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It is the 524th message

      Evil increases, is raised and is without brake in this generation because of the men of God who consider the material, celebrity, and the glory of man more than their God the creator. Being leaders or mentors, the men of God were to bring the people to neither love this world nor his things more than their creator. They were to bring them to know that even if they lose everything of this world like Job up to the health of the flesh, and that they have Jesus Christ the saviour in them, they are happier than those who do not possess him, even if they are head of State, ministers, great business men, chancellors, diplomats, superstars...; that is even why it is said: “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him” (1John 2/15). 

       The men of God in this generation continue to campaign to make believe to people that if someone does not have money, big vehicles, expensive clothes, luxurious houses, popularity..., it means that he does not have God and is not a child of God. Meanwhile if the men of God were bringing the people to run towards the creator in order to gain him and have him for richness, glory, greatness, celebrity and power, evil would decrease. But they have rather brought the people to run towards the material which its quantity and quality are a sign of richness, distinction in the society, and which brings cheering and consideration to those who possess it. Therefore, the material is a source of glory and celebrity in the world; people use all ways and means to possess it; they also seek power through forces of witchcraft, voodoo, totem, Rosicrucian order, freemasonry, the winds of the sea... with all this, how will evil not be elevated in this generation? That is why yesterday, when there were less Churches, mentors or people who were bringing the men to love the world, and to bring them to become tied to things that make war to the soul..., there was less evil. But from the moment they became full, evil also increased.

       These liars, seducers, sellers of illusion, crocks, magicians and witches are models for the men of this generation; they are taken for the men of God, the veritable. But what deliverance can the people expect or wait in order to bring down evil? Look at this Nigerian called Bishop Emmanuel ESEZOBOR who gave 500.000 naira to a trader to come and pretend to be dead in a coffin so that during his crusade, they should bring the coffin for him to pray and resuscitate the dead, all this to provoke amazement of the crowd of the entire Nigeria, the entire Africa and the entire world that will believe that he is a powerful man of God. And he will become more famous to attract more people from all horizons towards him in order to be swindled by him.

       This trader had received the money in order to pretend to be dead, they had clothed him like a corpse in the coffin. Unfortunately for this last, he was suffocated in the coffin and he died before reaching the place of cinema. When they had placed the coffin in front of Bishop Emmanuel ESEZOBOR, he opened it, and prayed thinking that at any moment, the corpse will rise up. But it has been a great surprise to see that the fake dead was really dead. As his power was only to resuscitate the fake dead and not the veritable dead, he who was pretending to be dead being dead in truth, he stayed powerless, and his corpse was brought to the mortuary. His wife went and saw the policemen who came and arrested the fake servant of God. But since these crocks have relations with government authorities, this last was quickly liberated, and the wife of the deceased person had no other choice than to take the 500.000 naira to make mourning of her husband who had lose his life in a theatre stage, leaving behind his wife and children.

       You can see and understand up to where money, celebrity and the glory of man can bring the men of God. That is why you see many people today through television channels coming in line to make testimonies of lies that are arranged by the men of God, telling how they did not have a job, success in business, promotion, health, marriage..., and when the man of God had prayed or prophesy on them, things had changed. They continue saying that they pray God to sustain papa and mama x or y in their satanic language and in their works. These men of God, foxes and full of cunning know that people watch it on tv to seduce and drag many of them. After this testimony of lies, these agents of the devil stand to say that God is great, and speak to those who have stayed home and who are watching the television, telling them that they should also come and seize their chance, for their star must also shine. These foxes instigate people, make them fake papers to show that they had such a disease so that they should come and present them during the testimony; that is why in their recommended recitations, they say how they were suffering for years, how they have visited all the traditional doctors and hospitals without any solution. But from the moment the man of God or papa prayed on them, they were healed.

       These men of God sometimes instigate scenes where some people who are healthy present themselves in front of them with clutches, pretending to be sick or on wheelchairs, so that when they pray on them, while holding them on the hand, they carry this fake sick people whose feet have been strengthen, they start to walk and run in the cinema hall called church; all this so that the crowd which is seduced should give them a standing ovation and cheering with amazement. For the others, they make them to pretend to be blind even if they have eyes that are largely opened; they must pretend to be blind. They are held by the hand to be guided in the cinema hall; and when the man of God touches their eyes, or pour a product in their eyes, they rejoice saying that they see clearly. During this scene of cinema and of seduction, in order for the man of God to persuade all those who are looking at him for the recovery of sight of the fake sick person, he often runs in the hall to be followed by this last in all directions that he takes.

       These fake men of God through their magic, lies and fake testimonies that are instigated, are not only taken for the veritable men of God that are powerful by this world which is blinded and seduced, but they also seek the celebrity, the glory of man and the material. These things are more important than the Lord Jesus to them. Those who sell products instigate people to make campaign of lies and of seduction, bringing them to make false testimonies for the help or solution that the product of their papa (fake man of God) has brought to their problem. They thus swear that they cannot separate from this product. As such, this false testimony will bring many other people to like it in order to buy this product, what will bring in much money to this fox.

       In truth, the motto of the churches of today is money, the glory of man and celebrity; and that is what is at the origin of the proliferation of churches. Satan makes all these things through his men that he uses to give a bad image to the church and to all the men of God; his aim being to tarnish the image of all the servants of God so that in the fray, the veritable should also be taken for the fake, and that many of those who are hungry and thirsty to listen and hear the word that saves, enriches, vivifies, bless and protects should be discouraged. The mission of the devil is to maintain the people in ignorance of the knowledge of the truth that sets free so that the souls of men should remain his property. But veritable servants or children of God, no matter the continent, the country, the town, the neighbourhood or village where you are found, stand up and be more than ever determined to make the difference between the work of God and that of the devil. Do not take as model the servants of the devil that have become head of States in this world, wealthy in the earthly material and possessing the popularity, the admiration and consideration of all the inhabitants of the world, but you should rather take as model the prophets and apostles whose names are written in the bible, and the Lord Jesus himself who is the way and life that lead to the kingdom of heaven. For 500.000 naira, a man gave his life, leaving his wife and children that cry him, because he was crushed in the machine of bad lottery whose controllers were held by the mighty comedian man of God who is Emmanuel ESEZOBOR.

       If the lie of this fox had succeeded, the entire world would have spoken of him, saying that a powerful man of God in Nigeria has resuscitated a dead person in the coffin, meanwhile this comedian is not powerful, but it is his lie which is taken for a power.

      CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)

void sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)

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