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The Lord Jesus in the beginning of his mission on earth, when he appeared like a simple man in front of the people of Israel and the entire world, seeing in advance this generation that we are today full of false men of God making big prodigies and miracles to seduce almost all the men because they take them for the veritable men of God, said: “For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect” (Matthew 24/24). The Lord Jesus who was in the fleshly body since more than 1980 years ago in this world has well seen our era, this generation which is perverse and corrupted in the middle of which there are people who operate visions, clairvoyance, prophesies, prodigies and miracles, pretending to be servants of God, and who because of this, drag the crowd for a ruin in the soul.

       In truth, the devil has endowed Benin which is a country of West Africa with a power called voodoo. Big magic masters and witches come from this country with the power of voodoo that operates in the attraction, hypnotisation, influence, domination, protection, divination, releasing from a spell, healing, agitation, making people to fall. They impregnate chains, medallions, rings, perfumes, soap... with the power of voodoo; these amulets act in different manners according to the demand of the customer. These big magic masters and witches of voodoo even have head of States, ministers, diplomats, stars business men... for customer. These last seek or request them either to have the power of domination over other men of the nation, their ministry, their post, their team, either to have the celebrity, the protection, success...

       Majority of the men of God who make visions, clairvoyance, divinations, prophecies, prodigies and miracles are exceptional customers of these big magic masters and voodoo witches. Millions of men of God request and buy these powers of attraction, of influence, of hypnotisation, of clairvoyance, of divination, of agitation, of reversal, of releasing from a spell and healing. Do not be astonished to see hundreds or thousands of people following these deceivers, giving to these seducers all what they ask them or buying the said blessed products that they sell to them.

       In truth, this generation is full of men of God who possess the power of voodoo to make miracles by pronouncing the name of Jesus in their mouths; and all this to bring the people to think that it is God. And many ignorant are convinced that if it was by the satanic power that these people were operating, they would have not pronounced the name of Jesus in their mouth. But it is question for the people to understand that the devil being the master of perdition and of misleading, when he sends his servants to lead astray or to make many to get lost, in their power which is lies and the cunning, they can never tell to their victims that they come in the name of Satan, but rather in the name of God. That is even why concerning the apostles that were presenting themselves before the people saying that they are servants of Christ, Apostle Paul was making the people to understand that: “For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ.  And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light” (2Corinthians 11/13-14).

    The workmen of Satan willing to succeed in their mission, recognising that if they say the truth to the people, which means if they tell the people that they work by the power of the devil or that they lead the people according to the devil, nobody will follow them in the perdition and misleading, and their mission will be vain. But they know that if they make the people to believe that they are of God and that their power comes from God, or that they lead the people according to God, therefore, many people will follow them as it is the case with many today. Look in the Garden of Eden, when the devil came towards Eve, he did not tell her that while eating this fruit she will die, for fear not to succeed his mission; but he told her that while eating this fruit, she will not die, but that she was to become god. If he had told Eve that while eating this fruit she would die, Eve would have not done it.

    The same, if the pope told the people that the blocks of cement that he places everywhere with the effigy of a comedian are a trap of souls for the men, nobody would be bowing down in front of these statues. But since he told these last that bowing down in front of these statues taken for Jesus or Mary is beneficial for their faith, people rush to do it. Creating an occasion for sin, bringing the man to the disobedience or revolt against the will of his creator is the mission of the devil; that is why the pope has discouraged the men from reading the Holy Scriptures so that all what he will ask them to do should not be consulted in the bible. Therefore, these victims of the lie and deception are in the incapacity to examine the book of the word of light and of spiritual life to see if what they tell them is true.

       The devil has also brought these thirsty of money and of the glory of man to possess the power of voodoo to make clairvoyance, divinations, prophecies, healing and release from a spell, even to speak in tongues, and all this while declaring “in the name of Jesus” in their mouth to put to rest any suspicions and doubt on their fake work. For these makers of miracles and prodigies, going to seek this power is to make money and gain the glory near the men. That is why they make the people to believe that money is God and the end to all. They ask high amounts of money to people for a prayer of blessing, of success and of breakthrough; they post their pictures everywhere; they say that they are champions in the unlocking and destruction of family curses, prophecies and miracles...

    For the devil, while endowing these big magic masters and witches of this power of voodoo, it is for these last to sell it to the actors of cinema taken for the men of God, whom in their turn will gain money and the glory near their victims; and these victims in this chain, will also gain the fleshly health and the revelation on things that are pleasant to them. In fact, for the devil, establishing and using these actors of cinema who make miracles and prodigies consist in maintaining the souls in the ignorance of the truth of Christ and the power of God; that is thus his gain and purpose in all his film which is made and played starting from the big voodoo magic masters and witches up to the buyers of power and makers of prodigies and miracles, passing by those who are convinced by these powers, even using them through objects that are presented as being blessed or anointed.

       These men of God who are users of the voodoo power, after having received by the buying of the power impregnated in objects like rings, chains, medallions, perfumes, soap, oil... they do not delay on their turn to impregnate them in water, handkerchiefs, salt, oil... in order to sell them. Even exorcists operate with the power of voodoo; and these magicians of voodoo taken for men of God have astonished the men of this generation like Simon the magician had astonished the people of Samaria. But Philip of yesterday, of today and forever, will not delay to always demonstrate the contrary of this magic taken for the power of God by spiritual blinds and deaf. Just as yesterday where the Lord Jesus did not want that his suffering and his blood that has shed on the cross should be vain for the people of Samaria who were taking the magical power of Simon like being his power, the same today, he does not want that many people in this generation should stay in the ignorance and confusion by taking the power of voodoo manifested by these foxes like being that of God, the veritable.

       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)

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