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It is the 359th message


       In truth, how can the light of the Lord Jesus shine in this century which is full of darkness when the Christians, even those who say to be born again find the value in the possession and the consumption of the lifeless bread? The bread of Moses was to satiate the flesh; and the bread of Jesus is to satiate the soul, it is the true bread. That is why the Lord Jesus says: “…Truly, truly, I say to you, it was not Moses who gave you the bread from heaven, but my Father gives you the true bread from heaven. For the bread of God is he who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world” (John 6/32-33). The bread of Moses was dust and lifeless, that is why it could not vivify those who were consuming it. However, the bread of Jesus vivifies those who consume it, that is why he says: “This is the bread that came down from heaven, not like the breadthe fathers ate, and died. Whoever feeds on this bread will live forever” (John 6/58).

       These two breads are nourishing and vivifying; one nourishes and vivifies the flesh, the other one nourishes and vivifies the soul. And if there are the witnesses of Jesus on earth, they bear witness of the value, the glory and the greatness in the possession and consumption of the bread of the kingdom of heaven which has the power to vivify the soul. Therefore, they do not bear witness of the value, the glory and the greatness in the possession of the dust which only has the power to vivify the flesh which is the ground.

       In truth, what witnessing of the Lord Jesus in this century where the Christians, even those who say to be born again, when they see someone who is born in a family that possess a high quantity of the bread of Moses, they affirm that this last is well born! When they see someone who is fattened by the consumption of the bread of Moses, they say that he lives well. The possession and the consumption of this bread gives the greatness, the glory and the richness of the earth to these people; that is why many of them give themselves with doggedness, thus sacrificing their similar in order to possess a great quantity of this bread of dust. Meanwhile this bread and the flesh that it nourishes are all dust and they will all return in the ground. That is why it is said: “All go to one place. All are from the dust, and to dust all return” (Ecclesiastes 3/20).

       Up to when will there be the true witnessing in the glorification of the true bread of Jesus coming from the Kingdom of heaven in contempt of the false bread which is the bread of Moses falling down from heaven but being of the dust? Today, even those who say to be born again look at the kings, the head of states, chancellors, ministers, diplomats, great business men, stars, governors, generals, divisional officers, colonels, attorneys, directors, lawyers, sub-divisional officers, commissioners, commanders, court officials up to the least civil servants, merchants, farmer… who are full of the bread of Moses and say with regards to these last that they are well born or live well. That is why this century, as well as those who say to be born again bear witness of the possession in quantity and the consumption of the bread of Moses.

       How will there be the witnessing of the value without the possession and the consumption of the veritable bread? It is too pitiful and painful. The people spend their time working in order to gain and to possess the bread of Moses in quantity, the bread which only has the power to feed the flesh during some hours before taking the way back to the ground. That is why the Lord Jesus asks us to work much more in the possession of the bread which is not of the earth and which does not perish as it is said: “Do not work for the food that perishes, but for the food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give to you. For on him God the Father has set his seal” (John 6/27). How will there be the witnessing which will make this century to shake when the Christians, even those who say to be born again consider those who consume and possess the bread of the earth which is the bread of Moses in quantity to be more fortunate?

        This bread of dust has made the people to become blind up to the point where these last sell their similar through magic in order to possess it in great quantity; they behead their similar by removing certain organs to sell… How can somebody sell the human being in order to gain the things of the earth in return? But what blindness without limit for these last! These people find that possessing the bread of Moses in great quantity is a greatness, glory and richness which is testified, even by those who say to be born again. They thus give themselves with doggednessand sacrifice in order to possess it in great quantity. Some of them go up to working during the Sabbath day which is the resting day in the glory of God in order to seek this bread which has made them to become blind. When the flesh is fattened, they start saying that this person lives well. In truth, how will there be the witnessing of Jesus when those who say to belong to him in spirit and in truth admire and qualify those who possess the bread of Moses in quantity to be rich; those who are self sufficient in this limitation of the false bread or the worthless bread for the soul? It is the limitation to the possession of this bread of Moses in quantity which is at the origin of several troubles.

       In truth, it is to that one who is born of the will of the Lord Jesus and who lives this will that we have to say he lives well. In truth, if there are the veritable witnesses of Christ, they must rather bear witness of the spiritual wellbeing and life and not the fleshly wellbeing and life; for this century is full of those who are said to live well meanwhile some are engaged in paedophilia, homosexuality, in the consumption of the human blood and flesh, in the sacrifice and selling of human beings, in the traffic of human organs and drug-trafficking, in magic, fake, stealing, robbing, in the embezzlement of public funds, having sexual intercourses with mad people, with animals and mermaids… And today, when we see a young person who has a hopeful future in the possession of the bread of Moses in quantity, we seek to destroy him by jealousy.

       The bread of Christ is and has the true value without limit because this bread is himself. That is why he says: “I am the bread of life” (John 6/48). It is in the possession and the consumption of this bread in quantity that the veritable talk of living well, and not in the rot that fatten the stomach and the flesh; for the Lord Jesus says: “I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. And the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh” (John 6/51), and he continues to say: “For the bread of God is he who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world” (John 6/33). If the people possessed this bread in quantity and were consuming it, they would be rich, well and alive; then they would owe this richness, this good and this life to those who possess the bread of Moses in quantity. But the people being rich of the evil and the death, they owe this evil and this death that they possess in quantity and which they are to their similar.

       The bad rich had the bread of Moses in quantity and he was consuming it, and Lazarus had the bread of Jesus in quantity and he was consuming it; everyone was well born or was living well, one was of the dust and the other of the spirit. But since the end is always better than the beginning, in the end, he who had the false bread and was seducing himself to live well, recognised that he had nothing greater than the eternal poverty. If it was in our time as it is the case today, even those who say to be born again would never qualify Lazarus for that one who lives well, but they would always say that the bad rich lives well. Whatsurprises me is that we read in spirit and in truth and we qualify and bear witness to the physical things for greatness, glory, richness and wellbeing at 99,99% due to the lack of possession and lack of consumption of the bread of Christ, meanwhile the end of everything is near. That is where I also understood why the Lord Jesus asks if he will still find the faith while returning on earth. It is because of this lack in quantity of the bread of Moses that people lament, worry, destroy each other, kill each other, make war to each other… Meanwhile the Lord Jesus knowing this bread with worthless life which is a trap for the people said: “Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” (Matthew 6/32-33).


CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)

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