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It is the 473rd message


    The Lord Jesus has put his great word of light and of fire in us for it to act and be demonstrated by us, so that the light should shine and bare or unveil the darkness in its deepness, and that the fake should no longer be taken for the true. All this is done by the Lord in the only objective which is to prevent his blood that has shed on earth not to be useless for the souls of this generation; he wants that all the men should know the truth in order to become freed and saved from the consideration of darkness for light, the devil for God.

       In truth, God has sent God from heaven to come and make gods on earth; those ones who will enter the kingdom of heaven to live eternally with the sender God and the messenger God because they have been redeemed by blood and an eternal sacrifice from the hands of the devil. God the Father has sent God the Son on earth so that God the Son should grow in those who believe in him; so that they should receive him and give him the place in them. The sender God has sent the messenger God on earth so that those who accept to disappear in them to let appear the sender God should become the gods who are saved.

       All the men of this generation should open their eyes largely in order to better see how these magicians who make miracles and sellers of illusions prevent them from becoming the temple of protection, the house of blessing, the dwelling of the life, the truth and fire; they should largely open their ears to listen very well how these people act near them, just as the Samaritans had largely opened their eyes and ears to see and hear very well who Simon was and his power that they were qualifying as great power of God, the veritable power (Acts 8/9-11). If he who has been sent on earth from heaven to protect us, to save us, to bless us… is not in us, neither the protection nor the blessing are not also in us.

       These miracle makers and sellers of illusions deceive you because neither an armlet nor a handkerchief, a water, soap, a perfume, a ring… were not sent from heaven carrying powers and forces to protect you, to bless you, to save you…, but the word has been sent to us from heaven, the word that was in the beginning, which is with God and which is God; and by whom everything was created (John 1/1-3). This word that has been sent to us from heaven is spirit and life (John 6/63). The Lord Jesus to whom his Father has given this word from heaven and he who is this word bear witness to his Father to have given this word to the men who must keep it in order to become alive, blessed, protected and gods as it is said: “For I have given them the words that you gave me, and they have received them and have come to know in truth that I came from you; and they have believed that you sent me” (John 17/8); or again, as he says that he who will keep his Word will have the grace to become the dwelling of the eternal life, blessing, protection, light and fire that are nothing else than his Father and him as it is said: “If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him” (John 14/23).

    Therefore, he who save us, protect us, bless us make us dominate and triumph eternally over every word and malefic spirit or spirit of darkness must be in us. Being the creative word, every word must bow down in front of him. Being the supreme Spirit, every spirit must bow down in front of him. Therefore, the Lord Jesus who is in us is the Word which is Spirit, or again, he is the Spirit which is the word. We are like little children who do not think to make evil, who easily forget what they do them wrong in order to overcome the strong man of this world because of the strongest one that live in them, that is why it is said: “Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world” (1John 4/4). Therefore, he who has been sent to save us, to protect and bless us, being the creator, he cannot be replaced by a handkerchief, an armlet, water, a perfume, soap, a ring… as these miracle makers, big seducers, and sellers of illusions who lead astray the multitude do, false servants whom the Lord Jesus announced their coming in advance. If he is not in us, we are without protection, without blessing, without life and without hope of resurrection on the last day; that is even why it is said: “If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you” (Romans 8/11).

    We must be edified by the word of protection to become a temple of protection, be edified on the word of blessing to become a dwelling of blessing, edified on the word of power and fire to become a dwelling of fire and power; that is even why it is said: “ In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit” (Ephesians 2/22), because this word is Jesus Christ and his name, and he who keep it in him, hope in its power and believe in his name, miracles to cast out demons, to lay hands on sick people and to heal them… will accompany him. That is why the Lord Jesus says: “And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues;  they will pick up serpents with their hands; and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover” (Mark 16/17-18). But for these miracle makers and sellers of illusion, the miracle accompanies the handkerchiefs, armlets, water, rings, perfumes… impregnated with occult power and that are sold by many to make money; and those who buy it for their protection, blessing, prosperity… are often full of joy when they obtain these spiritual products, and loudly and strongly thank God.

       If only NANA KWAKOU BONSAM, the Ghanaian magic master, and the Ivorian called master Solomon have already given their magic power impregnated on things to more than 3700 men of God so that they should operate miracles in prayers and prophecies, what about the rest of magic masters like them who also do it? That is why many miracle makers go to seek these powers while knowing that with this, they will have great powers of clairvoyance and of revelation on invisible things or on the past and the future in order to attract the crowd towards them; the crowd that will give them money and will admire and consider them.

       For some, up to the head of States, ministers, diplomats, great business men, stars… there is MAGAYA WALTER of Zimbabwe who is a great maker of miracles and prodigies; he is a seller of illusions. Millions of people rush to buy the powers, as well as CD and stickers of this businessman. Since it is difficult to obtain money, especially in these end times, Africans have thrown themselves in this big business; and these miracle makers and sellers of illusion impress their victims with dresses of big price, big vehicles, big buildings that are decorated… without forgetting their malignant language. Today, these magic masters who also want to gain much money seek the men of God in a rush to sell them their power to operate miracles.

       Just as Simon the magician who believed that the power of God was for sale and wanted to buy it from Apostle Peter and John in Samaria to continue his business, the same as these miracle makers and sellers of illusion who have filled this generation do. How people cannot ask themselves the question why, with many miracle makers and makers of prodigies who operate every day, there are still many people who are bewitched and other cases? But it is because the same witches who bewitch people are often in the places of prayer or of mass celebration either to put back the same diseases or to put in other diseases; these miracle makers and sellers of illusions want that these witches should continue their work. They are like corrupted policemen or gendarmes who dream of an infraction to make money.

       Therefore, if the witches do not bewitch every day, miracle makers will not have situations to make money or again, they will be unable to sell their products. Therefore, when the witches bewitch, miracle and prodigies makers come and remove the bewitchment; and those who are bewitched give them money or other things that they ask. And sometimes in their speech, they make the people to believe that they are present to fight against the witches; however, if there are 1000 people in a place of prayer, 800 among them are witches; it is a game in the game.

       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death (John 8/32).

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