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It is the 438thmessage


     In truth, seeing the degree of eternal poverty, misery, nakedness and lowness of the stars makes to cry and moan a lot. They make too pity because of their lack of sight and hearing that bring them to sell their souls to the devil against the celebrity and consideration in front of the men as well as the material.

       In truth, seeing these stars, tears fill the heart because in them, we find the flesh which only has a short life span and having all meanwhile their souls that are eternal possess nothing of the kingdom of heaven. They are like the bad rich in the parable of the Lord Jesus who preferred to be rich in the flesh for few days and to stay spiritually poor for the eternity. All what gain the hearts of theses stars is to see that they are appreciated by the public and that their flesh has what to eat, to put on and to store in great quantity.

       The power of the beast that have these stars, have brought people to take their names as their nicknames, and they are ready to accept lying down so that these stars should walk on them. In truth, the men of this world starting by majority of the head of States, stars… impoverish themselves, become miserable in their souls just because they take very tortuous routes in front of God so that their flesh should become rich and glorified. These stars sell their souls to the devil for passing things, but veritably, they have nothing and are nothing in the soul for the eternity.

       Today, many blinds and deaf want the place of these sellers of souls without veritably seeing the fate or salary which is reserved to them for the eternity. How can you see a corpse dressed in expensive clothes and you envy it, meanwhile you are alive no matter the fact that you wear clothes of less value? We do not envy the place of what the carapace or the flesh touches, consume, put on and store, but we envy the place or the soul that consume, put on and possess things of the kingdom of heaven. You who are spiritually alive, less valuable dresses that you wear do not disqualify you for a living one, meanwhile he who is spiritually dead is automatically disqualified for a living one no matter the dresses of great value that he wear. All those who have signed pacts with the devil are spiritually dead though living physically.

       In truth, it is time for us to be freed from blindness in order to see that life does not have price; and if we are spiritually alive, no matter what our flesh put on, consume or touch which is less valuable or not, we are great in front of those who are spiritually dead even if they touch, consume, put on and possess all what is valuable in their flesh which is still alive for few days.

       These stars who sell their souls to the devil because of passing power, celebrity, greatness, richness and force are nothing in front of you who have renounced to the will of the devil, which means to the eternal poverty, misery, lowness and death, to receive the life of the Lord Jesus to make of it your eternal richness, greatness, glory and life. In truth, the people who run behind the devil to have his favours and who sell their souls to him only do it to seem great and rich in vain things for the end times and to be respected and appreciated by their fellow men.

       We know that we have to do with the devil, that is why we seek the consideration in front of God so that the devil should not despise us. But if we seek the consideration in front of the man, we should know that this last cannot valorise us to be above the devil.

       To be head of State, minister, diplomat, star, great business man… is nothing at first, but to be alive in front of the Lord Jesus is all. Look at the majority of these head of States, stars… with the glory, celebrity, power and richness that they have, they did not receive the Lord Jesus for the saviour of their souls from the eternal death, because they are friends to the glory, greatness and richness of the earth and enemies of the glory, greatness and richness of the kingdom of heaven.

       In truth, all these stars and other men of this generation should now know their state of spiritual death in order to no longer seduce themselves. In truth, the men of this generation are too blind to make their flesh to possess everything of the earth and to make their souls to lack everything of the kingdom of heaven; since these last themselves sell their own souls to the devil by ignorance of the veritable value (man’s soul), they do not delay to sell or sacrifice the human being against papers called money or another thing that their hands have fabricated. If we could see what these last do in secret, and that we meet them on the way, we would have run away and even spiting on the ground due to nausea because they do very dirty things and unbearable at the sight. The world is rotten, but only those who will be wise to become tied and be maintained in what is eternal will inherit the kingdom of heaven.

CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)

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