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It is the 439th message


    The Lord Jesus willing that the world should come to the knowledge of the truth and become free from confusion that can lead to an eternal fatality, has made his revealing and demonstrative word to explode so that the man should no longer ignore what make him a veritable and eternal living, blessed, saved, powerful…

       The Lord Jesus gave us the creative word of his Father which is also his word so that while keeping this word in us, we also become eternally alive, blessed, powerful, saved… Therefore, the Father has sent us the life, the blessing, the deliverance, liberty, power, force… by his word through the Son. That is why after the Son had handed over, transmitted and given this word, said to the one who sent him: “For I have given them the words that you gave me, and they have received them and have come to know in truth that I came from you; and they have believed that you sent me” (John 17/8). When we keep this word in us, it does not only makes God’s love, but also the presence of the Father and Son in us; that is why the Lord Jesus says: “If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him” (John 14/23). The Lord Jesus being the Word and Spirit, he who is joined to this Word also becomes one Spirit with him (1 Corinthians 6/17).

    The Lord is the life, the blessing, power, force, the greatness, the glory, liberty, the deliverance…; and where this life, blessing, power, force, greatness, glory, liberty, deliverance… abides, there also we are eternally alive, blessed, powerful, strong, great, glorious, free, delivered… That is even why it is said: “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom” (2 Corinthians 3/17). You who have accepted this word of blessing in you, you have power over every word of malediction that has been confessed, declared and prophesy against you. You who have received the creative Spirit in you, you have power over every animal spirit, human spirit and spirit of death that rise in front of you or against you; that is why it is said: “Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world” (1 John 4/4).

       In truth, what makes the multitude of people to perish today is ignorance of the knowledge of Christ’s truth. The people believe that they have to do with demons and evil spirits, therefore, seeing prophet TB JOSHUA coming to help them with these products of power and force against demons and evil spirits, these blinds and deaf believe that he is the prophet that God has sent. This last come with his products of power and miracle, and people run behind them. Let the whole world understand that the Eternal did not give a material to the Lord Jesus to bring the people to possess him, if not his Word which is Spirit that we must live in order to become alive, blessed, powerful, strong and saved; and the Lord Jesus neither gave a product or material to the apostles whose names are written in the bible to make miracles and others if not his creative word. In God, there is no material called spiritual product or product of miracles if not this word of God which is spiritual to make us spiritual men of truth and of power or spiritual beings when we believe and live it.

       Whole world, if somebody does not come with this unique Word for spiritual product and miracle of God, he is a false prophet or false man of God, no matter his clairvoyance, divinations, prophecies, miracles and prodigies that he will do. And the Lord spoke about it saying: “For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect” (Matthew 24/24). How can TB Joshua come with a multitude of flasks of liquid and armlets that contain a power and tell the people that they are products anointed by Jesus Christ? And if they have power to operate miracles and prodigies, from whom do they come? It is a big lie, fake and deception from him; because God does not have any material on earth for product that he has anointed as TB Joshua deceive the poor blinds and deaf, if not his creative Word. The only product that God has on earth for spiritual and miraculous product is his Word which is in mission with the power to bring back man’s soul from the eternal death to the eternal life, from the eternal malediction to the eternal blessing, from the eternal blindness to the eternal sight, from the eternal prison to the eternal freedom… Therefore, any other spiritual product is false and his provider is also false.

       In truth, if prophet TB Joshua has the grace of the Lord Jesus to come out of the opponent camp, he will ask a lot of forgiveness to God more than Apostle Paul when he was persecuting the Church of God in Jerusalem; because he, TB Joshua has made the world of the blinds and deaf to believe that God has a material for spiritual product on earth and that this material is anointed by Jesus, and thousands of blinds and deaf have believed to this, many of them even died in this ignorance. Thousands of people go in Nigeria for problems of the flesh and others to acquire the power of miracles in order to also come and perform miracles and prodigies in their countries. Nigeria, Benin, Ghana, India… are countries where the men of God of this generation who perform miracles go to acquire the power.

       In truth, making believe to the people that God has a material for spiritual and miraculous product is to despise him and to give him the value of a creature. That is why this generation is full of men making deliverances of all kind in the flesh, but they themselves not being delivered in their souls. That is also why evil continue to increase day after day. The true and great men of God are those ones who carry the creative Word with the power to guide someone to become eternally alive, blessed, powerful, free… How do the people who have become the house of the life giver, blessing giver, the All Mighty, the light, fire…, which means the house of God, still run after the material of TB Joshua that he qualifies for product having the power to cure, to bless and save? All is in the becoming. If the people were becoming the temple, the house and dwelling of God, or members of his body, they would have not run after the material of TB Joshua that he makes believe to the blinds and deaf that they are spiritual products blessed by God to work. In becoming one house with God, you become the gods; and it is this unique word that was in the beginning, that was with God, and that was God having created everything, which has the power to deliver you, to bless you and to save you…, and not flasks, armlets of power of TB Joshua that are taken for the power of God.

       To all those who have received this word and who have believed to its creative power, it has given the power to become children that are alive, blessed, powerful, strong, free…, and not flasks and armlets with powers of TB Joshua. That is why all those who have come in possession of flasks and armlets of this prophet believe to have the power to dominate or cast out demons. In the last day, they will know that it was a power that operates miracles and prodigies of lies. When the creative power, which means the power that comes from the creative word is present, the one that come from things that have been created bow down; for we neither walk nor live by our power, but by that of God. These people only have power to cast out demons, to liberate the flesh and make it to prosper, and not the power of the becoming of the soul. This generation does not know that his problem is the life, the blessing and deliverance of his soul at first, but what he knows is that it is the flesh which is only the ground that must live well, prosper and be in good health; that is why these blinds and deaf are mostly victims of magicians, forgers, crooks… but they will know it later.

       Christ’s truth that the foxes of the devil in this generation believe to veil will burst out and it has not yet started, but he who will live will see.

CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)

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