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It is the 472nd message


    The richness and greatness that the Lord Jesus has given me and that are nothing else than his heart feels pains to see a nation like Cameroon being dominated by corruption, fake, the embezzlement of public funds, pernicious sects, magic, witchcraft, teachings and beliefs in the customs and traditions of men as coming from Jesus Christ… This heart feels more pains when it sees that this nation is in a comatose state which requires an urgent recovery; meanwhile, prophet Dieunedort KAMDEM alias “GENERAL” affirms that the Cameroonian nation is a private property of Jesus Christ.

              But what a seduction and deception! He inspires a false confidence to this people. Does the Lord Jesus live on the ground for the Cameroonian territory to be his place, his house, his dwelling, domain or private property? Does the Lord Jesus glorify himself in the flesh and blood for the flesh and blood of the Cameroonians to be his glory, richness, domain and a private property? The Cameroonians who edify themselves in Jesus Christ to have a new heart are the ones who become a house, habitation and dwelling of the Lord Jesus; it is this new heart which is the domain and the private property of the Lord Jesus in this world. The word of God by Jesus Christ being the sword to circumcise our hearts of stone that are a domain and private property of Satan, we should circumcise our old hearts so that they should become new hearts that are a domain and private property of Jesus Christ.

              The Lord Jesus did not leave heaven to come and have a land for himself, an underground, blood or the flesh of the Cameroonian nation or that of another nation in this world; but he came to redeem man’s soul from the hands of the devil and to make of this soul or heart his domain and property. That is why we must be circumcised by this sword which is the word of Christ, or to be edified by this truth, by this light and fire to become a habitation, a house, a domain, a private property of God on earth. That is even why it is said: “In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the spirit” (Ephesians 2/22), or again as it is said: “but Christ is faithful over God’s house as a son. And we are his house if indeed we hold fast our confidence and our boasting in our hope” (Hebrews 3/6).

              As it is neither the ground nor the underground, nor the flesh and blood of the Cameroonians that can become a domain and private property of the Lord Jesus Christ to be sanctified, but rather the hearts, that is why Apostle Peter willing that the hearts should become a domain and private property of Jesus Christ tells us: “but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect ” (1Peter 3/15).

              In a nation, if all the big authorities are not recognised as muslims to prefer the blood of sheep than that of Christ, they recognise themselves as Christians, but having received drops of water poured on their head as baptism when they were babies or little children at the price of money; and for many of them, it becomes a story which is simply narrated to them to have received the baptism when they were not at the age of consciousness or the age to take the engagement. These big authorities did not know why Jesus Christ made his blood to shed on the cross for their souls; they do not seek to drink this blood of the Son of God that was offered by himself in order to be in alliance with God, they have rather stayed in the consumption of the human blood. Ignoring why the blood Jesus Christ has eternally sacrificed himself for them, they have continued to sacrifice human beings. I ask myself if somebody can know the number of human beings that are sacrificed so that he who governs should be maintained in power, for his protection, his domination in spirit on the Cameroonians? These authorities who ignore Christ cannot put him on; they rather incarnate animals in the spirit and physic.

Ministers who are in power have visited all the big marabous and magic masters; and when the reshuffle is near, some of these ministers bring in marabous from countries abroad to lodge them in hotels to work for them so that they should not lose their post. Some former ministers who still want to be ministers, without forgetting other people who also want to become ministers or to be in a big post in the midst of the government, all of them visit marabous; they are ready to sacrifice their own children, the stomach of their wives, to make their children to become out of sense… for a post, a job, the glory, a material, a consideration and an admiration near the men.

These high personalities are dived in the Rosicrucian order and freemasonry, as well as in homosexuality, without forgetting the embezzlement of public funds. They empty cash boxes of the nation to go and deposit the money or to invest abroad for their own account, thus leaving the population underdeveloped and in famine. Meanwhile this money was to serve for the creation, the arrangement, the tarring and repair of roads, the management and supply of the material and medicines in health centers and hospitals, the supply of electricity in countryside, the supply of drilling in distant areas, the creation of companies and the fall of the price of the basket of the housewife…, having turned away from the fear of God, they have become individuals without faith nor law of God, thus rendering the nation sick and make it to enter in trance.

              In Cameroon, the retirement for the old people is synonym of death. But since nobody want to die, nobody will then want to go for retirement. Corruption has engulfed the police, the gendarmerie, the custom services, taxation services, court… and even entrance examinations in schools like ENAM, EMIA, IRIC, CUSS… are much more reserved to the children of big personalities or those who have relations with them, but also to candidates that have money. Even private companies are controlled by big sectarians; seeking a job in the midst of these companies is not easy even if you have big certificates or skill, because it often happens that certain conditions are imposed such as having homosexual intercourses with the leaders…

The rulers of the Cameroonian nation have set up companies of lucky games in their country, which is a drug for majority of the population; the old and young, some of them are even ready to lie, to swindle, to steal in order to go and bet in the aim to multiply this money. No matter the money that these companies of lucky games pay as taxes and the money that they give to the Cameroonians that they employ, they greatly draw money from this country in the profit of the countries of their masters, and this have as consequence to increase the level of poverty and the degradation of the mentalities. There are many witches in the country and they travel abroad to bring back diseases that they put in the bodies of their fellow men, depriving them of the fleshly prosperity; these witches are full in houses of prayer or churches.

              A nation where the priests, bishops… have set up blocks of cement having the effigy of Robert Powell and that of Olivia Hussey who are respectively taken for Jesus and Mary near their big buildings where they gather, and also in certain places where people come to bow down and to address prayers to these monuments. These priests, bishops… have deprived millions of Cameroonians up to the head of States of the knowledge and reception of the baptism of Christ which is given to be received at the price of love and of pity that Christ has for our soul, and not at the price of money as the devil imposes to his mandated who lead the multitude astray.

              Certain pastors also recognised as pastors of the old church also pour a handful of water on the head of babies and little children at the price of money, and they also sell titles of church elders and deaconess to the men, among whom we find certain ministers, governors, divisional officers, sub divisional officers, senators, deputies, generals, colonels, commissioners, attorneys, lawyers, bailiffs… We also find prophets, pastors, doctors, apostles in this country who say to belong to the awakened church, and who have taken occult powers to operate miracles and prodigies in prayers, as well as prophecies and revelations. Certain among them sell products that they bless, seduce the people, swindle the ignorant; others believe that it is not Jesus that they witness and serve, but rather Jehovah. There are many other beliefs in this nation. That is therefore a nation that prophet KAMDEM DIEUNEDORT alias “GENERAL” declare to be the private property of God. But what a false confidence! In 2011, this prophet or general declared that the presidential election was hidden in the blood of Jesus.

              In truth, it is touching and terrible to see not only the spiritual state of the Cameroonian nation, but how it is also seduced by the men who deceive and swindle it in order to fill their pockets saying that it is a private property of Jesus Christ. It is for them that it is said: “Thus says the LORD concerning the prophets who lead my people astray, who cry “Peace” when they have something to eat, but declare war against him who put nothing in their mouths” (Micah 3/5). But in a short while, the work will start; and all these men who have risen to make money behind the name of God will see only one thing…

       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)

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