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It is the 443rd message.

443st ang message


The Lord Jesus did not send us in the middle of this generation to show ourselves great, rich and powerful through relations with the head of States, ministers, chancellors, diplomats, governors, generals, attorneys… or through the possession of plots of land, big buildings, companies, big vehicles, airplanes, bank accounts, the wearing of expensive clothes, or by bringing water, handkerchiefs, armlets… to people for blessed and miraculous spiritual products, but rather through the fall of the lie, the seduction and magic, and the rise of the truth and power of the Holy Spirit. If the Lord Jesus has sent us in these end times, it is because he is tired of being subjected to contempt and mockeries of the Pope.

This last proclaiming to be the representative of Apostle Peter fabricates a doll and presents it on the 25th December in the Vatican as the baby Jesus Christ; and it is seen almost in all the television channels of the whole world. But what contempt towards the Lord Jesus who, even baby in the flesh that he took is compared to a doll! What degree of contempt of this wild beast that divert the souls away from the eternal life! When the pope places his doll that he takes for the representative of the baby Jesus in the Vatican on the 25th December in front of the whole world, he starts making his cinema in kissing this doll which is laid on its small bed, perfuming it with incense, smelling it, carrying it on his hands… But what courage manifested by this film maker of training towards the Lord Jesus! In truth, the Eternal God recommended the men to neither make carved images nor representations, but also not to bow down in front of them (Exodus 20/4-5; Leviticus 26/1).

But the pope, the most stubborn and rebellious man to the recommendations of God has made carved images and representations of the Lord Jesus Christ and Mary by whom the Lord passed to appear like a simple man, and thus brings the men to bow down in front of these objects taken for saviour gods. In truth, how can the pope make a block of cement in the image of Robert Powell, the British actor and next, tell to the world: “here is your Jesus Christ that you must pray and in front of whom you must bow down…”? But what contempt towards the Lord Jesus to compare him to a block of cement fabricated in the image of an actor of film? But what a Luciferian courage for this last!

For this false christ or representative of Apostle Peter brings billions of people to commit sin against God, and has filled the world with carved images and representations where today, when the effigy of Robert Powell is presented to somebody either on a rosary, a calendar, a block of cement or a piece of wood, he will say that it is Jesus Christ; from the smallest to the biggest, they all know that it is the Lord Jesus just because the pope proclaiming to the world to be the representative of Apostle Peter and taken as a great man of God, valorises this image of Robert Powell taken for Jesus, and the world recognising him as such, believes in all what he says.

It is time to bring down this great lie that put for the worse the image and personality of the Lord Jesus in front of the Men. The pope compares and presents the Lord Jesus in front of the whole world on a block of cement in the image of Robert Powell. But prophet Isaiah seeing this coming asked the papacy the question to know to whom she would compare God, and what image will she make his likeness as it is said: “To whom then will you liken God, or what likeness compare with him?” (Isaiah 40/18). The papacy has compared God to Robert Powell, a British actor dominated by alcohol and tobacco, and they have made his image on blocks of cement making him equal to the Lord Jesus. In truth, the pope has gone too far in the contempt and mockeries towards the Lord Jesus.

Pope, yesterday in the desert, after Moses went up to take the words of life, Aaron made a golden calf and said to the people: “These are your gods, O Israel, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt” as it is said: “So all the people took off the rings of gold that were in their ears and brought them to Aaron. And he received the gold from their hand and fashioned it with a graving tool and made a golden calf. And they said, “These are your gods, O Israel, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt!” (Exodus 32/3-4). Pope, yesterday, after the Eternal had chosen Jeroboam as king of Israel, turning away from him, this last made a golden calf while saying to the people: “Here is your gods who brought you up out of the land of Egypt” as it is said: “So the king took counsel and made two calves of gold. And he said to the people, “You have gone up to Jerusalem long enough. Behold your gods, O Israel, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt” (1 Kings 12/28).

And you Pope, after the Lord Jesus had finished his mission in the flesh that he took, and after the passing of all the apostles whose names are written in the bible, you come and present yourself to the whole world as the representative of Apostle Peter, you fabricate idols on blocks of cement, on crossed wood in the effigy of Robert Powell, and you make understand the men that it is Jesus Christ who died for them and in front of whom they must bow down. Pope, you have gone too far in your functions, in your fight, in your battle and conduct to make the people to commit sin against God. Pope, in God, it is those who have believed in the word of changing or of transformation who take the engagement on themselves to be baptised in water; but you, you pour some drops of water on the heads of babies and at the price of money, making parents to believe that their babies have received the baptism. But what degree of deception, of fake, of corruption, of swindling, of magic and of destruction! And these children will grow and die without knowing nor receiving the baptism according to God.

Pope, enough is enough! The Lord Jesus suffered a lot in this world in the flesh that he took so that our souls should no longer suffer eternally in the lake of fire, and you, you want to render his suffering null. The suffering that he had endured in the flesh was to pay the price of the eternal suffering of our souls in the lake of fire. He sacrificed his body of flesh to death just to bring back our dead spiritual body to life, and you pope, today you stand to maintain the souls in the eternal death and render vain the suffering of Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ has sent us, telling us to go quickly because there are fighters of the devil who put for the worse his gospel, his image, his goodness and his mercy.

You take billions in the selling of drops of water that you spray on the heads of babies and children for baptism in the entire world to have plots of land, buildings, hospitals, primary, secondary and high schools, radio and television channels, printing houses and statues made of gold, diamond, silver, bronze…, but all this to what end? If the Lord Jesus has sent us because of your lie, seduction…, that put for worse his gospel, his personality, his goodness… it is not to come and admire the earth and things that men’s hands have fabricated or transformed and to be gained by these vanities, but it is to bring down the mission of the devil which is to maintain the souls in the eternal death by using you as his instrument of war, but truth to be continued…

CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)

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