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It is the 491st message

    In truth, the men of God on earth were to have a charge, a mission, a task which is to bring the men to become the richness of God on earth, to have God first for richness. The richness of God becomes man by the possession of a new heart and spirit brought by Christ, and the richness of man was to be God by the possession of the heart and spirit of God. God had promised a new heart and new spirit that are his richness to the people of Israel and the entire world when he was telling them: “And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh” (Ezekiel 36/26).

    God in his great love had the pleasure to announce the people of the entire world that he will destroy the poverty which is in them and which is the heart of stone, and will build them a richness which is the heart of flesh; the Lord Jesus is the one that God has sent to bring down poverty which is the heart of stone in us, and to raise the richness which is the heart of flesh. The Lord Jesus willing to make us become veritably rich and to give us his grace by this new heart, became poor in his lump of soil that he took to appear like a simple man. That is why it is said: “ For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich” (2Corinthians 8/9).

       The appearing of the Lord Jesus on earth in the physical body had for aim to destroy the death which is the heart of stone and poverty, and to replace it with the life which is the heart of flesh and of richness. Therefore, the men of God were to recognise, to see and feel that God has sent Christ in this physical world to suffer and sacrifice himself on the cross, not to destroy poverty which is the lack of the material or money, but to destroy poverty which is the possession of the heart of stone, and to restore the richness which is the heart of flesh. This generation is very poor, not because it lacks what the ground and underground abounds or things that have been transformed for richness, but because it does not possess the heart of flesh which is the heart of God on earth.

    This poverty is at a high scale and can be perceived by the excess evil, wickedness, injustice, fake, corruption, defile, abomination, magic practices, witchcraft, killing... In truth, the men of God must operate the veritable deliverance which does not consist in making prayers and casting out demons in bodies or to heal diseases, but to make the word of God which is the sword of fire to be listened for the circumcision of the hearts of those who listen to it. Meanwhile today, the hearts of the majority of men of God are dominated by the deception, seduction, flattery, the material, the glory of man...

       The men of God were to guide or bring the people to understand that they have two bodies: the physical body and the spiritual body; the physical body is drawn from dust of the ground. This body feed on the ground for food, and this ground which is consumed finishes his run in the pit called WC (toilet) which has been reserved for it. In short, all what the flesh touches, store and possess to enrich itself either finishes its race in the dust bin or in the toilet. And once the spiritual body comes out of this flesh, it immediately gains back the ground from where it has been drawn. Therefore, seeing and knowing the end of the flesh as well as what it touches or which is useful brought the Lord Jesus who was seeing the end of this flesh to say: “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life” (John 6/63).

     The men of God were to make the people to understand that what the flesh touches, keeps, store or if it lack these things, it must return in the bosom of the earth because the earth does not refuse its lump of dust that has been drawn from it to form the flesh which only has a short sojourn before returning in it. They must make people to understand that man’s worry must not only be carried on what his flesh which is the lump of soil did not touch, keep and store; for, will this flesh be received in the bosom of the earth after it’s short sojourn? They must make them understand that the Lord Jesus came to vivify and enrich our soul through his word which is spirit and life.

    That is why the Lord Jesus says: “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life” (John 6/63); they must also make them understand that anybody without Jesus is poor and dead in front of God even if he is alive in his flesh, even if he touches and store all earthly things for richness. That is why God not willing that the man should remain without value in front of him and to be thrown in the end times in the burning fire like a man throws useless paper in the dust bin, has sent Jesus with a new heart. Therefore, the soul in which Jesus is seated is not thrown by God in the eternal lake of fire.

     The men of God were to guide and bring the men to lament, be anxious and worry first for their souls; for if they leave the flesh or earth without being invested of Jesus, his heart, his spirit and body, they will be thrown by God to pass an eternity in the burning fire; they should understand that God throws away from the kingdom of heaven the heart which does not live his Son, but on the other hand, the earth does not throw away the flesh which is a lump of soil and which comes back to it.

     The worry of the poor Lazarus was not to know if his flesh will return in the earth without possessing earthly things, but it was rather to know where his soul will go if it had to leave the flesh without Jesus Christ. It is this questioning that earned him a place in the kingdom of heaven. If the bad rich also had the same worry, he would have not been asking a drop of water eternally in the flame of fire.

     Let the people know that having the title of head of State, minister, governor, divisional officer, attorney, general, colonel, commissioner, bailiff, or having billions without Jesus represents nothing in front of God. As such, they must understand that having any kind of skin colour, nationality, speaking any kind of language and not possessing the heart of flesh which is God’s richness is nothing. But instead of majority of men of God to lead and guide the people to seek the heart of flesh which is the house and richness of God on earth, they rather bring them to go and seek money for them because they want to have luxurious houses, big vehicles, big buildings called church, bank accounts, and even private jets. These spiritual blinds who seek the way of God while groping are their fields of supply. Every day, they are selling prayers, objects said bless... to them. Meanwhile God the Father has sent God the Son to make the gods, born of Christ and legitimated by him. But these men of God want to become great and glorious in this world in front of the men.

    That is why they rent or build big luxurious houses that are their homes, move in big vehicles, all this in the responsibility of the poor spiritual visually impaired and hearing impaired. As such, they seduce, deceive, flatter, swindle them, while the Lord Jesus is waiting them, for they have the charge to make him have a dwelling in men’s hearts by the means of his word of fire because it is through this word that the man become a dwelling or richness of God in spirit; that is even why it is said: “In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit” (Ephesians 2/22), or as it is still said: “but Christ is faithful over God's house as a son. And we are his house, if indeed we hold fast our confidence and our boasting in our hope” (Hebrews 3/6), and that is why the Lord Jesus says: “If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him” (John 14/23).

     Majority of the men of God do not have the charge that weighs on them, which is to bring the heart of stone to become the heart of flesh, to bring the man to become the dwelling and richness of God in spirit; but they rather have the charge to possess objects that are expensive at the expense of the spiritual blinds and deaf. For some, when they write few words in a book, they rush to sell it; they sell things on which they have made prayers or blessed things. During this time, the souls are without shelter, food, water, are orphans, prisoners, abandoned; but we should understand that for these men of God, to possess luxury is first their affair. Even if they carry out campaigns, it is to gather people that will come and fill their pockets, as such, they will make more advertisement. They do not seek people so that they should be disciples and faithful to Christ, but they seek them so that they should become their disciples and faithful to them.

     They have diverted them away from God to bring them towards their god by making them to believe that the wellbeing is not to live Jesus who is food, water and the dress, but rather to possess what will finish its race in the toilet or dust bin. Sometimes, a man of God can seek to have many children and counts on the church to send them to school, to feed them, to build his house, rent his house or buy fuel for his vehicle, to pay his electricity and water bills, and sometimes even domestic gas.

     They bring the people to no longer work for the work of God, but to work for them. For they have make the material to be adored in the heart of men instead of God who created everything and who is the master of time, moments and situations; and this has as consequence the high rate of evil in this generation , this atrocious evil which is at the summit of States. But the truth of Christ does not flexes, is not corrupted, does not bow down in front of every person who has gone astray and who must come back.

       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)

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