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      The devil is a liar and the master of lies, he is seated in the Vatican like a water tower and makes his lie to flow like water that people rush and jostle to draw. Satan is on earth, since the Vatican where he is seated to continue to deceive the world as he had deceived Eve in the Garden of Eden, and he wants that many people should be gained by his lie in order to maintain their souls in the eternal death and to drag them in the lake of fire with him. Satan has deceived those who are spiritually blind by telling them that the pope is the representative of Apostle Peter, he has deceived parents of babies and of little children; these spiritual deaf who have given money believing that their little children have received the baptism. He has deceived those who are spiritually sick by telling them that Mary through whom Jesus passed to come in this physical world, ascended in heaven on the 15th August, and that she can help them near her son. He has deceived those who are spiritually paralysed by telling them that the statue in the effigy of Robert Powell represents Jesus, and that the statue in the effigy of Olivia Hussey represents Mary. He has deceived those who are spiritually lepers by telling them that the rosary that they wear is the cross that the Lord Jesus recommended to be carried by those who want to follow him. He has deceived those who are spiritually mad by telling them that carrying two pieces of crossed wood on the shoulder on a day given by the Vatican and to make a long walk with this load means that we are suffering for the Lord and that we are commemorating his penitence on earth.

       Satan has equally deceived those who are spiritually dead by telling them that there is a Wednesday of ashes, where he brings them to put ashes in the form of a cross on the forehead and to walk with this mark the whole day. He has deceived those who are spiritually senseless by telling them that there is a holy Friday where they should abstain from eating meat. He has deceived prostitutes by telling them that being the mistress of the priest in their midst and to be called sister, is to become the sister of Christ. He has deceived those who are spiritually poor by telling them that when one of their loved one dies, if during burial, the wood or coffin in which the lump of soil is laid does not receive drops of water for blessing, therefore, the deceased person would have lose everything on earth. Therefore, Satan since the Vatican where he is seated pumps the lie to the men who are without knowledge of the truth. Lies kill the veritable body which is the soul and it started by the first men in the Garden of Eden; but the Lord Jesus came with the truth so that the lie should be overcome and for the soul to come back to life. But in this generation of the end times, while the devil is seated in the Vatican where he has made a sovereign state of deception, he pumps and sprays the lie in the entire world; he places his animal spirit, his spirit of voodoo, of waters... in many men that he presents to the world, and the men take them for the servants of God in the awakened churches; they have as mission to make divinations or prophecies on vanities, false and fancy promises to gain the hearts of many people, preaching the gospel of prosperity of the flesh and operating prodigies and miracles of lies, fighting to open gathering places called church and to conquer money givers, the sinews of war and source of all kind of tribulations of men.

      Satan also wants that the hearts of the veritable children of God who are found in this world should also be gained by the joy and peace of sports, cinema... and worries, anxieties and lamentations when they do not have the material and the consideration of the men of this world; he wants them to be gained by the thought that they are nothing if they do not possess vanities, so that they should endlessly rush to obtain these vanities. The man is vain before God if he is attracted by vain things. Meanwhile the Lord Jesus did not shed his blood and did not call the men to lament and worry for the flesh or lump of soil and his future, but he called them to let his truth to be heard at the summit of this world; this truth is above the creature, above everything and all men, that is why the Lord Jesus wants that all the men should know this truth, they should be freed and saved by it. That is what he is expecting from us who are his brothers and sisters, what he approves and finds good because it is the reason for which he had suffered till death on the cross.

      The blood of God in the flesh that he took is precious and has a very great value; and if this blood has shed on the cross for the souls, it was not for a joke, but it was the manifestation of the greatest love of God for all the men. By the blood of Jesus, God claims the liberation all men’s souls from the hands of Satan. God wants to see the souls of the popes, cardinals, archbishops, priests... be liberated, that is why he wants to bring them back to him; it is not wickedness, but rather love for their souls. God knows that the devil has bewitched them, and holds them as his instrument that he uses to destroy the souls of many people. When God talks to people such as prophet TB Joshua, apostle Tatheu..., it is because he (God) is good and merciful, and does not want these last to seduce and deceive themselves to release other people from a spell, but it is because he wants them to know that they themselves are the ones who are really bewitched and must seek to be released from this spell; if not, what is the God that they serve by wearing bracelets on the hands and making other people to wear them for their protection? It is just veritable sorcery! Can somebody be born of the word of life, of the spirit of God and the new body which is the body of Christ or God and still wear a bracelet on him for protection? This kind of body is not of Christ and it is not Christ, for Jesus Christ does not need it. Between the bracelet and the body which wears it, which of the two has received the Lord Jesus to become god, the power and protection?

      When God talks to the head of States, it is because he wants that their souls should be saved; he wants them to understand that the human being is the greatest value on earth, and that he did not create him to serve things, but the things must rather serve man when they are present. But when God sees majority of the head of States sacrificing the human being, he asks them this question: what do you gain which is superior to the human being, if not what is inferior and vanity? They suffer of the veritable and pure madness and must be delivered as earlier as possible. For what is superior to the man is his creator (God), and what is inferior to man is the things that have been put under his authority. Instead of these head of States to run towards the Lord Jesus who has been sent for all the men so that they should receive him and possess the spirit of God, they rather run towards the spirit of the animal to posses it and to become members of freemasonry, the Rosicrucian order... Therefore, for the Lord Jesus, no soul must flee from him, the devil also wants all the souls and he wants to conquer all of them; For the Lord Jesus, the fight is carried by the truth and that of the devil is by the lie, the seduction and deception.

      Let the priests, pastors and those who call them to come and bless the corpse or lump of soil before its burial understand that God took dust of the ground to make a paste and to form man’s physical body or flesh. This flesh has no value when the soul is not in it, and when God breathed in the nostrils of this lump of soil, it had the breathing, movement and it became alive; that was the creation of Adam in the Garden of Eden, the first man. When God placed Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, being alive and blessed in their souls, he gave them a commandment which was bringing them to remain alive and blessed in case they obey it, and in case they disobey it, they were to die and be cursed. Unfortunately, these last had disobeyed to this commandment and their souls were swallowed by the curse and death; and the entire humanity that came from them also inherited this spiritual curse and death. But God had sent the Lord Jesus to become flesh and to die hanged on the cross, becoming cursed in the flesh for us in order to pay the price of the death and curse of the soul. Therefore, whoever receives his word which is spirit and life becomes alive and blessed in his soul. When the soul leaves the flesh, this lump of soil must be buried in the ground where it was taken, and the soul which has gone, if it does not have Jesus, if it is without life, blessing and value before God, at the end, it will be thrown in the lake of eternal fire. But when the blinds come and spray drops of water on the wood or coffin for blessing, do they do it so that the soul which has gone should be blessed in order to be received by God, or do they do it so that this lump of soil which is in the coffin should be blessed in order not to be eaten by ants, maggots...?

      Therefore, Mr pope, cardinals, archbishops, bishops, priests... it is not by your physic, height, weight, white hair, age, material, certificates... that you will know the wonders of God or his revelation, but it is by the spirit of God in the belief in the truth of Christ.

       But to God only the glory, greatness by the Lord Jesus who has suffered and shed his blood in this world for us to know the truth that freed us and save us from evil and death forever.

       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)

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