It is the 453rd message


    In truth, it is with many tears flowing deep in my heart that I write this message, seeing the work that the pope and his group do to bring the multitude of people to ignore the truth of Christ that they must know in order to be freed (John 8/32), the manner in which they battle to veil the truth that the entire world must know in order to be saved (1Timothy 2/3-4), and the zeal with which they teach customs and traditions of men in the aim to distort the gospel of Christ and to render vain his blood that has shed on the cross for the souls of men (Galatians 1/7).

     The first born of the man of perdition in his big mission to divert the men from the way of the Lord Jesus that lead to the deliverance of the soul for the eternity has masked and veiled himself by proclaiming to be representative of Apostle Peter. But in his game, saying to be the representative of Apostle Peter, he is called pope. Recognising that the Lord Jesus has recommended that nobody in God should be called “Father” (Matthew 23/9), in his mission to destroy the souls, he is called “Holy Father”, bringing his bishops to be called “My lord”, and his priests “my father”. Recognising that God had recommended to all those who want to live eternally in their souls to abstain from making carved images and representations of people above, nor to raise a statue or image of stone to bow down in front of it (Exodus 20/4; Leviticus 26/1), the pope and his group in their big mission to destroy or to maintain the souls in the spiritual death have fabricated statues into different materials in the effigy of Robert Powell and Olivia Hussey, the actors of the film entitled “Jesus of Nazareth” for the representation of Jesus Christ and Mary; they set these statues on places where people come and bow down.

    Also, recognising that the Lord Jesus said that he who will believe in his word, new life and conduct, and will take the engagement to bury the old body of evil and death in the water of baptism to resuscitate in a new body of goodness and life, and to walk with him all his days of life on earth will be saved (Mark 16/16), the pope and his group in their big mission to destroy the souls rather pour few drops of water on the hairs of babies as baptism according to God, and that at the price of money. The baptism is the engagement of a good conscience towards God to renounce from the old life and to live according to the life of God given in his Son Jesus Christ. But what listening of the word of God these babies and children can have? What conscience do they have to have regrets of their bad life in front of God in order to take the engagement to bury the life of dead works in the water of baptism?

    Recognising that in God nobody has ascended in heaven after the Lord has descended and ascended (John 3/13), the pope and his group in their big mission to divert more souls into ignorance have declared to the entire world that Mary by whom the Lord Jesus passed to appear in the physic ascended in heaven on the 15th August and that every 15th August is a big day, day of celebration of the ascension of Mary in heaven; and it has become a big feast for people that are mislead in the lie, human customs and traditions. And since this world is under the power of the lie, misleading, the malignant and the devil, when the 15th August falls on an opening day, this day is declared public holiday in almost all the territories of the world.

    The pope recognising that it is the Holy Spirit that we must receive from the Lord by his grace through the reception of his life, and that help us in our weakness, intercede for us and take things from the Father, from the Kingdom of heaven to announce them to us (Romans 8/26; John 16/14), in his mission to make the soul stay in slavery, the lie and seduction since the Garden of Eden, he has brought the poor ignorant people of the knowledge of truth of the Lord Jesus to believe that Mary did not only ascend in heaven on the 15th August, but that she constantly see her Son; therefore, if they expose their problems to Mary, she will not delay to intercede for them near her Son. That is therefore how these poor blinds and deaf in this great seduction and lie spend their time saying: «Virgin Mary intercede for us, we are poor sinners».

    Knowing that the Lord Jesus said that he who wants to follow him should renounce to his heart of stone where there is evil, evil thoughts and wickedness, and to carry his heart of flesh which is a cross to owe good, success, prosperity... both in the spirit and in the physic, to suffer for the others in the same walk like him (Matthew 16/24), the pope and his group in their big mission to make ignore the way of God to men, have fabricated rosaries having the effigy of Robert Powell taken for Jesus Christ, making them to be worn on people’s neck like cross recommended by the Lord Jesus.

    They also make the blinds to carry two big pieces of crossed wood, make them walk under blazing sun by making them understand that it is the way of the cross. Meanwhile, the Lord Jesus has carried the cross which was our sin on the wood to save us from the sin and the spiritual death. The Lord Jesus has recommended us to possess his heart of flesh which is our cross, the cross that we have to carry in order to manifest love to our neighbour and to be freed by this cross or life. But, they make people to carry two pieces of crossed wood on the shoulders and that are heavy to make them walk under blazing sun; this useless load brings what good, if not hernia, back pain... in the physic and death in the soul.

    The pope and his group have deceived the people that if they come and bow down in front of them and confess their sins, they have the power to declare that their sins are forgiven, that is why you see somebody coming to kneel down in front of the pope saying: “my Holy Father, I have committed such a sin” and that this last tells him: “Go, your sins are forgiven in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit”, somebody come and kneel down in front of the bishop and says: “my lord, I have commited such a sin” and this last tells him: “... your sins are forgiven”, somebody come and kneel down in front of the priest and says: “my father, I have commited such a sin” and this last tells him: “your sins are forgiven”. The first born of the man of perdition has gone up to making people to understand that he has power to forgive the sins, or again, to canonise to render the deaths holy.

In truth, it is not the high rate of unemployment in the entire world that touch my heart and soul, nor the very high rise in price of the basket of the house wife that worry me and saddens me, but the blood of babies, orphans, widows, in short, the blood of innocent people that shed in Syria since March 2011 up to today the 31st August 2016, and the spiritual terrorism that the pope and his group make for the destruction of men’s souls through the means of deception and human traditions taken for Jesus Christ, as well as the prophets, pastors, apostles that lead the people to become tied to handkerchiefs, water, armlets, soap, perfume..., making them understand that they carry God’s blessing, protection, power...; there are many of them who are seduced and deceived, those who rush to buy and come in possession of these vanities believing that it is from God.

    In truth, whether all of them are known as old, new, awakened, sleeping... churches or not, they should understand that the hour that was to come for me to take care of the big matters of he who made me his worker and employee in his enterprise and work is already there.

       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)


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