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    In truth, in this generation, even if all the money of the entire world, all the lands, vehicles and dresses belong to me as well as all the women, even if I speak and write all the official languages and dialects, even if I have the nationality of all the countries of the world, my heart which is my veritable richness, greatness and glory will neither be in joy nor peace seeing how these big rulers of the world are dived in a great spiritual lowness without limit. Their flesh is clothed with dresses of quality and of big price, being in good health and having a fruitful life; but their soul knows a spiritual nakedness, leprosy and death that give me insomnia, lack of appetite and the disgust of everything, and it produces sadness in me, worries me and raises lamentations in me without end.

       My pleasure and joy or enjoyment is neither to touch nor to possess pieces of papers qualified as money, nor to cloth my lump of soil with dresses of big price, to have vehicles and air planes, to be envied, admired, and to see people bowing down in front of me, to embrace a woman and to have children. It is neither to see the first rulers of nations being homosexuals, legalising this practice by the adoption of a Luciferian or satanic order in countries that they govern, but it is to see them repenting from their state of abomination and of defile in front of God.

       In truth, how do these big American, English, French, South African, Spanish, Brazilian, Swedish, Belgian, Italian, Portuguese, Puerto Rican, Canadian, Mexican, Colombian, Danish, Norwegian, Argentinean, Scottish, Uruguayan, Welsh, Icelandic, Dutch, Luxembourgian... academics with the big luggage of the knowledge of things of the earth certified by big certificates be attained of great madness when they teach a lesson to their creator? Mr big authorities, academics, big graduates and intellectuals, after the creator of everything in his wisdom and knowledge created man of dust from the ground as it is said: “ then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature” (Genesis 2/7), he took this last to put him in the Garden of Eden to work it as it is said: “The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it” (Genesis 2/15); then, he found good that the man should not be alone ; because of this, he decided to find him a helper that will be similar to him as Genesis 2/18 says: “Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him”. He created the woman taken from the man’s rib so that the man should leave his parents and hold fast to his helper who is in his likeness and created for him. That is why Genesis 2/24 says: “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh”. Therefore, it is because of the fact that the man should not live alone that God in his wisdom and intelligence created him a helper in his likeness called the woman. The man was not created because of the woman, but the woman was created because of the man. That is why it is said: “For man was not made from woman, but woman from man. Neither was man created for woman, but woman for man” (1Corinthians 11/8-9).

       Big authorities who have legalised the unnatural marriage, you are men, and you exist by the woman; and all this comes from God’s wisdom and intelligence. That is even why it is said: “ for as woman was made from man, so man is now born of woman. And all things are from God” (1Corinthians 11/12). Big authorities, you are big graduates coming from big universities of the world, you are even doctors, aggregates of the knowledge of things of the earth. Me, I do not even have the elementary level of the knowledge of things of the earth that are vain in the end times. But it is in the ignorance of these things that I ask you the question to know what pushes you in your intelligence to legalise the union between two people of the same sex in your nation? If your father had married another man like him, is it through sodomy that you would be born? If your mother had married another woman like her, and that she spent her time to wear an artificial penis around her waist to sex with her wife, would you be conceived and given birth in this way? But it is for your wisdom that it is said: “For the wisdom of this world is folly with God. For it is written, “He catches the wise in their craftiness,” and again, “The Lord knows the thoughts of the wise, that they are futile” (1Corinthians 3/19-20).

       You, men and women who have legalised this practice, you wear the armband of captain of the homosexuals in your countries. Big authorities and graduates, your lumps of soil or flesh has reached the summit of power, glory, greatness and richness; and your souls in this state of abomination and defile are reserved to know a humiliation, despise and lowness in the eternal lake of fire. Therefore, my dear friends, have courage to repent. What does it profit you to sell your souls to the devil against things for which the blinds and deaf envy you, admire you, dream to touch you with the finger and to take a picture with you? In truth, you should repent in order to do something for me, because in the state in which your souls are found presently, even if you give me all the material that you possess as well as the nationality of your country, you would have done nothing for me; for my heart will always be without joy and peace because of your spiritual state. On the other hand, even if you give me nothing of the material that you possess and that you repent from your state of spiritual leprosy and death, you would have given me everything so that my heart should be full of joy and enjoyment. May the Lord accompany you in the courage and decision to repent, for what I say concerning you is not a despise, but rather love without reserve nor limit; but to God only the worry to save the man from the wrath that is to come by his Son Jesus who was sacrificed on the cross to set us free for the eternity.

     CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death (John 8/32).

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