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It is the 478th message


    Willing to maintain his governance in this world till the last day, the devil has elevated his spirit of the beast or animal through the freemasonry and the Rosicrucian order, first to drag the head of States who govern nations; for he knows that if the first authorities of nations are in the freemasonry or the Rosicrucian order, it is the spirit of the beast that will lead the nations and the entire world. As such, horrible, abominable and unhealthy practices such as the consumption of the human blood and flesh, the incarnation of an animal, corruption, the embezzlement of public funds, wars, coups d’états, the incitation of wars, the arming of rebels… will be elevated, therefore, many people will be maintained and reserved for an eternal suffering in the lake of fire.

       The devil knew that if he comes to hold the head of States and kings of nations captive in the freemasonry and Rosicrucian order, the world would be lead by his will. Meanwhile today, the head of States are looked and taken for the supreme authorities in their nations; they are in the command of the institutions established by God to serve the people and to lead them according to the will, the justice and interest of God. In truth, the head of States were to be the veritable servants or workers of God seated on the commands of the supreme magistracy institutions to lead the people according to the desire and will of God. The head of States were to live the spirit according to which the human being is dearest and more valorous than the power, glory, greatness, richness and the personality in front of the men. They were to know that the human being is the veritable richness of God among his creatures on earth; therefore, if they sacrifice the human being against the power, the post, the influence, they will be sacrificing the veritable richness against poverty in front of the creator of everything who has reserved a day he will judge the world (Acts 17/30-31), by rewarding the good people with an eternal life with him in the kingdom of heaven, and the bad people with an eternity in the lake of fire.

       The head of States were to watch over the handicapped people, the orphans, the widows, people in countryside, so that they should not be abandoned; for their hearts were to rejoice and be full of joy, not because the rich men or their colleagues assure an easiness in their flesh, but rather because the orphans, the handicapped people, the widows, the sick people… are full of what is necessary for their satisfaction. They were to watch over to assure the equitable justice in their countries. They were to believe that the justice is God, and that it is not corrupted by money, the authoritarian influence or another deviance. They were to also believe that as the justice is God, it must not be influenced by the people who have money and power, but that the rich and poor must bow down in front of it; therefore, even if it is in court, gendarmeries or police station, it (the justice) does not judge according to money, but according to God’s law.

     The head of states should watch over so that the poor, the disabled should not be breached by the power of injustice. They were to love their people as they love their own body; they were to be among those who stake on health, education, professional training, the development of infrastructures, the provision of electricity on remote areas, the supply of drinking water, the fall in price of the basket of the house wife. They were to watch over that the richness of their underground profits to all the nation; they were to build their power in peace, hospitality and dialogue with the people, and not through weapons and another protection that they can give to themselves. They are there to satisfy the people and must listen to what these people desire and wish. They must listen to the people and discuss with them as a father listen and discuss with his son.

     They must not rule with the spirit to flee in the end of their functions as if they are strangers in their countries. They were not to sell the richness of the underground of their country to come in possession of the money or what comes out of it, but to make all the people profit of it. They were to prefer sacrificing the power in profit of the nation, and not to sacrifice the nation in profit of the power. They were to bring the people to understand that wishing love, good health, and success to a compatriot is better than having the power to govern the nation; that having the power to dominate evil and wickedness is better than the power to dominate over human beings, that the human being must not be killed, sacrificed and sold against the material, because the material is fabricated or transformed by men hands; and if the material is destroyed, it can still be fabricated in great quantity, but while destroying the human being, he cannot longer be created because his creation does not come from the man like him, but from God only, the creator who can still do it. Therefore, if the head of States rule according to the instructions of God, horrible, abominable, unhealthy and unfair practices will be less or will not be high as it is the case today.

       These leaders have stayed in the commands of the supreme authority of the State established by God, but have preferred to be freemason or Rosicrucian and to serve the devil. The devil knowing that he will have great difficulties in these end times to govern and to lead the world if the leaders of nations or head of States are not leaded by the spirit of the beast or the animal, has dragged these last in the freemasonry and the Rosicrucian order. It is this spirit that has pushed the American, French, English, Belgian, Italian, Canadian, Spanish, Brazilian, Swedish, Argentinean, Colombian, Dutch, Uruguayan, Mexican, Irish, Welsh, Icelandic, South African, Puerto Rican, Luxembourgian… authorities to vote a law officialising the unnatural or homosexual marriage in their country and also the adoption of children by couples of people of the same sex.

     These authorities or nations in the will to drag the multitude in this abominable practice are doing everything so that other nations should also vote these satanic laws. It is this spirit that pushes the head of States to find that the material is better than the human being, and has pushed some to destroy or to put a country in fire and blood because of the richness of the underground. Others prefer to sell all the richness of the people against the power. It is this spirit that pushes these leaders to drink the human blood and to eat the human flesh, to sacrifice human beings on ritual altars, to incarnate animals such as the panther, the lion, the wolf, the fox…, to incite wars in order to see the bloodshed.

       These leaders do not longer have the veritable human feeling because they are not tied to the spirit of the creator, but rather to the animal spirit. The freemasons and Rosicrucian are the ones who govern and lead this world, even in international organisations such as UNO, NATO, ICC… When the head of States, the freemasons, Rosicrucian, their colleagues as well as majority of the influential men of countries are in these big pernicious sects, they fill their country with negative waves. In truth, what should the people wait from the freemasons and Rosicrucian who govern them? What veritable worry can these last have for their nation?

        These big sectarians are at the origin of the high rate of abomination, defile, evil and wickedness in this world, as well as misery and poverty of people. In truth, how can somebody who is able to kill the human being to drink his blood and eat his flesh have veritable feelings for the people that he governs? In fact, the head of States are Rosicrucian and freemasons; they are leaded by the spirit of the beast or animal, and it worries a lot…

       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)

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