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It is the 113th message.

The men in the death, the men in darkness does not mean that there are no men of God who prays on them, who heal them from their sicknesses or who reveal them what happened or happens in their life, but it means that they do not have the true deliverance; and since these men of God do not carry the truth (the light) in order to reveal it to the others, all what they do is in vain. In fact, understand that these men of God have knowledge that comes from the letter and that is what is preached today. But the people do not know that this letter is veiled by the prodigies and miracles that are made by these “men of God”. In these multiple miracles and prodigies, the blinds and deaf cannot even know that it does not mean of the Saviour God, for it is through these miracles and prodigies that the devil veritably work. That is why Apostle Paul says that the seduction will be done by the power of Satan with all types of miracles, signs and prodigies of lies (2 Thessalonians 2/9). If Apostle Paul talks of the lie, it is just because behind these prodigies and miracles, is hidden a gospel that relies on the letter and which cannot permit the man to receive a true deliverance.

These “men of God” are known today in this world because they have a power which is capable to heal any kind of sickness, to cast out all the demonic spirits, to see the invisible things and to tell it to the people. Because of these “men of God”, the people have found that it is not their soul which is a problem, but rather their flesh, because it (their flesh) needs to eat nice food, to wear dresses of great value and to make journeys in foreign countries. That is what makes that today; people go in the houses of prayer just because they need a job, and also because they need a promotion, travelling, the childbirth, success in the commerce, marriage, a diploma, the protection and the removal of a curse. In truth, I say it to you; no one among these men want to save his soul and do not even want to know the state of his soul because for them, everything is limited in the flesh which serves for nothing (John 6/63). But for the devil, it is a great success or at least a big victory because all these souls will belong to him on the last day.

The men always seek solutions for their flesh. That is why you will always see them coming out of these places of prayer with cans full of water. They are obliged to carry them no matter their weight simply because the “man of God” has deposited a blessing, a protection, sanctification, purification, and healing in it. Also, there are perfumes, soap, and oils that these “men of God” sell to them. And those who use these products usually say that they help them a lot. But what does the man knows of it? Tears flow deeper in my heart because the life that the Lord Jesus came to give us is not lived in man’s thought, feeling and spirit. Meanwhile it is this life (his life)which is the protection, the blessing, the domination, the purification, the healing and the eternal life. For he himself tells us that no one can have access to anything without him. But the devil has made believe to man that he can have all what he want in the flesh without passing by Jesus Christ (his life). That is why today, the man can say: “it is when I light such a product or when I spray such a product in my house, my office or in my vehicle that I feel to be protected”. But I will like to remind them that they have a protection without living the life of the Lord Jesus Christ. Are these things (products said spiritual) eternal? It is not said that all these things will pass? And if these things must pass, what has to stay eternally?

Today there are certain people who go in these places of prayer with the pictures of their relatives who are in other towns or abroad so that the man of God should pray in order that their situation should change. I also want the people to understand that all these men of God that they see in the television healing sicknesses, making the lame to walk, bringing a dead (corpse) to life, making prodigies and miracles, but it does not come from the truth. We must also add that there are some people who receive their healing just by listening to these men of God on the radio or by watching them in the television; meanwhile this one (man of God) never had the grace to listen to the truth of the Lord Jesus one day. That is why the Lord Jesus was talking of the people who will make miracles and prodigies up to the point of seducing if possible even the elect (Matthew 24/24). Today, the people rejoice in their flesh because of these miracles, but their souls are suffering.

The man knows that it is money that reigns in this world, but today, they ignore that in the world of life (life of the kingdom of heaven), it is not the case. That is why the ambassadors of Jesus who testify his life in this world (2 Corinthians 5/20) are not taken to be the true men of God because they do not have the veritable glory of the world which is money; for it is this last which is the god of this world. And today, as it has always been the case, the judgment of a man of God in this world is neither done on the life that he live, nor on the acts that he manifest, nor on his manner to teach the truth to the people, but this judgment rather relies on the material (money, vehicles…).

Today, the people never say to a man of God: “you have God and you do not live such a life (mercy, holiness, justice, purity)”; but they only know how to say: “you have God and you lack what we want to see, that is money, vehicles, big buildings, many believers,…”. For, the man knows that it is the material which proves that we have God and not the only life to live which has been given by the prince of life (Jesus Christ). Of which poverty was the Lord Jesus Christ? 2 Corinthians 8/9 says: “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich”. But since the devil is cunning, the people will ask you if King Solomon and Job were poor. They will never take Jesus Christ as an example or the apostles after him in the flesh.

It is time for the man to come to the knowledge of the truth in order to no longer consider the prodigies and miracles that are made today to be the true deliverance (because the devil who is at the head of these things can do all) he must rather know and live the truth of the Lord Jesus Christ where the devil is not seated.

To God only wisdom and the glory for the eternity.


CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)

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