It is the 528th message
In truth, it is time for these head of States and grandfathers to see and know the veritable power that they must first seek, possess and keep for the eternity so that they should be freed and delivered from the fake power which is their god. In order to possess this power, they have become spiritually miserable and low.
Dear presidents, I respect your function and the personality that you have, but the truth and life of your souls must predominate in all. Presidents, in truth, I cannot have the Lord as friend, brother, and his Father as my father, being of the royal family of the kingdom of heaven, and think one second to have one of you as grandfather, friend or family member.
When God sent the three mates: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in Babylon to bring Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon to be delivered from the fake god, the fake greatness and glory, they had neither spare clothes nor food supply or a place to sleep in this foreign country, but they were walking with God the creator. And they had brought the king of Babylon to recognize that his god is a fake god and that his richness and glory were not also veritable. They had brought the king to be delivered without laying hands on him or making any prayer for him; but God’s will, a word, a truth sent has been brought in order to save him as well as the men of his territory. And when the king of Babylon was delivered from vanities on which he was tied, deceiving and seducing himself while believing to possess what is veritable, valorous and eternal, all the Babylonians were also delivered (Daniel 3/1-29).
The veritable power is not the power of the flesh which can be obtained by sacrificing the animal or the human being and by shedding their blood, but it is rather the power of the soul which has been given to all men by the sacrifice of the blood of God, Jesus Christ the savior. Dear head of States, I come towards you without spare clothes nor food supply or a safe place to sleep, but you dive on the richness, glory and greatness of the earth. You are great graduates in the knowledge of earthly things and you are my grandfathers; but by the grace of God for your souls, I come to make you understand that the power that you consider to be more than your God the creator, is a carnal power and which must disappear like your flesh which must return in the ground because it is only a lump of soil that was taken from dust of the ground, the lump of soil which God had limited its life span to about 120 years as it is said: “Then the Lord said, “My Spirit shall not abide in man forever, for he is flesh: his days shall be 120 years” (Genesis 6/3). That is why your physical body is already advanced in aging because your age is also advanced.
Presidents, you seek the power of the flesh or that of the physical body which is to govern the men, the ground and underground; but you forget, reject, despise and ignore the veritable power which is the power of the soul sent since heaven and given through the sacrifice of the eternal blood, so that through this power, the soul should dominate evil and the eternal death. Presidents, how can you seek, possess and be maintained in the power of clothing and not in the power of the body, the power of the flesh and not that of the soul, the power of the physic and not that of the spirit? Presidents, do you not see that the power for which you sacrifice animals or human beings is small, less important and less valorous than the power that comes from the sacrifice of God, Jesus Christ that has been slain? Presidents, what I notice is that you are possessed by the demon of the human power, and you prefer to gain and to be maintained in this power rather than to let your souls to come back to the eternal life, health, glory, greatness and richness of God. You prefer to be maintained in power than to let your continent to become sovereign, to be developed, to emerge and to face globalisation. Dear presidents and grandfathers, from the time the westerners have known that you prefer power more than your fellow countrymen, the richness of your continent, in their cunning, they know that when they will tell you that you are already old, you will call them and deliver them all the richness of all your country that they will exploit for themselves; therefore, they will no longer talk of your eternity in power, your physical oldness, sight oldness, moral oldness... Because of power which is your god, you have delivered the richness of your people to an abusive exploitation; you have privatised the state companies and have let foreigners to manage them to the detriment of the people that die of hunger and thirsty. These last (foreigners) empty the richness of the ground of African countries.
You also, as well as those who surround you, empty state coffers to keep this money in the banks of these countries to increase their development. You are neither patriots nor republicans... Many among you have been initiated in the Rosicrucian order and freemasonry, thus being and remaining students of these western great masters; meanwhile in these occult and abominable practices, the masters are your husbands and you are their wives. And since the wife should always be submitted to her husband, it becomes very unfortunate and regrettable for your countries and the continent.
Dear presidents and grandfathers, you have killed your countries and continent. You have preferred the power by leaving the people to be gained by alcohol, drug, tobacco, debauchery, whereas you are fathers and grandfathers of corruption and forgery, and you have dragged the youth in this hell. You have not promoted merit, competence and justice for the people to be engaged in working to find values of justice, but you have rather promoted the merit of money, the competence of corruption, relations, phone calls... Africa is a rich continent, but it is still presented and seen as the poorest continent, and his countries taken as the poor and highly indebted countries. Meanwhile the richness of Africa would have developed Africa. But the richness of Africa is sold abroad against your maintaining in power. Grandfathers, the economy of an entire continent is finishing because of you; your power counts more than the happiness, health, success, satisfaction... of your people, and more than the fear of God the creator.
Head of States, chiefs, kings, in order to lead and bring the people to be in better conditions of life, you must eat and enrich yourselves after the people, knowing that you are accountable to God. You must despise the carnal and passing power, and glorify the spiritual and eternal power.
As an example, here are 12 natural oldest head of states. Today the 11th May 2017, we have the president of Zimbabwe Robert Mugabe, born on the 08th August 1924, he is 93 years old. The president of Cameroon Paul Biya, born on the 13th February 1933, he is 84 years old. The president of Namibia Hifike Punye Pohamba, born on the 18th August 1935, he is 81 years old. The president of Algeria Abdel Aziz Boutefilka, born on the 02nd March 1937, he is 80 years old. The president of Sao Tome Manuel Pinto Da Costa, born on the 05th August 1937, he is 79 years old. The president of Guinea Conakry Alpha Condé, born on the 04th March 1938, he is 79 years old. The president of Liberia Hellen Johnson, born on the 29th October 1938, she is 78 years old. The president of Malawi, Peter Mutharika, born on the 20th April 1940, he is 77 years old. The president of Ivory Coast Alassane Ouattara, born on the 1st January 1942, he is 75 years old. The president of South Africa Jacob Zuma, born on the 12th April 1942, he is 75 years old. The president of Equatorial Guinea Teodoro Obiang Nguéma, born on the 05th June 1942, he is 74 years old. The president of Angola José Edouardo Dos Santos, born on the 28th August 1942, he is 74 years old. Majority of these head of States have even reduced their age; others regularly change their blood to fight against old age. When they have manifestations where they must be standing for hours, they drug their old body. Instead of fighting against evil and death that want to gain their souls to drag them in an eternity in the lake of fire, they rather fight against aging of their flesh, their lump of soil or carapace.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
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