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It is the 354th message.


      This present world is engulfed by the glory of man and the love of money, in short by the material. Therefore, from the biggest who are the kings, the head of states, chancellors, ministers, diplomats, governors, business men, stars…, up to the smallest, are all dominated by the glory of man and the love of the material. This greatly rejoices the devil because he knows that if the people are dominated by these things, it means that they are also dominated by him. These are the same things that he wanted to use in order to defeat the Lord Jesus in the spirit when he was proposing him the glory of this world and the wealth of the earth. Therefore, the world starting from the kings, the head of states, the chancellors, the diplomats, ministers, business men, stars, governors, generals, divisional officers, attorneys, colonels, sub-divisional officers, lawyers, court officers, commissioners, commanders, up to the least civil servant, merchant, farmer…, is chained, tied and slave of the glory of man and the love of the material; and the devil is very happy of this chaining, attachment and slavery. The Lord Jesus on the other hand wants that the people should be unchained, untied and free from these things that the devil had proposed him in order to defeat him spiritually so that the souls should not be saved from the eternal death and that death should not be overcome.

      The men called pastor, priest, apostle, prophet, evangelist, bishop, archbishop, doctor, cardinal, pioneer… have filled the world; some even have radio and television channels to better work. These last appear like those who come to untie, to unchain and to set free the people who are chained, tied, bound and slaves of the glory of man and the love of the material. Those ones that we even consider to be the shepherds of God have given themselves in the searching of the material and the glory of man through which the devil has imprisoned the people. When these shepherds in their searching of money and the glory of man fall on someone who has many materials, they prostrate in front of him, and when they equally fall on someone who has much glory of man, they prostrate in front of him. Thus, the shepherds of God prostrate in front of those who are chained, slaves and prisoners who they were supposed to bring out of this slavery and chains.

      When the devil sees all this, he burst out laughing because he has chained, tied, bound and imprisoned the people in the glory of man and the love of the material starting from the kings, head states, chancellors, ministers, diplomats, business men, stars, governors, generals, divisional officers, attorneys, directors, colonels, lawyers, sub-divisional officers, court officers, commissioners, commanders, up to the least civil servant, merchant, famers… And that is how the shepherd of God who were to work for the detachment and the liberation of these captives are themselves in the searching of what has made these people to become prisoners and slaves; and when they meet these people who are prisoners and slaves of these things, they prostrate in front of them. With all these, how will the devil not burst in a mocking laugh! How will he take these last for the true adversaries? That is; those who will untie, unbind, unchain the people that he has tied, chained, bound, through the glory of man and the love of the material?

      These shepherds limit themselves in the deliverance of the diseasesand this does not even worry the devil. Sometimes, he is the one who raises people in certain countries such as Benin, Nigeria, India… so that the others should gothere in search of his power to come and make visions, prophecies and miracles. He is the one who has provided the spiritual products. That is why the fact that people have filled the world, women and men as pastors, evangelists, prophets, priests, apostles, bishops, doctors, archbishops, cardinals, pioneers… does not worry the devil; and the evil cannot also be braked, but it rather increases day after day. How can the devil be worried by the men of God who are searching for money and the glory of man? No matter the fact that these last have filled the world, their presence does not hurt the devil. If these men of God are themselves searching for the material and the glory of man by coming towards those who are chained, tied, bound and slaves of the material and the glory of man, even if they deliver them from the evil spirits and heal them from the sicknesses of the flesh, how will the devil be worried for the souls that he continues to possess?

      It is because of the love of money and the glory of man that the head of states want to stayin power, sacrificing their similar in ritual crimes and others, giving themselves in all types of magical practices, in the consumption of the human flesh and blood…, it is because of money and the glory of man that the stars give themselves in all types of magic…, it is because of money and the glory of man that robbery, stealing, embezzlement of public funds are frequent, it is still what causes wars, the creation of contagious diseases… All these people are physicallyrich, glorious, great and alive, but they are spiritually poor, small and dead. They make everything to be physically great, rich, glorious, without knowing that the physic which is flesh is only dust and what gives it the value is the soul that they have neglected. Therefore, at once as the soul comes out, the value of the flesh also finishes and this last is put back deep in the ground because of its smell. The flesh in truth is like the dress and the soul like the body; for as the body covers itself with the cloth, that is how the soul also covers itself with the flesh. You cannot give value to the cloth more than the body because the cloth is there for a short while and the body for a long time. It is the same for the flesh and the soul.

      In this century, the people find the value in the flesh and seek to give it all what it wantswhile the soul lacks all what it needs. While the flesh which is there for a short time has what to eat, to bath well, to dress up and to be healed, it is at this time that the soul which is eternal receives nothing. That is why the devil has brought the people to see all the greatness, glory, richness in what strikes the eyes; and that is where he gain this century from the biggest to the smallest where they are all tied, chained, bound in vanities. Who is then the veritable adversary of the devil? Who is the man of God who will come and unbind, untie and unchain all these people from the biggest to the smallest? All what the people seek today is only physical and the devil is so glad. The men of God are the ones who were to bring the people to see the veritable glory, richness, greatness, power and force. But if they have given themselves in the searching of the glory, the richness and the greatness of this world, how will those who are bound, chained and tied become free?

      How do the men of God in this century do not have the eyes opened to see that it is the word which has created the ground from where comes the things that have been transformed into paper and coins called money, and that the material richness do not even represent a cent of the richness that the creative word possess? How do those who possess the creative word which has created the ground will thenbecome small in front of the things that are only the groundwhich has been transformed? The people were to come out of the richness of the world in order to give themselves in the searching of the one that has created the ground, for if they had opened eyes, they would find that while possessing the glory of God, they would reject the glory of man because it is fleshly, and that of the kingdom of heaven is spiritual. With all this, how will the devil not mock?

      The dream of these men of God is to have a hand shake with such a head of state, a business man, a star…, and to become their friend, not because these last, poor and small of their spiritual state receive the greatness and the glory of God from them, but it is all the contrary; for the men of God are rather the ones who see that these poor and small men can change their life through the vanities that they possess. When these shepherds see someone who has many materials and much glory of man, they start thinking to be in the place of this last. They do not look at the state of death of these men that they want to be in their place. It is like someone who is alive and dressed in clothes and shoes that do not have a value of more than 2000 Frs CFA or of 3€, and when this person who is alive meets a corpse which is dressed with clothes of a value of 500.000 Frs CFA or 763€, he directly starts to covet (envy) his place without seeing that he is envying a dead man. Such is the case today in this world with the people who have all the titles, the material, the glory and the greatness of man in the physic but who are spiritually dead. If you who is spiritually alive and having nothing in the flesh meets that one who is spiritually dead with everything in the flesh, how will you envy him since it is a death that possess these things?

       In truth, seeing the knowledge of the truth and the faith which is in this century, the testimony of the Lord Jesus is very far to be with power, and without this; the devil and his work of captivity cannot tremble.

CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)

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