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It is the 264th message


       This world full with evil has become a dust bin which gives very bad odours besides God and to destroy it is only a question of time. Meanwhile God has given his perfume (his gospel) to some men so that they should spray it in this dust bin (this world of bad life) in order to completely stop these bad odours. Unfortunately, majority of the people to whom the perfume (the gospel) was given have been corrupted by the material and the glory of man. The state of this world is very worrying and unbearable that the Lord in view of the bad odours that rise up to heaven, at any moment by his will can clear up this dust bin.

       The deaf do not hear and do not understand, and because of that, they confuse the word and the language of God, what causes very dangerous damages. These deaf that are firstly the prophets, the apostles, the doctors, the pastors... are filling the world. Being deaf, they do not hear and listen when the Lord says: “the good news is announced to the poor”. They do not understand that the poverty which the Lord Jesus speaks is that of the spirit of goodness, of justice, mercy, and purity. They have confused the poverty of the spirit to that of the physic and the material. That is why their good news to the poor is summarised in these words: “receive the finances, travelling, the job, promotions, marriages, childbirths, vehicles...” and the deaf like them, happy of this good news that rejoice their flesh go in crowds to listen to him with the hope of coming out of poverty to richness (carnal richness).

       These men of God who are deaf through their good news of the richness of vanities have greatly contributed in the domination of the material on the people and the domination of Satan in their souls. These deaf like their predicators are instead looking for the material which they consider like their god because it gives glory and greatness to them. It is for this reason that they have become slaves of this dust, and thus committing evil in order to possess it by using all obscured strategies like the lie, fake, corruption, swindle, flattering, stealing, robbery, magic, prostitution, the embezzlement of public funds, war, pedophily. People kill their similar, decapitate them in order to sell their organs, dig up human bones to sell, drink the human blood to make alliances with the spirits of Lucifer and in return to have money, the glory, power, the celebrity... They destroy others by jealousy for their material, they sacrifice their similar on ritual hotels to the spirits of kôñ” or “famla”... because the human being is at the centre of sacrifices for some people who look for the richness of this world. What is surprising is that; these lepers are sought after, envied and they are even a dream to some people who do everything in order to come nearer to them or to touch them and even to take pictures with them. These lepers can be a head of state, a diplomat, a star, a business man, a priest, a pastor... who are mostly pedophile and homosexuals.

       We sometimes see the men who rent houses and who go time to time in these houses to pass good moments among themselves the homosexuals, and this phenomenon is also current among the women. In default of that, they (he or she) sometimes do civil marriages, what is more frequent in Europe and America. We sometimes find the women who do prostitution, sacrificing their body for money and the people who are death sometimes come back and go to bed with them, leaving them with the malediction and that is how they abort. We also have the women who say to be sisters of a certain denomination called church who go to bed with the priests, the bishops... they sometimes forget to protect themselves and when they become pregnant, they are obliged to abort. They ignore that these priests who make them to abort sometimes have children with other women and they sometimes beat the records of the men that are polygamous; without forgetting the pastors, the prophets, the apostles and the doctors who go to look for the spirits of Lucifer in order to make divinations, visions, prophesies, miracles and prodigies, attracting the people to them to make money.

      In the same way today, there are some parents who go to bed with their own children just to fill the satanic conditions, without forgetting those ones who transform into an animal. There are also the witches who remove children’s brains to eat, use them as manure or sell them. These witches travel in all the countries on board of their night planes having the human blood as petrol. That is how they kill hundreds of people, sometimes in accidents and collect the human blood to be used as petrol. For the African witches, they go from time to time abroad to deliver the human blood and brains, and as reward, they receive the diseases that they come back and inject in their brothers so that these ones should spend money in the health care that are given by those ones who give these diseases to them. Some of them being malicious give polluted vaccines not to extenuate the situation, but instead to worsen it. Certain researchers in some big countries have put in place a disease called AIDS as well as medicines in order to relieve it, just to make money and on the way, making many people to perish. In these days, they have fabricated a virus that I call a poison and which they call EBOLA to be tested in some countries, but despite their preventions, this virus will also contaminate their countries because they are extremely wicked. Because of money, they create diseases and in the same time, they fabricate the antidotes to fight these diseases because they fabricate them to sell in order to become richer.

       You should not sabotage God. The creator has not created the animals with the viruses. You are the ones that create the diseases, you inject them in the people and in the same time, in the animals that God has created to be eaten, and you make the ignorant to believe that these viruses come from the animals. In addition, you forbid the people from eating animals such as the porcupine, the monkey, the chimpanzee, the bat... saying that it is from the animal that man has caught this disease. God has not empoisoned man through these animals, but you are the ones who carry this poison. You should not look for troubles with God because you do not know him and you can neither support his anger. Moreover, you fabricate weapons to be sold and you provoke war almost everywhere making a multitude of people to perish just to make money. In the same way, you are scientists, writers, philosophers, historians, financers, petro-chemists... but know that there is someone who is above what you are and the time has come to see him in all his power of deliverance of the evil that you carry and which you are. You are very poor, malevolent and blind. For what reason do you destroy the most important creature of God? In what manner would you repent?

       Majority of the men of God do not love you in order to tell you the truth, they instead hate you. They seduce you to gain your vanities for which you have sold your souls to the devil in order to commit all types of evil, abomination and injustice in front God. When I look at you, I see nothing that I can envy if not to want your liberty, your deliverance of death by bringing you the eternal richness that I carry in me because the material for which you sacrifice the human being, it is he who is in me who has created it as well as the earth. Therefore, I have everything. But before the thunder of God will sound in this world, this last (the world) will firstly be consumed by a powerful fire (the truth of the veritable) because I am not sent to stay for long on earth, but I am coming with something that will push the people to be eternally alive in their spirit and not in their flesh which is only vanity (John 6/63; 1 Corinthians 15/20). Therefore, this world is rotten; it is a dust bin of which the odour has reached in heaven in front God. And the deliverance of the men does not come from the prayer of diseases and to cast out the bad spirits and divinations, nor even less the waters, salt, handkerchiefs said blessed, soaps, soils, perfumes, incense, nor the recitation of psalms, but by the demonstration of the truth and of power so that the greatness and the glory of man should not more rest on money or on another material, nor in the power and strength of the products said spiritual, or again the peels, herbs... but on the truth and life of the Almighty (1 Corinthians 2/4-5).


 CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)

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