It is the 17th message.


        The true delivery comes from the practice, the obedience, the fear, of what we hear and what we hear comes from Christ’s unique gospel (Romans 10/17), (Galatians 1/7).

     Jesus Christ is the recommendation, the order, and the precepts. It is therefore only when we walk according to his word that we are delivered, forgiven, vivified. There is therefore no any other power or any other delivery that has been given if it is not the one to walk according to God’s word; and it is this word which is the way, the truth and the life (John 14/6). That is why 1 John 2/6 says: “He who says that he is living in him, will do as he did”.  We must thus look as Jesus Christ walked in this world; it is there the perfect example to follow. That is why Ephesians 5/1 says: “Let it then be your desire to be like God, as well-loved children”. As God is Lovely, let’s have his love in us to be his children; such he is such we are also in this world (1 John 4/17).

     The fight for the delivery consists: To walk, to live, and to stay in the charity and the mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ that the eternal life is. That is why the Lord says: “To him who overcomes I will give a place with me on my high seat, even as I overcame, and am seated with my Father on his high seat” (Revelation 3/21). The victory consists: to defeat the outrages, the persecutions and the calamities. The true delivery consists in defeating jealousy, anger, pride, hypocrisy, the non forgiveness, quarrels, the lie, to steal, ingratitude, selfishness, calumny, mockery, intemperance, adultery that are in us, to be above money, food, pleasures and passions of this world. Those are therefore the things that bind us to the death (hell). The one, who wants to be forgiven, purified, justified, protected, delivered and vivified, is held to renounce, to reject, and to hate these things, which means; to cut the ties with these impure spirits of bewitchment and others. As soon as these things live in you, you are not only deaths, that is to say that the eternal death lives in you  but also, these impure spirits deprive you from a lot of things in the flesh and you remain at that moment subjected to their power.

     God’s child in this world knows that the fight is not against the wizards, he then knows that this one (the fight) is not out of him, but it is in him. Because he knows that, if he succeeds in defeating everything that is sinned in him, he will then have the true delivery, the protection, the power and the domination. It is therefore at this moment that will be defeated the one who has been condemned in him (spirit of death) (1 Peter 4/1).

     The false prophets, apostles, pastors and others deceive the men while making them to believe that we must fight against the spirits of blockages, failure, impossibility, celibacy, rejects, control, pursuit, misery, drought, poverty, paralysis, and blindness. But me, I tell you: If all the things that God doesn’t like are in you, then all these spirits will always be there because of what lives in you (spirits of death), and the Holy spirit that comes on by the practice of the holy writings, cannot stay in such a body. It is a malediction for the donors and the users of these so -called blessed water, perfumes and Saint Michael soap because they ignore that the only, the unique delivery and the eternal recovery; is to become the brother, the sister and Jesus’ friend through the practice of his will (Marc 3/35), (John 15/14). The true delivery doesn’t come because they have imposed hands on you, but it comes from the reject of what God doesn’t like so that you become God by his will that is; his word, his love, his thought and his spirit.

     The whole world should listen and he should understand that it is Christ’s gospel that is called pastor, prophet etc. that is why Ezekiel 34/23 says: “And I will put over them one keeper, and he will give them food, even my servant David; he will give them food and be their keeper”.  And Hebrews 13/20 says: “Now may the God of peace, who made that great keeper of his flock, even our Lord Jesus, come back from the dead through the blood of the eternal agreement”. And 1 Peter 5/4 precise that: “And at the coming of the chief Keeper of the sheep, you will be given the eternal crown of glory”. It is the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ that is the pastor, the apostle, the prophet, the doctor, and the evangelists. The mission of this spirit consists in making us to know God’s will, so that we should be able to leave the will of the devil that is a malediction to go on to that of God which  the blessing is (Acts 26/18).

     In the present world, the men browse some countries and cities not to know God’s will, but it is to receive a prayer of delivery which is done by the imposition of the hands. And there are some “men of God” who say: come and receive your miracle. But I tell you again: the living God’s miracle is to know and to live according to his will. That is why Psalms 34/8 says: “By experience you will see that the Lord is good; happy is the man who has faith in him”. To live in the miracle, the power, the strength, the domination and to be alive, it consists: to refuse, to run and to abandon what the living God doesn’t want; that is therefore God’s will, which the true delivery is. God’s delivery is to fear his word because it is of this fear that Daniel and the three mates have been delivered by God’s angel (Daniel 3/1-30), (Daniel 6/17-28).

     The earth and the sky will pass, but only his will, which is the eternal life won’t pass. The one who confides and who stays in his will shall stay eternally. When the men pray while saying; Lord protect me, I wonder who this Lord that they invoke is. Is he the one of jealousy? Or the one who doesn’t forgive? We recognise the great pastors, apostles and others in the unique teaching, gospel and revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ. Only his recommendations are great (the precepts of the Lord Jesus Christ); and not these divines and others who cannot bring back the souls to the repentance; in the same way, their speeches drag these ones (the souls) in the vanities, that is why Laments 2/14 says: “The visions which your prophets have seen for you are false and foolish; they have not made clear to you your sin so that your fate might be changed: but they have seen for you false words, driving you away”. In Jeremiah 23/16, it is said: “This is what the Lord of armies has said: Do not give ear to the words which the prophets say to you: they give you teaching of no value: it is from themselves that their vision comes, and not out of the mouth of the Lord”, and Micah 3/5 tells us again: “This is what the Lord has said about the prophets by whom my people have been turned from the right way; who, biting with their teeth, say, Peace; and if anyone puts nothing in their mouths they make ready for war against him” And lastly, Apostle Peter tells us: “And in my preaching there were no honeyed words of wisdom, but I was dependent on the power of the Spirit to make it clear to you :  So that your faith might be based not on man's wisdom but on the power of God” (1 Corinthians 2/4-5).

     Definitely, the mission of the prophets and apostles consists in bringing the men to know the living God’s will, which is the revelation, the gospel, the teaching; it is also to take people to divert from their own will, thought, desire and their feeling that are contrary to those of God.

     The Lord had revealed in Matthew 24/24 that: “For there will come up false Christs, and false prophets, who will do great signs and wonders; so that if possible even the saints might be tricked”. It is in the justice, charity and the mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ that one recognises the greatness of a man of God; This is to say that; we are not great because we have big vehicles, TV channels etc. The whole world goes to hell because he doesn’t have Christ’s delivery which is the repentance. My spirit moans when it sees the miserable, poor, blind and naked souls (Revelation 3/17) that, instead of eating the food of the spirit, which is Jesus Christ, they (souls) rather eat the food of the flesh which is rich in dust and which is only vanity of the vanities.


CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of men, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid to sin and to be free from the eternal death.

                                                                      (John 8/32)

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