It is the 623 rd message
It is the 455th message
In truth, the false whites perish by lack of knowledge of the veritable white; but he who descended from heaven to ascend back after the victory over the spiritual death, who had suffered a lot not for man’s flesh but for his soul, did not want this ignorance of the false or veritable white to continue to be in this generation. A veritable white is not the one in the appearance, recognised by the skin colour, but it is the one by the Heart and Spirit of God. A veritable white is not racist, paedophile, homosexual, Rosicrucian, freemason, magician, witch, killer, murderer, poisoner, robber, aggressor, burglar, prostitute, cannibal, zoophile, coprophile, mocker, jealous, slanderer, forger, spiteful, bewitcher, instigator of coup d’états and wars, trafficker of weapons...
In truth, people have a black heart and spirit, it means that they are immersed in evil; but when they look at the white colour of their skin, they glorify themselves to be the veritable whites. This seduction and ignorance greatly hurt me in the heart that the Lord Jesus has given me, and it leaves a deep wound in me. Before the Lord Jesus was coming physically in Israel, the Jews were recognised in the flesh through the fleshly circumcision. As the Lord Jesus said that the flesh is of no use, even the fleshly circumcision is also of no use; but to possess a new heart and spirit through his words that are spirit and life is what is useful (John 6/63).
Most Israelites in this generation have rejected the word of Christ that was to circumcise their heart so that they should pass from the false Jew to the veritable; for this reason, they have not become the veritable Jews by the new heart and spirit through the circumcision by his word, but have remained false Jews, glorifying themselves to be the veritable Jews by the territory and the spoken language. That is even why it is said: “Forno one is a Jewwho is merely one outwardly, nor is circumcision outward and physical.But a Jew is oneinwardly, andcircumcision is a matter of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the letter.His praise is not from man but from God” (Romans 2/28-29).
The same, before the Lord Jesus was coming in the physical body in this world, the white was recognised by the skin colour drawn from the dust (the ground). If, as the Lord Jesus says that the flesh is of no use, therefore, even his skin colour is of no use. But to become white in a new heart and spirit through his word of spirit and life is all (John 6/63). Most men that have been created in the red colour of the ground especially in this generation have rejected the word of Christ that circumcise the heart to pass from the false white to the veritable, and therefore, they have not become the veritable white by the new heart and spirit. They have remained false whites, but glorifying themselves to be the veritable white by the way of speaking and skin colour which is drawn from the dust or the red ground.
No flesh and skin colour should glorify itself in front of God (1Corinthians 1/29). And he that glorify himself should not be in the skin colour, the belonging to a country or the possession of earthly things, but in the possession of the heart and spirit of God (2Corinthians 10/17). If the false whites were receiving the deliverance that will make them pass from the false white to the veritable white, there would have been less racism, paedophilia, homosexuality, head of States who favour the legalisation of the unnatural marriage, less mayors who celebrate the homosexual marriage, less coups d’états, instigation of wars, arming of rebels, prostitution of human beings with animals, marriages with animals, less consumers of the human flesh, faeces...
In truth, if the false whites are freed, the rate of the glory of the devil in this generation will drop to 80%; because with what heart can somebody hold his fellow man to kill him, to behead him into pieces, to cook him and eat? I often ask myself the question to know what the people that are killed, beheaded, cut into pieces, cooked and eaten look like! When these cannibals kill the human being and cut him into pieces, they are in great joy because they will enjoy the human flesh. For others even, while beheading their fellow men, they extract the blood to drink and even the intestines are not thrown away. For these last, it is a good meat. But what a big desolation of the creator towards these cannibals!
When God created the animals, birds, fishes, herbs..., he said to the man that all these things belong to him for food of his flesh. How does it happens that today, with such a great number of fishes, birds, animals and herbs, certain men have refused to consume what is given by God as food of their flesh to consume their fellow men, and these wicked people do not delay to make ham with this human flesh to sell it. But what a generation! In this generation, for the high rate of evil, abomination and defiles to reduce, this bleeding must be stopped; and for this to be possible, the false white must be freed to become the real. In truth, how can a head of State and his parliamentarians be blind to officialise the homosexual marriage in their country? Do they not see that if their father got married to a man or their mother got married to a woman, they would have not come into the world?
It is too unfortunate for these last! They are too elevated in the flesh, but too low in the spirit. In truth, in this generation, I tried to look where comes racism, paedophilia, homosexuality, kon, famla, ritual crimes, the exhumation of human bones, the traffic of human organs, the stealing of babies, Rosicrucianism, freemasonry, the consumption of the human flesh and blood, the legalisation and celebration of the homosexual marriages, the consumption of faeces and urine, prostitution with dogs, horses, snakes and the marriage with these beasts, the manufacturing of ham with the human flesh as well as its selling, the coup d’états, the instigation of war, the arming of rebels, and I understood that if the false white is not freed to become the veritable, the worst is to come. These false whites are imitated by almost all the remaining people.
One day, I was speaking with a journalist of Africa Media, and he made me understand that Africa has serious problems. Knowing where he wanted to arrive, I asked him what these problems were. And he made me understand that they were problems of poverty, underdevelopment, the currency, the absence of roads, electricity, education, work, health..., and he also told me that underdeveloped Africa works and other developed countries eat. I answered that problems of Africa are only problems of the flesh, but problems of the soul are more serious and important. I demonstrated him what a State that legalise the unnatural marriage look like in front of God, for the great and veritable problems are spiritual and not physical.
Subsequently, I asked him that between the place of the bad rich and that of the poor Lazarus in the parable of Jesus, what would he chose? And he answered that the place of the poor Lazarus. I told him that he was not far from the beginning of the understanding of great things. I asked him to look at Prophet John the Baptist who was feeding on locusts and wild honey, and the people who were feeding on fish, having money and houses. John the Baptist was not having pity on his poor flesh which had to return in the ground where it was drawn; but he rather had pity on the poor souls of the men no matter the fact that their flesh had all the necessity. I also took the case of the three mates Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego in front of the king of Babylon and his men.
The three mates had difficulties to have spare clothes, what to eat or where to lay their head. They did not have pity on their poor flesh which will serve nothing in the end times, but they rather had pity on the poor souls of the men of Babylon as well as that of the king, no matter the fact that their flesh was swimming on oil well... My richness and greatness are the heart and spirit that the Lord Jesus has given me by his grace, and it is through this greatness and richness that I greatly feel pity on the people of Israel of this present generation because the blood of Jesus Christ has shed on these territories for the eternal deliverance of their souls.
Many people have ignored it to now shed the blood of the sheep each year. My pleasure is not to put my foot step on the ground of big nations of this world, but that this word should reach all the people of the countries of the world. And even on internet, children that the Lord has sent near me, after listening to this word, are the ones who share it through these messages. I never had time to do it on internet.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.(John 8/32)
It is the 455th message
It is the 467th message
This generation must know the truth of the Lord Jesus at all cost so that the blood of Jesus that has shed on the cross should not be vain for the multitude. In truth, I understand what Apostle Paul was feeling in him when he was seeing how the power and image of Christ were desecrated by those who were called apostles. It brought him to tell those who were seduced and deceived by these last that: “ For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light” (2Corinthians 11/13-14). I understand why prophet Jeremiah was unable to stay quiet when he was seeing the consequences of the seduction and deception that Hananiah was performing on the people who were taking him for a prophet of God, meanwhile he was committing a spiritual assassination. That is why it is said: “And Jeremiah the prophet said to the prophet Hananiah, “Listen, Hananiah, the Lord has not sent you, and you have made this people trust in a lie” (Jeremiah 28/15); I finally understand why, when the Lord Jesus saw the damages of the seduction, the deception and swindling of those who came before him, and who were taken for the veritable men of God, he said to the people: “All who came before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them” (John 10/8). Was it a judgement for Apostle Paul, Prophet Jeremiah, and the Lord Jesus, or a deliverance of those who were deceived and seduced by these foxes? But to God only and his spiritual men the answer (1Corinthians 2/15-16).
There are two types of witchcraft that the devil perform through certain men to destroy the soul and the flesh; these two types of witchcraft are too dangerous, and one is more dangerous than the other, it is the one that destroy the soul and not the flesh. Witchcraft that destroy the soul hurts the Lord Jesus more because its works on the soul cancel the blood that he has shed on the cross for it (the soul). The works of this witchcraft are taken for the works of God, as well as his power, force and teaching. That is why in this generation, the men are not afraid of the witchcraft that kill their souls, but rather the one that kill their flesh because they are fleshly. He who is fleshly is not afraid of the spiritual death but rather the physical death; and he who is spiritual is more afraid of the death of the soul than that of the flesh. The most dangerous witchcraft for the man is not the one that destroys the flesh, but rather the one that destroy the soul. That is therefore how this great and veritable witchcraft ignored by the men of this generation has destroyed and continue to destroy the souls. Let us take the example of three people taken among millions in this generation: Pope Francis, prophet TB Joshua and prophet Samuel TATHEU.
God forbids the man to make carved images and representations of people above, on earth, under the earth as it is said: “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth” (Exodus 20/4) or again as he orders: “You shall not make idols for yourselves or erect an image or pillar, and you shall not set up a figured stone in your land to bow down to it, for I am the Lord your God” (Leviticus 26/1). This order which God gives to the men today is the same that the first men Adam and Eve had yesterday. These last had received the recommendation of God that was telling them not to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 2/15-16), but their disobedience to this recommendation of God did not kill their flesh, but rather their souls as we can see today. The prohibitions of God to make neither carved images nor representations or again, not to bow down in front of them does not bring the men of today to the destruction of their flesh, but rather to maintain their souls in the hands of the devil or in the eternal death.
Therefore, when the pope fabricates statues in the effigy of Robert Powell and Olivia Hussey, place them in certain areas and take them for the representations of Jesus Christ and Mary, bringing the people to come and bow down in front of them, these statues and bowing down in front of them by the men does not destroy man’s flesh but rather his soul. These works of witchcraft are very dangerous and ignored by the victims, they have filled the world today; people bow down in front of these effigies of men taken for God, wear them on the neck, stick them on vehicles, have them as calendars... These statues are always placed in their expensive buildings with the mission not to leave any soul alive for those who take them in consideration.
When people are victims of this veritable witchcraft that deprive their souls from the obedience to God, his good, his richness and his future in the kingdom of heaven, they are not aware that their spiritual body is touched or destroyed. In truth, it is true that a dead body is no more sensible; but if it happens that the time these worshipers of carved images are bowing down in front of a stone or bloc of cement taken for Jesus or Mary, they see a snake passing, they will run away because this snake is dangerous for their flesh, meanwhile this block of cement or stone taken for Jesus or Mary in front of which they bow down is more dangerous than this snake that they run away. It is better to be afraid of what kill the soul than what kill the flesh. That is why the Lord Jesus says: “And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell” (Matthew 10/28).
For prophet TB Joshua, he sells flasks of water to people by making them understand that this water is anointed by Jesus to heal, to deliver and save. He also sells them armlets of protection. The Lord Jesus came so that man should become God through his word which is spirit and life, sent since heaven by God. Therefore, if we keep this word of creation, we are loved by the Father, and the two of them come and establish their dwelling in us as Jesus says: “If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him” (John 14/23).
In truth, if the word that created everything, the word that was in the beginning, which was with God and which is God is kept in us, the Father and the Son dwell in us; from this moment, are we not endowed of the supreme power? Therefore, what can do the armlet made up of a power of protection! In truth, if we have received the creative word of God sent by Jesus (John 17/8), it means that we have received the power and force to walk over everything of this world which is supernatural or extraordinary (Luke 10/19). Before the coming of Jesus, we could possess passing powers and forces of protection incarnated in armlets and other creatures, but the creator of everything, the Almighty, the Eternal who suffered and died in the flesh that he took being there today in word, in spirit and in power of life, of light and of fire for us to be endowed of all what he is, how can we still go to seek small powers in armlets and others that these prophets sell to people? These armlets have a passing spirit and power, is it above the spirit of fire and of light that we become? We do not become the power which is incarnated in things of vanities because heaven and earth will pass, but we become the power which is the word of truth that we eat, drink and live in order to dwell eternally with it.
In truth, he who has become the body of Christ cannot accept to be possessed by things of the earth that carry the earthly and passing power. In truth, it is contempt against God to find that we can carry an object having a power, force, protection, blessing... If we become God in the Spirit of power and of truth and that someone come and give us the armlet to carry for protection, we must take it for the devil in person and pure and crude witchcraft. Certain people approve the power, force of protection of these armlets, but for what end? If our soul leaves and that they take our lump of soil to go and put it in the mortuary, the mortuary worker will remove it and throw it; and even if they bury the lump of soil with this armlet, his power will not prevent worms and ants from enjoying our body or lump of soil; and our soul would have which power and force to be freed from the eternal fire or to be saved from the eternal death?
For apostle Samuel TATHEU who sell handkerchiefs and brooms to people, for this big business man of large scale, seller of illusions, when people come to have a handkerchief from him, they know that he has given them a power of blessing and of protection, meanwhile he who is tied to the Lord is one spirit with him, and where is his spirit, there also is the blessing, the protection... (1Corinthians 6/17; 2Corinthians 3/17). If the word which has created everything is kept in us, and that through it the Father and the Son come in us, we become the temple of God, temple of the eternal power and protection (1Corinthians 6/19; Hebrews 3/6). That is even why it is said that all those in whom Christ is, have victory over the devil in all his plans because he who is in them is greater and powerful than he who is in the world (1John 4/4).
When people have these multiple handkerchiefs and brooms in their houses, they believe that the broom sweeps the curse and the handkerchief protects them. It becomes too dangerous for their souls. Therefore, for these three people taken as examples among millions of this world, their witchcraft touches the soul and not the flesh because things that they sell or give to people only have powers and forces that are passing, deceitful and seducing. The works do not destroy and deprive the flesh of anything, but rather the soul for which Christ suffered and shed his blood. That is why the work of their witchcraft which destroy the soul hurts the Lord more than the one that destroy the flesh which is nothing. Witchcraft which is limited in the flesh deprive the man of things of the earth like certificates, the job, the promotion, the marriage, travelling, finances, the prosperity, good health..., and the fleshly men ignoring the veritable witchcraft that kill their veritable body (the soul) are always ready in their will to kill all the witches that touch and deprive their flesh of things of the earth. That is why they spend the time in prayers to send them fire, forgetting that those who deprive the flesh of its future on earth are the small and false witches, meanwhile those who deprive the soul of the kingdom of heaven are the veritable witches. When the witches of the flesh touch these fleshly men, they go to seek flasks of water, armlets, rosaries and other objects of protection and of blessing... They do not know that it is the same film where those who touch their flesh are the chief of the gang and those to whom they go to seek the protection in objects that are fabricated and possessed are actors, and the devil remains the director and producer of this film.
In truth, you should not envy the richness of these people to fall in the trap of the devil. Look at the pope, while selling the baptism of babies in the entire world, it gives him billions. Prophet TB Joshua selling multiple armlets, flasks of water... collects billions. Apostle Samuel TATHEU also, selling salt, oil, water, blood in bottles as well as handkerchiefs, armlets, apples, brooms... collect billions. For example, a broom is sold at 500CFA Francs by TATHEU. When you see these people, do you not say that the greatness and richness of God are found in their big buildings, radio and television channels, big vehicles...? Try to look at the greatness that the prophets, the apostles had yesterday, as well as the Lord Jesus. The Lord Jesus came to dominate and to bring us to dominate the power of seduction, of the lie, of the deception that had killed the soul of Adam and Eve since the Garden of Eden; and the small and false witches are not the ones having and performing this power today in this generation to maintain the souls in the eternal death but rather the men of God who are approved by all the men.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
It is the 466th message
In truth, it is touching and regrettable to see how the devil uses the head of States to render official such a very big abomination in front of God and the men who honour him.
God created the woman from the rib that was removed from the man, that is why the man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh (Genesis 2/22-24). Therefore, it is God’s will that the man and the woman should unite to form a couple, but the head of States who have sold their souls to the devil against a grain of sugar have legalised the unnatural marriage in their countries. The rate of homosexuality increases day after day because of this. It is so sad!
I will never publish the image of a man and a woman the two of them being naked, because intercourses between a man and a woman being of God, they are natural, and publishing them is to be against God and against nature. But what I publish is against nature and God. The man refuses to become tied to a woman according to God to become tied to another man like him and to transform his anus in a vagina; and the woman refuses to get married to a man to get married to a woman like her. It is the nakedness of these men that I publish. They have refused to honour and glorify God to honour and glorify the devil because God did not authorise the marriage and intercourses between men of the same sex. That is why I am neither afraid nor ashamed to publish these shameful images. I do not make the advertisement of the devil. But what I want to show to the entire world is the high level of humiliation by the devil and the head of States first, then the big authorities and rulers of the world who have approved these shameful intercourses in rendering them official and authorising the adoption of children and these despicable (abject) men who have refused to get married according to God like their parents.
People do not even measure the danger that will result from the will of these head of States to impose the officialisation of homosexuality in the other nations. For the devil and them, the entire world must be found in this shit. But since it is not a problem that deprive the people of food of the stomach for them to become conscious of the gravity and consequences of this great abomination, it does not worry them, if not the Lord Jesus who has suffered a lot on earth and who has shed his blood so that the man should live the holiness and purity of the kingdom of heaven on earth.
Great nations like the USA, England, France, Italy, Brazil, Spain, Canada, Belgium, Ireland, Argentina, New Zealand, Holland, Mexico, Uruguay, Luxembourg, Sweden, Norway, Puerto Rico, Scotland, Colombia, Wales, South Africa... have officially legalised the unnatural marriage. It is a serious problem for God who sees the men denigrating the institutions that he has established to lead the people according to the justice, and who are rather helping the devil to fight against him.
When the Lord sees the engagement of the leaders of these great nations in the fight for the glory of the devil by officialising these practices that are against nature in the entire world, he is affected; in truth, it is a serious problem for him. These homosexuals did not only prefer to adopt children that call them daddy or mummy, meanwhile they are their parents of the same sex, but these last suck the mouth of each other in the presence of these children as if it was by politeness. It is so dangerous! These presidents have let these homosexuals to make polygamous marriages where a woman get married to two women, and a man get married to two men; this type of marriage called the throuple is fashionable.
In truth, it is terrible and touching to see these things with the spiritual eyes of God! How was Satan able to dominate the world at this level beginning from the head of States? I ask myself what serve the multiple churches that have filled the world as well as servants of God. Evil is not slowed down, but it rather move forward with a very high speed. In truth, if in a nation a woman gets married to many other women like her and a man gets married to many other men like him, what will this nation become as well as the entire world? The Lord Jesus who has so much suffered for all the souls of the head of States sees the abomination taking over these men who have ignored, rejected and despised him. In their ignorance, they are despising the kingdom of heaven; but while rejecting and despising the kingdom of heaven, they will be received by the lake of eternal fire. The devil makes believe the men that life is limited in the flesh and that after its dead, there is no other life. He also makes them believe that for centuries, the Lord Jesus announced his coming back on earth, and he never came back; and it makes people to believe that they can do what they want, seducing themselves in truth that everything is limited in the fleshly life. When I look at the head of States and the great intellectuals of this world, what they are and do brings me to see the limit and vanities of the knowledge of things of the earth that they possess in their small mud called brain.
The knowledge of things of the earth cannot bring these head of States not to practice homosexuality, not to legalise the homosexual marriage, not to permit the homosexual couples to adopt children. By this, I have understood that the knowledge of things of the earth without the knowledge of things of the kingdom of heaven is madness. The head of states have an intellectual luggage of things of the earth, but as they lack the knowledge of the kingdom of heaven, that is why they manifest acts of madness in legalising the homosexual marriage in the nations that they govern. There, two people of the same sex get married in front of the mayor who establish them a marriage certificate or again, a person gets married to two other people of the same sex.
In truth, the knowledge of things of the earth that these head of states possess in their small mud called brain did not help them to avoid the great anger of God; that is why even today, when you look at almost all the universities of the world, homosexuality, pernicious acts and magic are in full swing.
The Lord says that his people perish by lack of knowledge. It is not the knowledge of things of the earth found in the brain and called the intellectual luggage, but rather the knowledge of things of the kingdom of heaven found in the heart of God; it is the knowledge that delivers these intellectuals from abominable and unnatural practices.
Mr head of States, by the knowledge of God which is in me, the anus of the man is made for the evacuation of faeces or shit that are excrements of the organism; but in your big school of things of the earth, you find that the creative wisdom of God is not the good one. See how these homosexuals walk every time that they operate their anus. God did not make the anus to be penetrated by man, but for the evacuation of excrements. Therefore, every time that a man is sodomised and that his anus breaks up, a surgical operation is needed, and many people die because of it. Only unfortunate consequences arise because of this practice which has been officialised by the great intellectual presidents of the world! These homosexuals wear nappies, and their walking style automatically changes.
The university has become the headquarter of all homosexual practices; associate professors, doctors and other students are the first to drag the naive students and those who are thirsty of shameful gains in homosexual practices.
But the Lord who has so much loved the men and who suffered till dead on the cross so that they should come to the knowledge of the truth and to be saved by it for the eternity will not always leave these head of States who have sold their souls to the devil to drag the multitude in the legalisation of the unnatural marriage and abominable acts.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
It is the 468th message
Veritable children of God, if the Lord Jesus has called us especially in these end times by giving us his life, his richness, his glory, his power, his greatness, his force, his personality, his light and fire and sending us to bear witness of what we have received from him in this generation which is dominated from the top to the bottom by the love of the material and the glory of man, unnatural sexual intercourses, magic, witchcraft, jealousy, corruption..., it is not to dream of the success of the fleshly future or the future of this world, nor to dream, to forget oneself, to do tourism, to admire the world and his things, as well as all what men’s hands have transformed or fabricated, nor to envy the men who have sold their souls to the devil in order to reach the summit of the glory, of celebrity, of greatness, of power, of richness of this world, but it is to demonstrate the life, the feeling, the thought, the greatness, the power... of Christ to the entire world so that there should no longer be confusion on what concerns God the creator. Therefore, carrying the light of Christ, we are the light of the world that must shine on things of the kingdom of heaven. That is even why the Lord Jesus says: “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden” (Matthew 5/14).
If this light is hidden, there will be less lightening and it will lead to more confusion as it is the case today. Our fight today is to prevent that the devil should not be taken for God by those who want to know him, to prevent that the false should not be taken for the true by those who must be saved by the knowledge and life of Christ’s truth (1Timothy 2/3-4). Our fight consists to prevent that the image, the word and power of the devil should not be confused to those of Christ by those who must be freed from him (John 8/32). Veritable children of God, Philip in Samaria did not want that the power of Christ should be confused to that of Satan, because the Samaritans were believing that Simon the magician was manifesting the power of God; that is why it is said: “But there was a man named Simon, who had previously practiced magic in the city and amazed the people of Samaria, saying that he himself was somebody great. They all paid attention to him, from the least to the greatest, saying, “This man is the power of God that is called Great.” And they paid attention to him because for a long time he had amazed them with his magic. But when they believed Philip as he preached good news about the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women. Even Simon himself believed, and after being baptized he continued with Philip. And seeing signs and great miracles performed, he was amazed” (Acts 8/9-13).
The same, the three mates Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in Babylon did not want that God the creator to whom every creature must adore and bow down should be confused to the creature god that had been made by man’s hands; and Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon in the beginning did not believe that his god is insignificant in front of the God of the three mates to say: “Now if you are ready when you hear the sound of the horn, pipe, lyre, trigon, harp, bagpipe, and every kind of music, to fall down and worship the image that I have made, well and good. But if you do not worship, you shall immediately be cast into a burning fiery furnace. And who is the god who will deliver you out of my hands?” (Daniel 3/15); but when he recognised that his god was small in front of the God of the three mates, he said: “Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who has sent his angel and delivered his servants, who trusted in him, and set aside the king's command, and yielded up their bodies rather than serve and worship any god except their own God. Therefore I make a decree: Any people, nation, or language that speaks anything against the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego shall be torn limb from limb, and their houses laid in ruins, for there is no other god who is able to rescue in this way” (Daniel 3/28-29). Veritable children of God, Jeremiah the prophet did not want that the people should confuse man’s word to that of God; that is why it is said: “ And Jeremiah the prophet said to the prophet Hananiah, “Listen, Hananiah, the Lord has not sent you, and you have made this people trust in a lie” (Jeremiah 28/15).
Veritable children of God, Elijah the prophet did not want that the prophets of Baal should be taken for the prophets of God by the people, he had demonstrated that only a single child of God is a thousand times stronger than the multitude of the children of the devil or the false children of God, and that the gods who neither see nor hear cannot save no matter the time the person will spend invoking them; that is why Elijah the prophet was mocking at the god of Baal as it is said: “And they took the bull that was given them, and they prepared it and called upon the name of Baal from morning until noon, saying, “O Baal, answer us!” But there was no voice, and no one answered. And they limped around the altar that they had made. And at noon Elijah mocked them, saying, “Cry aloud, for he is a god. Either he is musing, or he is relieving himself, or he is on a journey, or perhaps he is asleep and must be awakened” (1Kings 18/26-27). But after this silence of the god of Baal, they gave the place to Elijah the prophet to demonstrate the supremacy of the power and force of God to the people and prophets of Baal; that is why it is said: “And at the time of the offering of the oblation, Elijah the prophet came near and said, “O Lord, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, let it be known this day that you are God in Israel, and that I am your servant, and that I have done all these things at your word. Answer me, O Lord, answer me, that this people may know that you, O Lord, are God, and that you have turned their hearts back.” Then the fire of the Lord fell and consumed the burnt offering and the wood and the stones and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench. And when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces and said, “The Lord, he is God; the Lord, he is God” (1Kings 18/36-39).
Veritable children of God, Apostle Paul not willing that the people should confuse the teaching of the devil to that of God said: “For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light” (2Corinthians 11/13-14). Veritable children of God, when the Lord Jesus saw that those who came before him were deceiving and swindling the people by selling them spiritual products, he said: “All who came before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them” (John 10/8). Therefore, veritable children of God, all those who were there before our arrival could not accept that the glory, the reign, the testimony and the place should be given to another god, the one that mislead, or that the false servants should always be taken for the veritable while they were present on earth.
Veritable children of God, if we are still asleep, let us wake up; if we are still seated, let us stand; if we are still distracted, let us concentrate ourselves because it remains very less time, and the children of the strong man of perdition and of misleading have a head start on us. They have made believe and continue to make believe the entire world that the work of the devil, his word, his teaching, his prophecy, his prodigies and miracles are of Christ or God. Let us have a look at only these two great magic masters among many others who have already given their power to more than 3700 “men of God” so that these last should operate miracles of clairvoyance, of revelation, of prophecy, of healing, casting out demons, unlocking fleshly conditions… These great magic masters give them the power of hypnotisation, of seduction, of domination, of prosperity, of deception… and these powers are given to them through rings, necklaces, magnetic armlets, magic balls of astrological crystal, bibles impregnated and magnetised by demonic energies. These two great magic masters who are NANA KWAKU BONSAM of Ghana and CLEMENT DJIE alias Master Solomon are sought more than money by thousands of men of God; they are visited by these “men of God” who are in search of their powers or its renewal more than people who are in the hospital or prison.
These multiple “men of God” go to be endowed of their power to heal all kind of sicknesses, to cast out any kind of demon, to make clairvoyance and prophecy, even make the dead to resuscitate in the physic, make the lame who are seated on their wheel chair to walk, make the lame with crutches to walk, make the blinds to see, make people to tremble and fall. These powers permit them to pray on someone and that this last vomit a living snake or the human flesh; these “men of God” by their powers can make nuts of fibroids and of ovarian cyst to come out of the stomach of women who are sick. These powers permit them to attract a great crowd and to ask any amount of money to the people present that will be brought or given to them; and this brings them the admiration and celebrity, even near the big authorities of their countries or the rest of the world.
Clement DJIE alias master Solomon possesses all the Indian spiritual, astrological and metaphysical talismans that are diamonds for the “men of God”. These men of God having the power to hypnotise, to dominate and to bring prosperity always ask amounts of money going from one million to 500 CFA Francs in their halls of prayer; and people stand up in crowd to satisfy the demand of the man of God. If he says that he need such a vehicle, people will hurry to give money so that he should buy it, if he says that he want to construct such a hall while presenting the model to the assembly, people will hurry to collect money to have this hall. In truth, these “men of God” have reached a certain dimension of power of domination over the people up to the point where even if it is urine that they sell to people, these last will jostle to have it; because they will believe and say to themselves that it is blessed and that it will protect them. They have power that brings them to empty people’s pockets, purses and bank accounts without these ones seeing their ruin. They have power to only touch people or to blow on their faces for these last to fall. Other “men of God” have worked the chair on which they seat in church, the desk on which they place their bible, or even the bible itself, handkerchiefs, rings, armlets. Others even go up to bathing with products that they put in the water before coming to make prayers of miracle. Finally, others have buried things even in the hall where they make prayers.
Because of their teaching and prophecy of prosperity, they make the people to believe that God is the material, and that if somebody does not have the material, he is nothing. They gather much money, have radio and television channels to make the campaign of their miraculous power that act on the flesh and bring solutions to its problem. Prosperity, breakthrough, success in business... the unlocking, the deliverance of curses, the healing of the sick people, the casting out of demons and revelations on invisible things is what make their preaching, teaching and campaign in places of prayer, in the radio and television. Veritable children of God, you should no longer be surprised that evil increases day after day while churches are opened all the time in this world; for if just NANA KWAKU BONSAM and Clement DJIE alias Master Solomon have already given their power to more than 3700 “men of God”, these last being dominated by the material and the glory of man also establishing many other “men of God” who will bring money to them, how many churches will then be opened at this time? Veritable children of God, the devil has filled the world with his servants as “men of God” who teach the seduction and customs, prophesy and make great prodigies of miracle, how can we then expect a fall of evil? As such, evil will not have a brake, but will rather be accelerated.
Veritable children of God, if the Lord Jesus saw his image and his truth that must freed and save still being ignored by those who lead astray by making the people to believe that what is manifested is of Christ, and that us, doing nothing strong, great and high so that the contrary should be seen, felt and read, therefore, for what shall we be useful to him in this mission on earth? This mission is not a joke, because the suffering of the Lord and his blood that has shed on the cross were neither a joke nor a distraction or a game. These “men of God” do their work well which is to satisfy their father, it is for us to do ours. We should no longer be surprised for the fact that the pope and his team baptise babies at the price of money and collect billions, make believe the people that Mary ascended in heaven on the 15th August, or that she can intercede for all those who need her help near Jesus. They have placed blocks of cement in many places in the effigy of an actor of the film taken for Jesus so that people should come and bow down in front of them. They have made a sovereign State to themselves where the pope has proclaimed to be the representative of Apostle Peter.
Therefore, you should neither be surprised for the fact that these great pastors, prophets, doctors, bishops, evangelists... have satanic powers and even bibles that are worked; but they declare to the demon to come out of a body in the name of Jesus. These “men of God” considered to be great, rich and powerful are full in Nigeria, Congo, Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Ghana... The pope, pastors, prophets, doctors, apostles, bishops... of this world have much money and the material, relations with head of States, ministers, governors, big business men, stars, attorneys...; but veritable children of God, that is not what will influence you, intimidate you and make you have complex so that the truth of Christ that submit all the world and deliver every soul held captive should not be preached on the summit of the world.
Every man without Christ in front of God is like draft that must be crumpled and thrown in the dust bin on the last day which is the lake of fire because of its uselessness or lack of value.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
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