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It is the 356th message


      Today, seeing in truth the degree of blindness of those who recognise themselves as the veritable witnesses of Christ gives coldness and a great fear, for the Lord Jesus says: “The Law and the Prophets were until John; since then the good news of the kingdom of God is preached, and everyone forces his way into it” (Luke 16/16). Therefore, this word of the Lord Jesus which is spirit and life being announced, he who receives it and lives this life of the kingdom of heaven will pass from the kingdom of the earth which is the belonging to this world, to the kingdom of heaven which is the belonging to the kingdom of heaven. The kingdom of heaven being announced, those who found it good to listen to the life, the richness, the glory, the greatness, the power and force of the kingdom of heavenbecause the wellbeing of the soul is found in it, will certainly take the engagement to come out and to despise the life, the richness, the glory, the greatness, the power and force of the kingdom of the earth in favour of those of the kingdom of heaven.

      Therefore, he who has listen to the announced word of the kingdom of heaven and has taken the engagement to belong to the kingdom of heaven becomes a man of the kingdom of heaven in this world and he bears witness of all his kingdom; but being no longer of the world. He then passes from the autochthone that he was in this world to a stranger that he has become. In the beginning, everybody was autochthone in this world except the Lord Jesus who was a stranger; and in this world, he was bearing witness of the life, the glory, the richness, the greatness, the power and force of the kingdom of heaven, demonstrating that what belongs to the kingdom of the earth only have a short life span and worthless for the end. The Lord Jesus was therefore bringing the people to despise what is worthless at the profit of what has value for the eternity, for his desire was that everybody should become his brother or sister by this will of the kingdom of heaven or of the Father in order to inherit the valuable goods without end.

      The Lord Jesus being alone, he was not of this world. He then called the first disciples who took the engagement to abandon everything and to follow him. These first disciples who have abandoned the kingdom of the earth in the spirit became the people of the kingdom of heaven. They have passed from the state of autochthones to that of strangers. Still being in this world, they were no longer of the world as the one who called them, that is the Lord Jesus. It is even for this reason that he bears witness to the Father when he says: “They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world” (John 17/16). That is why the Lord Jesus told them that he was bearing witness of the life, the glory, the richness, the greatness, the power and force of the kingdom of heaven on earth and that his witnessing was to continue through those who have abandoned everything for him. The Lord Jesus also told them that while belonging to him, they will receive power, the Holy Spirit that will come upon them, and they will be his witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth (Acts 1/8).

      The apostles having received the promise were bearing witness in Jerusalem by the demonstration of the value of the life, the richness, the glory, the greatness, the power and force of the kingdom of heaven in contempt of those of the earth through their teaching up to the point where they have filled Jerusalem with the glory of the kingdom of heaven. And the autochthones of the kingdom of the earth who were there, seeing that the things of the kingdom of heaven were coming to despise those of the kingdom of the earth, they were defending them to teach in the name of the man of the kingdom of heaven as they were saying: “We strictly charged you not to teach in this name, yet here you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching...” (Acts 5/28). Therefore, the apostles were no longer of the kingdom of the earth, but of the kingdom of heaven; that is why while imitating the Lord Jesus, we were to be edified by them (Ephesians 2/20).

      In truth, if we were of the kingdom of heaven, we were to bear witness of the life, the glory, the greatness, the richness, the power and force of the kingdom of heaven in contempt of those of the earth. Being on earth, we were to bear witness to the Lord Jesus in his mission like the apostles whose names are written in the bible did yesterday. We would be in the work which will push us to give more value to the richness of the kingdom of heaven while bringing the people to recover the view so that they should also pass from the consideration of the things with a limited value to the consideration of those that have an endless value.

       In truth, if those who say to be the born again Christians were not also blind, they would bring the kings, the head of states, ministers, chancellors, diplomats, great business men, stars, governors, generals, directors, divisional officers, colonels, attorneys, lawyers, sub-divisional officers, mayors, commissioners, commandants, court officers up to the least civil servant, merchants, and famers who are still in great blindness to the recovery of the view. For, they do not see that the greatness, the glory, the richness, the power and force that they possess or which they want to possess are only vanities because they come from vanities. Unfortunately, they too have remained vanities in front of the man of the kingdom of heaven; but who will veritably bear witness of the kingdom of heaven in order to bring this unknown men of the kingdom of heaven who are poor, miserable and naked of their state to be known by the Lord Jesus in order to become rich and to cover their nakedness? Those who say to be born again and those who recognise not to be born again are all in the dance of the blinds. Otherwise how can the people walk on the ground and they still find that it is from this ground that comes their greatness, their glory, their richness and the success of the future of their life; what blindness! How can the people glorify themselves with the ground? Have a look in this world; when somebody obtain the things that come from the ground on which he walk, people start saying that he has become great, rich, glorious and that he has gain or succeeded in his life, he thus raises the greed of some and others who will besides envy his place; they will seek to become his friend, or to be near him like brother, sister, cousin in order to benefit the things that come from the ground. But what spiritual poverty and vanity!

      In truth, if in this century those who are considered to be the veritable witnesses of Christ draw their greatness, glory, value and success of life in the things that come from the ground that they trample, the testimony will then come from where? In truth, Christian or non Christian in this world, they are all dominated by what they trample; for today, man walks on the ground in the physic and the things of the ground walk on him in the heart and spirit.The testimony not being physical but spiritual, while the men walk on the ground in the physic, the things of the ground walk on them in the spirit; therefore who overcomes the other, or who despises the other? That is why the things of the earth walking on them in the heart and spirit, they have also dominated them. That is why today, the material dominates the man and makes him to become its slave, and all this is in the favour of the devil. For the people walk (trample) on the ground physically and what comes out of the ground walk on them spiritually and makes them to become slaves up to the point where if they are in joy, it is because what comes out of the ground is present beside them, and if this joy disappear, it is because what comes out of the ground has disappear from their hands, from their pockets…

       The testimony being spiritual, seeing how the ground and his things walk on the heart, spirit and physic of man, do we say in truth that it is man who walks on the ground? What false domination of the man walking on the ground, and what veritable domination of the ground walking on the heart and spirit of man! If the Christians of today were of the kingdom of heaven on earth to bear witness that the glory, the greatness, the richness and the future of the life of the flesh have no value for the end times, they would bring the people to abandon them, that is to despise them in order to consider and to become attached to what is veritable; therefore, they would walk physically on the ground and spiritually on the things of the ground that do not have an eternal value, where all the men of this century, Christians or non Christians draw their glory, greatness, richness and the life of their future. That is why in this century, the material is taken for the greatness, glory, a source of respect, of consideration, of smugness, of life and of successful future. It is because of the greatness, the glory, the respect, the consideration, the value, power, domination… coming from the material that the great and small men of this world give themselves in magic, paedophilia, homosexuality, the consumption of the human blood and flesh, having sexual intercourse with mad people and animals like totems, with dogs…, in the selling of human organs, in the exhumation of human bones, in the selling of human beings through magic, in robbery, attacks, stealing, fake, in the embezzlement of public funds, in the creation of contagious diseases, in the arming of rebels… Therefore, the earthly things have become a god for the Christians and the non Christians up to the point where when they lack this god just for a short time, they become like dead or sick, and when they obtain this god, life or health comes back. It is too painful especially for those who say to be born again.

       Therefore, without the testimony of the kingdom of heaven in this kingdom of the earth, how can the evil be braked? The world is full of Christians, but of which kingdom and for which testimony? In truth, if there were the veritable who are God’s offspring, the ground in which are found the glory, the greatness, the richness, the value, the consideration, the respect, the success and the future of the life of the great and small men of this world would tremble; but it is not too late,for it is even said: “Being then God's offspring, we ought not to think that the divine being is like gold or silver or stone, an image formed by the art and imagination of man” (Acts 17/29). It is also said: “if you lay gold in the dust, and gold of Ophir among the stones of the torrent-bed, then the Almighty will be your gold and your precious silver.” (Job 22/24-25), and Nahum 2/9 says: “Plunder the silver, plunder the gold. There is no end of the treasure or of the wealth of all precious things”.

       Today, the earthly things plunder man’s heart and spirit, and they are the source of our joy, peace, fortification, consolation, de-stressing and our god. Meanwhile Apostle Paul says: “Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth” (Colossians 3/2); and Apostle Peter on his side says: “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him” (1 John 2/15).


CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)

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