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It is the 419th message


    Many people treat me for a mad man, a politician, some one who makes the advertisement of the devil through the images that I publish. But if it pleases God, sooner or later, they will understand.

    All what I put in image have for aim to bring the veritable children of God not to sleep, to doze; they should not be gained by vain things by wasting time for useless things, but they should be in the fullness of the fighting spirit so that by the grace of God, they should contribute in the deliverance of souls, while recognising that it is the only thing for which the Lord has called them, they should not take this world for a world of good, of luxury and value that make them become rich and glorious.

    With these images, we lose sleep, appetite and the taste of everything on earth so that being greatly touched and shocked by what we see, we should dive in sadness and cries that will bring us to sacrifice ourselves in all and for all, in order to be delivered from this situation which is a load for us. In truth, when people just hear that men of the same sex have sexual intercourses, it becomes shocking. When we hear in addition to this that people sex with animals, eat faeces, are urinated in the mouth, commit ritual crimes, kill, behead and eat their fellow men, it is an abomination that put us into a total dismay. If these images do not call us to wake up, if they do not bring us to sacrifice our body and material, it means that we are not called or we are not answering to the call. These images make us to see how this present world of the end times is in a great abomination, defile and advanced criminality.

    In truth, we have to know and see what happens in this world. What heart and what spirit can somebody have to hold his fellow man, to kill him, to behead him and to eat him? Is this person seeing an animal in the place of his fellow man? What pleasure does he have when he eats the parts of the body of his fellow man? In truth, this cannibal is very dangerous. The men sometimes transform this human flesh into sausage or ham for sale.

    In truth, this world is not only rotten, but it is also empoisoned. What the devil make some people to eat, these last also want to make the others to eat it, the thing in which the devil transformsthem; they also want to transform their fellow men into it.

    In truth, it makes too pity and makes to shed tears when you see how a human being kill his fellow man, behead him, cut him into pieces, cook him and eat. These cannibals also eat foetuses. The work of the devil since the Garden of Eden is to bring the man to do the contrary of what God ask him to do. In the Garden of Eden, God gave the order to the man not to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but the devil came towards the man and brought him to eat it. God said to the man that he will leave his father and mother and will become attached to a woman to become one with her, but the devil brought the man to leave his parents to become attached to another man of the same sex like him to form a couple. The head of States who were to be the authorities of God have justified this abomination by giving the order to officialise an unnatural law. God made that people of different sex should have sexual intercourses; but the devil brought the man and woman to sex with animals.

    God gave the vegetation and animals to the man for food, but the devil brought the man to eat his faeces. God created the human being over everything on earth, but the devil brought him to kill his fellow man, to extract parts of his body to sell or to sacrifice him in order to gain things that have less value than the human being. God created animals, birds of the sky and fishes for them to be killed by the man and to be eaten for food, but the devil brought him to kill his fellow man and to eat him for food.

    In truth, it is terrible and shocking to see how the devil is treating this world. How can somebody cut his fellow man into pieces, cook him and enjoy him like a nice meal! These cannibals do not only eat this human flesh, but they also transform it into ham and sausage to bring the others to consume this poison, this satanic food. In big towns you find certain restaurants where they sell the human flesh and certain corners where, when you stroll anyhow, notably during late hours, you become a lost chicken that has been found in the house of the fox. When the servants of the devil kill a human being, they first extract the human blood that they will drink or sell at high prices. There are certain people who, when they see their fellow man, they start to admire the nice flesh to be eaten. The human flesh is sold in certain restaurants at high prices.

    This world is terrible; the world in which people transform themselves in spirit in witchcraft and eat the human being, others catch them physically, kill and eat them. When I see people enjoying this world, it dives me more into sadness and lamentations. In this world, they eat the human being, his faeces, his flesh, they drink his blood, they extract parts of his body to sell, they sacrifice him to the spirits… When these people see their fellow man, they take him for a game which is not far to be transformed into a dish of food. When the Lord sees what is happening in this present world, his wrath increases and is reserved to those who are attached to the will of the devil. What a world where people have more the desire to eat their fellow men than the animal, the men have more the feeling to sex with animals, and find better to get married to people of the same sex!

    In truth, 99% of the material prosperity in this present world is obtained through ways of the devil. It is much more through the ways of the devil that the people are at the summit of the glory, of celebrity and of richness. We are living the end times; the glory and richness of this world must not attract us, and the satanic works will be known and seen by all.

    Many people have a weak spirit and doubt when they hear that women sex with women, men with men, that human beings sex with animals, eat faeces, are being defecated and  urinated in the mouth, kill their fellow men to make ritual crimes; or that the others eat their flesh and drink their blood. But when they see the images, it chases away the doubt and strengthen their belief which might bring them to fear this world, to no longer take it for a wonderland, in order to rather bring them to prepare their eternal future, that of their family and of every man.

CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)

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