden of Eden? The knees of women who prostrate in front of these monuments are blacker than the knees  of Muslim.

       When there is danger somewhere, women are always in the first place and in big number that is the reason why when you see these statuettes fixed somewhere even in forests, women are always the first and in big number to go and prostrate. Have a look at the television channel called KTO, see how people are running in the forest just to prostrate in front a block of cement which has been placed in the hole of a rock. That is what is happening in Cameroon in the district of NYANON where there is a big rock called NGOG LITUBA and on this rock, the priests had fixed a block of cement in the effigy of Jesus and Mary, and every year in the month of February, people go there for pilgrimage for five to six days but since all the work of the devil is drawing to an end, NGOG LITUBA has also Started folding up her luggage.

       The devil, knowing the weakness of the slaves of lies telling and carved images always uses his demons who disguise to be the light of God. For example, the background image of this woman who at every time that she appears somewhere on earth, also attract partners of death who will

rush in hundreds or thousands declaring that Mary has appeared. It is what has happened at NSIMALEN in Cameroon. The devil knows well that after the passage of this flash of light having the image of Mary, this place will become a place of pilgrimage,

idolatry and abomination.

       Let the people of the whole world understand that images and statuettes in front of which people prostrate are the effigies of the actors who had played the role of Jesus and Mary in the film entitled Jesus of Nazareth. Let them understand that these people who are actors of this film have been used by the devil and they also constitute a satanic trap to maintain man in eternal death especially he who consider these images as those of Jesus and Mary. We also find these images on crosses that people wear like chains round their neck, on calendars, on statuettes and in the film that is rebroadcast on television in the night of the 24th to the 25th of December. The cross that people wear around their neck is more than a snake.Therefore, if you are wearing this cross and recognise that what you are reading is the truth, remove it immediately but do not throw it for fear that another person picks it to kill or destroy himself; in contrary, take it, place it on the soil and if you have petrol, spray on it or cover it with paper and then, put fire on it. While doing that, you will destroy this snake (the cross) that was hanging on your neck. Know that it was not on you to make a dash (to vivify you) but instead to kill you. Therefore, you have to say to this snake (to this cross): “I carried you on me without knowing thinking that you are blessed and that you could bring benediction to me while it was to kill me but by the grace of God, I was more faster than you that is the reason why you have been burnt because you wanted to drive me to burn in the eternal fire of hell.’’

       You papal, representative of carved stone or head of the direction general of statuettes, monuments, and carved images, customs and human traditions know that as your master has started folding up his luggage you will not remain. Therefore, an advice; send a call to your cardideaths, archblinds and deaf priests, tell this to them: “For a long time, we have served the devil in all levels and dimensions, we have created a sovereign state and we had the glory and the greatness on all the heads of states, we have gathered much money, we have gold and great buildings but since it is the end time, we understand today that these things are vain and cannot help us to have eternal life, lets repent without having shame of what the people will say or will mock at us. It is better to support mocking and insulting than to burn eternally in hell Let us then lift our hands like soldiers who were fighting and have been disarmed and then gave up declaring: “We have also fought the truth of the Lord Jesus and now, we drop down our arms of deception and return to the truth’’

       Mr. papal, by doing this, it will be a big joy in heaven and it will be crying and creaking of teeth in hell and in arid places for the demons who will lost their partners of service by whom they always won men who were ignorant through their deception. I thank the Lord Jesus and God the Father who work for our liberation from darkness, ignorance and eternal death through his revelation and truth.


       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)

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