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It is the 469th message

    In truth, many people in their ignorance will always take me for someone who fights against the men of God; but which men of God does it mean? When Jeremiah the prophet was bringing the people to know Hananiah the prophet, to avoid putting their confidence on this last, was it to fight against the man of God? For this reason, he said to prophet Hananiah: “Listen, Hananiah, the Lord has not sent you, and you have made this people trust in a lie” (Jeremiah 28/15). When Apostle Paul was bringing the people to better know certain disguised apostles so that they should not be deceived, was it to fight against the men of God? For this reason, he said to the people: “For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light” (2Corinthians 11/13-14). When I bring the people to better know one among thousands in this generation like apostle TATHEU Samuel who has made flasks to himself containing a red liquid; who deceives the blinds and deaf bringing them to believe that it is the blood of Jesus, thus bringing these last towards him so that they should buy his product called the blood of Jesus, with the assurance that this liquid might purify, protect, bless, heal, save and put them in alliance with God; but what a seduction, lie and swindling of large scale!

              In truth, I see the courage of Satan in this apostle TATHEU Samuel. If not, how an individual like him can permit himself to deceive the people by selling them a red liquid in a flak taken for the blood of Jesus, while knowing the suffering that the Lord Jesus had faced before he was nailed on the stick, passing by the sword which pierced his ribs so that the blood of God without stain nor sin has shed for our purification from the conscience of dead works (Hebrews 9/14). Apostle TATHEU Samuel, the Lord Jesus loved us by pure love, that is why he has preferred to sacrifice his flesh and to make his blood to shed for the deliverance from our sins without any condition of money; that is why it is said: “and from Jesus Christ the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of kings on earth. To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood” (Revelation 1/5).

              Apostle TATHEU Samuel, it is to mock and despise the blood of our Lord which has shed for our sins that you make money in the selling of flasks containing a red liquid that you call the blood of Jesus. Big business man of the called blood of Jesus, you should repent, as well as millions of people that you seduce, deceive and swindle by putting the name of God in front. TATHEU Samuel is a big businessman who makes millions to himself in the middle of the blinds and deaf. He sells flasks of the said blood of Jesus to all of them at the price of 2500 CFA Francs, flasks of water at 2000 CFA Francs, flasks of salt at 2000 CFA Francs, flasks of oil at 2500 CFA Francs, the blessed armlet at 1000 CFA Francs, blessed apple at 1000 CFA Francs, the blessed broom at 500 CFA Francs, without forgetting blessed handkerchiefs and many other things. This big businessman of large scale always has a solution in his cunning to gain the money of the blinds and deaf. He even has a radio and television channel called “SOLUTION”. He makes the campaign of occult power incarnated in things that he sells, and millions of blinds and deaf believe that while buying these things having the power of protection, of blessing, of healing..., they have the solution to their problem. For this reason, the people have become tied to what they buy from these businessmen to hope for the protection, the blessing, the deliverance... Meanwhile, these last were to become tied to the Word of God which is God in order to become one spirit and life with him, and where this word dwells, or the person in whom it dwells, there also dwells victory over every word which is confessed, declared and prophesised against him. Where this Spirit dwells, there also dwells victory over every spirit which is manifested in front of you (1Corinthians 6/17; 2Corinthians 3/17).

              If we become tied to this word, we will overcome the strong man of perdition in his life, word and spirits; as such, this word which is kept in us produces the love of the Father and that of the Son towards us as well as their dwelling in us for the eternity. At this moment, we become stronger than the man, the word and spirit of darkness because of the victory that dwells in us (1John 4/4; John 14/23). God has sent his Son who is God to make us also become gods, for if we become tied to him, we become only one person and life with him. This word is sent to the man for him to be edified in it to become the dwelling of God in Spirit as it is said: “In him you are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the spirit” (Ephesians 2/22). While receiving Christ, we become the temple of God, the temple of power, force, blessing, life and fire; as such, God’s word makes us become the temple of God as it is said: “Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?” (1Corinthians 3/16).

    The Word of God makes us become the house of Christ as it is said: “but Christ is faithful over God’s house as son. And we are his house if indeed we hold fast our confidence and our boasting in our hope” (Hebrews 3/6). In truth, the people have refused to get married to this word, to this spirit and life of Christ in them to become a house or temple of blessing, of protection, of fire, of life and deliverance, they are always preferring to be seduced, deceived, swindled, by Apostle TATHEU Samuel and his colleagues who are everywhere on earth, and who make the service of Satan. With these occult forces and spiritual products, the people will not know the power of God because these people who are seduced, deceived and swindled see the power of God in flasks, armlets..., and not in the new heart, spirit and life by the Holy Spirit and Word of Christ.

              This man called TATHEU Samuel as well as his colleagues have filled the world and make the people of this generation to believe that the Lord Jesus is the solution and saviour of their job, promotion, marriage, travelling, childbirth, finances, business... that are blocked, meanwhile the Lord Jesus is first the solution and saviour to prevent the man from God’s wrath that will fall in the eternal lake of fire to punish those who are rebellious to his word and life. These sellers of illusions have made the people to believe that Jesus came to save man from demons, witches, malefic words, spirits of blocking, of failure, of limitation, of unemployment, of celibacy, of the non accomplishment..., and not from wickedness and evil that terrorises the hearts; that is why you see people buying products of blessing, of protection, of deliverance, and you hear them sending fire in their prayer... But evil and wickedness always fill their hearts, and the blinds believe that as the demon that was blocking the work, the marriage, the promotion, the travelling, the childbirth, the finances, businesses... is overcome, it means that the devil is overcome in us.

              When Apostle TATHEU Samuel incarnates these forces through sticks, flasks, brooms, handkerchiefs, the microphone..., and that he pray on people who fall shouting or vomiting, some of them being possessed by human and animal spirits that speak in them; the blinds and deaf of the truth of Christ believe to be directly seeing the power of God in this seller of illusions, as the Samaritans believed to see the power of God in Simon. It is time for all these sellers of illusion to respect the Lord Jesus, his Word and blood that has shed on the cross for the deliverance from our sins, as well as the word of the apostles and prophets that he had used to talk of him and whose names are written in the Bible (John 17/20).

CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)

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