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It is the 442nd message

 442me message

In these end times, the devil is more than ever motivated to do everything so that the men should be dominated by his powerful prints, marks, signatures, stamps… He uses certain men of enterprises who have signed pacts with him for the prosperity of their enterprises, imposing them to put his marks on the stamp of the product that must be bought and used by costumers. There are many enterprises in the world that have put the stamp, the signature or the figure of the beast on their product; but here, I only want to talk of telephone operators in Cameroon that are ORANGE, MTN and NEXTTEL where high magic is in full swing and where paedophiles and lesbians are leaders.

        If a person comes with his big diplomas, his professional experience, his capacities and genius, the job interview will take place very well and they will easily propose him a good post, a good salary and a service car, but all this will only be acquired under a last condition of the devil. It is in the same way that the devil had presented the kingdoms, the glory and richness of the earth to the Lord Jesus, and had promised to give him everything on the only condition that the Lord Jesus should bow down in front of him. Therefore, it is the same thing that these sellers of souls against vanities propose to people who are seeking the employment. They will give these last what they want, but on the condition that if it is a man, he will become the wife of this leader, and his anus will be transformed into a vagina; or if it is a woman, she will become the wife of another woman who will then take herself for a man who will penetrate her everywhere with her fingers and all kinds of objects. What degree of Satanism in these companies!

These sectarians themselves have sold their souls to the devil against vanities that are only papers called money that their own hands have manufactured. To gain all the favours and vanities of the devil, this last have imposed the number 6 to these sellers of souls which is used by all the costumers of ORANGE, MTN and NEXTTEL. The mark of the beast is 666; and the devil could not impose these flocks to put 666 in front of every telephone number before dialling it, for he knew that if he does it, the people would easily discover it. Therefore, in his cunning, he wanted that only one 6 should be imposed as the first figure on all telephone numbers of ORANGE, MTN and NEXTTEL, and that this figure should do the trick. The 6 that the great sectarians of the mobile telephone in Cameroon have imposed play the role of 666; and only those who will be under the dominating power of God will not be carried away by the powerful magic of the beast.

In truth, the end times are too dangerous because the devil plays his all-out effort; and the wind that blows or that will blow more will carry along all those who do not have a solid foundation on the rock or on the stone that has been given for foundation to whoever does not want to be shaken or carried away by the eternal death. In Cameroon, all the witches, great magicians, sectarians, marabous… know the role that plays the 6 that have been imposed by these sectarians of the mobile telephone. All these last have sold their souls to the devil, and the 6 does not disturb the flesh but rather the soul that they have sold to the devil against vanities.

If the number 6 that has been imposed by the great sectarians of the mobile telephone was able to damage the flesh, they would have talked a lot about it and they would have found means to protect themselves from it. But since it only destroys the soul that they themselves have sold, they do not talk about. It is like the power of the witches and the power of lies and magic of the priests, pastors, prophets… of this world. We talk a lot about the power of the witches that block the flesh from possessing goods of the earth, we are suspicious and seek how to counteract it; but on what concerns the power of lies of the priests, pastors, prophets… of this world that prevent the soul from receiving what God has sent for his resurrection and eternal richness, we do not talk about it and we are not suspicious, also, we do not take any precaution to counteract it.

Using the telephone is not bad, but living the powerful life that God has sent by the unique mediator between the men and him (Jesus Christ) is all. That is why the Lord Jesus tells us that he has given himself to us as a power so that we should walk over the spirits, snakes, scorpions, over all the power of the enemy, and that nothing will harm us. Or again, if we believe in his powerful life, even if we drink mortal beverages, they will not have any domination on us, even if we touch, consume or use things that have stamps, signatures or the mark of the beast, we will not be dominated by these powers and forces that give the spiritual death. Even if us, veritable children of God use the number 6 imposed by the great sectarians of the mobile telephone, we will neither be disturbed nor affected by the mark of the beast. It is like the three mates in Babylon who were alive by God, and those who were dead by the devil were throwing them in the burning furnace.

The deaths who were throwing them in the fire of death were dyeing by this fire, and they who were thrown in the fire were alive. The imposition of the marks, stamps and signatures on the products of consumption will not have any damages on those who are endowed of the power of the kingdom of heaven; because by this power, they have domination over the power of the beast and his devastating marks.

CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)

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