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It is the 361st message.


       In truth, it is too touching and lamentable to see how this century full of men of God and servants of God, churches…, the seeking of the knowledge of earthly things and the possession of earthly goods gain the heart and spirit of children, the youth up to the old people; thus causing a great spiritual poverty and misery that are at the origin of the flooding of the evil in this century.

       When we see how this century knows more than ever a great presence of the servants of God, churches, religious radio and television channels, Christian libraries, evangelisation campaigns, prayers of miracle, prophecies and divinations…, the knowledge, the glory, the greatness, the richness, power and the life of God were to bring the people to be engulfed in the good of God; and this good overflowing the vessels would really lead to the domination of the Lord Jesus in our hearts, thoughts, feelings and spirits, as well as in the middle of us. Unfortunately, all this presence is much more physical and fleshly, and consequently, it cannot make the evil to tremble as well as his man, that is the devil. That is even why the title of the message 244 says: “even if the houses of prayer are opened as much as the number of bars, the devil and his evil will not be worried”.

       Why do the great presence of the servants of God, churches, prayers, prophecies, divinations… in this century cannot bear witness of the domination of God in the middle of us? For, the witnessing of God is much more absent in the servants of God who have filled this century, as well as the Christian parents. How can we say to be Christians and witnesses of Christ meanwhileit is said: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made” (John 1/1-3). This word of creation is God and remains eternally; but all what it has created like heaven and earth and all what it enclose will disappear as the Lord Jesus himself says: “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away” (Matthew 24/35).

       Why do the servants of God as well as Christian parents who have children do not bring the people to know and to make understand the children that the knowledge of what created everything and which remains for the eternity is firstly all; that it is from there that we succeed in gaining life, the glory, the greatness and the eternal richness, and which is the success and the future, so that while these children will be growing, they should give themselves in the total seeking of things of the kingdom of heaven and the justice of God like their life, their richness, their greatness, their glory, their power, their force and the success of their future? The parents who are servants of God as well as the other Christian parents have rather brought their children to understand that the knowledge of what the word of God has created and which must disappear very soon is all. That is why this knowledge is all for them because it can permit them to work and to gain money. That is why they bring the children to love and to do studies in all the domains of science such as physics, chemistry, history, mathematics… so that they should obtain their diplomas in order to become historians, mathematicians, physicians, political experts, chemists, geographers… Therefore, we point the finger towards a person saying that he is certified in the knowledge of the things that will soon disappear and pass, and we say that he is very intelligent, that his brain which is a little mud is full of a luggage of the knowledge of earthly things also called intellectual luggage.

       That is why all these children and young people today, even those who their parents are servants of God, when you ask them the person that they want to look like (resemble) when they become adults, they will tell you that they want to become like such head of state, minister, chancellor, diplomat, magistrate, great business man, star… and not like such a prophet, apostle, whose name is written in the bible; without knowing that these people that they want to look like, only have the greatness coming from passing (temporary) things and not an eternal greatness like those ones whose names are written in the bible. For, the old people up to the youths do not know that majority of these head of states, ministers, chancellors, diplomats, stars, great business men… are not great in the word that created everything and that remains for the eternity, but rather in things that have been created and that must soon disappear or pass. They ignore that such a prophet, apostle whose names are written in the bible were not great in things that have been created and that must soon pass or disappear, but they are and remain great in the word that created everything, the word which is eternal. If even the children of the servants of God do not dream to become great like those ones whose names are written in the bible, but rather like certain head of states, ministers, diplomats, magistrates, business men, stars, men in uniform… it means that there is a very serious problem.

       These children grow while being engulfed in the knowledge of temporary things, and they become experts in the knowledge of these things, working and gaining the dust, temporary thing which greatly deceives us today that we are rich, great… Look very well at this starting of classes that will launch in the beginning of this month of September 2015 because I am writing this message on the 17 August 2015. The parents go in libraries to buy books in all the subjects that are taught in class and they spend much money for these books that only give the knowledge on earthly things. But if the New Testament is sold at the price of 100 Frs only, they will not buy it to their children, and lesser of the bible for these young people. For them, they have bought the books and have paid school fees; therefore, the children must study, they must obtain their diploma in the knowledge of earthly things, they must have a job, they must earn money in order to become somebody (or a great person). That is why up to the men of God who have children, it is the knowledge of earthly things proven by the diplomas obtained that give joy to these Christian parents. In truth, if they had the heart and spirit of God, they would rather be in joy when they hear that it is the knowledge and the walking or life of the prophets and apostles whose names are written in the bible as well as the Lord Jesus Christ who reign in the hearts and spirits of their children, and not the knowledge of earthly things and diplomas.

       Certain said Christians parents always say to their children that they did not go far with studies on earthly things, nor were certified in the knowledge of these things by a big diploma, may be because their parents did not have money, and people sometimes mock at them, on the limited school level in the knowledge of earthly things, and faced to this, they are always covered with shame. That is why they will put all for their children so that these last should acquire a great knowledge on earthly things crowned by big diplomas in order to remove this shame that is sometimes the shame of all the family. They say to the children that it is these diplomas that will make their glory because they want that their children should become like such a minister, diplomat, magistrate, director, man in uniform, doctor… up to the point where when they will pass, people will say that it is the father of such administrator, magistrate, diplomat, director…

      They say to their children that when they will be at that level, it will go straight in their heart; but what faith does it mean for these Christian parents up to the men of God who neither wish nor dream that their children should become great like such a prophet or apostle whose name is written in the bible, but rather great like such a man who is great in the knowledge of earthly things and the possession of this dust for greatness and glory? It is this absence of love for the seeking of the knowledge of the word that created everything which is at the origin of the evil, for the people of this century are rather in the love of the seeking of the knowledge of things that have been created and that must soon disappear. That is why the people find these vain things to be more important than their similar up to the point where these last (their similar) are taken for objects, they are sacrificed and sold for very shameful gains; also, with all the knowledge or intellectual luggage that this little mud called brain carries and all these diplomas, they oblige certain people to enter in certain vicious circles, fulfilling horrible conditions in order to work. That is what makes that today, people have the intellectual luggage or the head full of earthly things, but the heart is empty in the knowledge of things of the kingdom of heaven, and this empty heart will rather be invaded by the master of the evil as we can notice today.

       From the old people to the youths, nobody want firstly to possess a heart rich of the knowledge of things above, but rather a head full of the knowledge of earthlythings. Listen and read the only thing that Solomon asked God: “Give your servant therefore an understanding mind to govern your people, that I may discern between good and evil, for who is able to govern this your great people?” (1 Kings 3/9). Meanwhile the Lord Jesus asks us to first seek to know the things of the kingdom of heaven and the justice of God; or as he recommended us to be affectionate more in the seeking of the knowledge of the things above and not those on the earth. Meanwhile the Christian parents today were to be in joy firstly when they hear that their children die of thirsty and hunger for the seeking of the knowledge of the truth and life like those parents who were testifying yesterday when they were saying: “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth” (3 John 1/4). How many parents find the New Testament to be more important for their children and to offer it to them? How many parents bring their children to take pleasure in the reading of the book of life, of greatness, of glory, and of veritable richness if not the books that carry the knowledge of earthly things? They go up to watching over their children so that they should read these books and with all this, how will money; in short the material will not be taken for all? How does this earth will not be taken for the paradise? How will the evil be worried? That is why this century full of servants of God, churches, Christian radio and television channels, evangelisation campaigns, prophecies, prayers of miracles and visions do not give any power to reverse the evil and to make the earth to tremble. The Lord has given me something and he is waiting to see the reaction and it will not delay.


CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)

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