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It is the 445th message.


     In truth, the Lord Jesus brought our attention on the false power that will arise to operate great prodigies and miracles up to the point of seducing almost everybody (Matthew 24/24). Apostle Paul still comes to warn us that the coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders (2Thessalonians 2/9).

       The time has come for scales to fall from the eyes of the blinds so that these unfortunate should become happy in the sight to no longer confuse the passing power to the one that is eternal, the earthly power to the heavenly power. Here is a man called TB Joshua, the prophet, who has rose up with his multiple flasks, armlets… containing a magical power to attract people in order to come in possession of these products, and millions of people rush to possess them.

       You, blinds who are seduced, ask yourselves the question to know why the Lord Jesus who was sent for our miracle, to bring us from the death to life, to make us triumph over all evil words or words of darkness by his word, over all evil or animal spirit by his Spirit, even the prophets and the apostles whose names are written in the bible neither had flasks nor armlets…, and could not bring the people to possess these things? Prophet TB Joshua on the other hand is endowed of flasks of miraculous products and armlets, and he also brings the people to be endowed of these things. But of whom is he prophet? Is he of the Lord Jesus who is not the flask or armlet, or of the devil to whom belongs the passing power on earth and the objects? Is he edified on the foundation of the apostles, the prophets who did not know these things and did possess them in order to bring people to also possess them? Or again, is he edified on the Lord Jesus himself who gave himself for us as a miracle? This miracle being his word which is spirit and life of which he himself bear witness that his flesh and all passing objects serve for nothing, but that his word which is spirit and life and that dwells eternally is all (John 6/63).

       In truth, we receive the power, the blessing, the miracle of God for the becoming through the Word of the Lord Jesus. That is why he says that if somebody want to become the house or source of power, of blessing and of miracle, he should keep his Word; and he who will keep his Word will be loved by the Father because of what he keep in him, and his Father and him will come to live and dwell in this last; he will become the house of God; the house of power, the blessing and the miracle. As such, he will overcome all the power and strongholds that are in this world of darkness because the one who is in him is more powerful than he who is in the world of darkness (John 14/23; Hebrews 3/6; 1John 4/4).

       The Lord Jesus knows that it is the person who will keep his Word that will put on the heavenly power because, knowing that the apostles had received his Word before his ascension in heaven, he recommended them not to go far from the town of Jerusalem to wait to be endowed of the power above (Luke 24/49). But for prophet TB Joshua, it is not the power above that the men must put on, but rather the magical power in armlets that are worn. This false power fights against the power of God because many people run towards the false and not the true one. This false power is only a counterfeit which is there to make fall the veritable and original power.

       There shall arise false prophets that will bring a false and passing power in objects; and the people will seek these objects to possess them and they will seduce themselves to have received the miracle. Prophet TB Joshua is one of the great false prophets who accomplish the word of the Lord Jesus in Matthew 24/24. The blinds that possess these armlets open their mouth of darkness and say to thank God through what they have received that protect them, makes them prosper… But what a seduction! For this is only modern witchery. The modern witch doctor gives things to people for their protection, success and prosperity the same way as the traditional witch doctors do. These modern witch doctors see things of the flesh that the witches have blocked and reveal them or prophesy on people while unblocking them; the traditional witch doctors also do it. We see people everywhere with armlets of this modern witch doctor, but let the world understand that when the Lord Jesus was healing the sick people or casting out demons that were in people’s bodies, he was always telling them: “You who have been healed or delivered, you should no longer commit sin for fear that something worse happens to you, or again, what I have cast out may still come back for support with seven other spirits more powerful than itself” (John 5/14; Matthew 12/43-45).

       The false prophets today, after praying on the people, they give them armlets, water, handkerchiefs… for their protection, blessing… Many people will say that this modern witch doctor, TB Joshua is a veritable prophet because he has healed and delivered their flesh, unblocked things of their fleshly life that the witches, marabous and magicians held captive; also because he has revealed them their fleshly future and has made them know the people who were at the origin of their curse. It is for this great modern witch doctor and those who do like him that the Lord Jesus was saying that on the last day, they will tell him that they have cast out demons, called on his name with the mouth, healed people, revealed invisible things, or prophesy on people; but he will tell them that he does not know them (Matthew 7/22).

    These modern witch doctors who have filled the world today sell products such as blessed and miraculous water, handkerchiefs, armlets, perfumes… to make money. These modern witch doctors, being blind and deaf, believe that the richness, wealth and the treasure is limited in things of the earth. If that was the case, the Lord Jesus would have not said to the young rich man to sell all the things of the earth that he was possessing and to give the product to the poor, and he would receive what has created these things for his eternal treasure, wealth and richness (Matthew 19/21). What does it serve these modern witch doctors to swindle the people in order to have big vehicles, castles, expensive clothes, radio and television channels and big buildings that are decorated where they make their cinema of seduction, of deception and swindling if they lose their souls and also make billions of people who are gained by their seduction to lose theirs?

       In truth, the devil is not to simplify because his veritable force and power are not seen in the power of the witches and the magicians, but in the power of the false christ and the false prophet. Look in this world, people say that the devil is small meanwhile they are dominated by the power of the false christ who had baptised them when they were still babies or children at the price of money. Being big today, they have never received the baptism according to God, and they run the risk of leaving the earth without receiving it. The power of the false christ makes them wear the effigies of Robert Powell as rosary on the neck and others as the cross of Jesus. The power of the false christ brings them to bow down in front of carved stones or a block of cement having the effigy of Robert Powell taken for Jesus or that of Olivia Hussey taken for the virgin Mary, meanwhile the Bible is in front of these blinds and they see nothing, but they do not fail to open their mouth of darkness to say that the devil is small.

       Certainly, the devil is small in front of God and in front of he who believes in the Lord Jesus, he who has disappeared so that the Lord Jesus should appear, and not in front of he who is dominated by the seduction of the false prophet. In truth, it makes me laugh and in the same time makes pity; how can the people be under the domination of the lie of the false christ and say that the devil is small? How can the people be under the domination of the magic of the false prophet and say that the devil is small? In truth, how can you believe that Mary ascended in heaven on a 15th August and you still think that there shall come other false christs to seduce the people through their deception? How can somebody believe that there is water that the Lord Jesus has anointed to cure, to bless and to save the people and still wait other false prophets who will come and seduce people through their prodigies and miracles of lies? The people who live by the fleshly spirit do not see their souls in danger because of the belief in the lie of the false christ who makes them carry the effigy of Robert Powell on rosaries. The people who live by the fleshly spirit do not feel that their souls are in danger because of the belief in the seduction of the false prophet who makes them wear the miraculous armlet.

       Lord Jesus, you who is our Saviour from the eternal death for the eternity, the time has come for your Word to sound in this generation more corrupted and wicked than ever, because if this generation reach to know the truth, there will be less bewitchers and those who are bewitched, less robbers and those who are robbed, less thieves and those who are stolen, less corrupters and those who are corrupted, less persecutors and those who are persecuted, less killers and those who are killed; as such, there will be the veritable deliverance that you brought on earth.

CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)

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