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It is the 622 nd message


       In truth, it is by love that the Lord warns us on a danger that we ignore, a big trap that the devil has put in place. When the man and the woman exchange wedding rings, an alliance, a covenant is also done and also a mark or sign of the devil is placed on the body of Christ. The Lord Jesus warns us on this because many people do not believe for now, others take me for a mad man, saying that what I am saying should not be listened. Yesterday, they treated the Lord Jesus for a mad man as it is written: “ Many of them said, “He has a demon, and is insane; why listen to him?” (John 10/20). Those who treated him as such thought to be right as mentioned in the book of John 8/48: “…Are we not right in saying that you are a Samaritan and have a demon?”.
       When the Word of God is announced and that it is not understood by men, it automatically becomes madness for them and the person announcing it is taken for a mad man. Apostle Paul was taken for a mad man as it is written: “And as he was saying these things in his defense, Festus said with a loud voice, “Paul, you are out of your mind; your great learning is driving you out of your mind” (Acts 26/24). Many people insult me and say whatever they like, but what is important is to transmit this message and to accomplish the vow of the Lord Jesus. Many people cannot believe what they read and see, but what I want to tell them is that; if someone is humble, he should bow down before the Lord Jesus and ask him the mystery that is found in the wearing of the wedding ring, and after answering him, he should be courageous to testify it in public.
       In truth, it is surprising that even the witchdoctors, Rosicrucians, freemasons, witches know that the exchange of the wedding ring between the man and woman is a satanic covenant but unfortunately, Christians wearing it on the body of Christ completely ignore it! When the truth concerning this practice is revealed to them by the love and mercy of the Lord Jesus, many people become agitated like ants on which they have thrown a stone. For ignorant Christians, it is just a simple symbol meanwhile there is a big mystery hidden behind it.
        If we ask the Lord Jesus to show us the spiritual state of those who wear this wedding ring and that he does it, there will be great alert and many people will repent even the words spoken against this message. We run a great risk by taking our body for not being the body of Christ.
        In the last day, the Lord Jesus Christ will ask the following questions to men and women concerning the wedding rings that they wear: the Lord Jesus Christ will ask the woman: what are you wearing on the finger? She will answer: it is my wedding ring. Next, he will ask her: who gave it to you? She will answer: it is my husband who wore it to me. He will ask the same questions to the man: what do you have on the finger? He will answer: it is my wedding ring. He will ask him: who gave it to you? He will answer: it is my wife who wore it to me. He will continue asking this question: who recommended it to you? The man will answer: it is a tradition that I found. Do you know from whom it comes? He will answer: no. Do you know its role? He will answer: no. Did you ever ask me one day to enlighten you on these rings? He will answer: no. Did you ever hear one day that it does not come from me? He will answer: yes. But what did you do? I doubted. The Lord will tell to the man and woman: you did not honour my body by putting the glory of another god on it, you have rejected my advice on earth, I also reject you today, you will not enter in my kingdom because demons of these alliances are claiming you?
       And Satan, cunning as he is, not willing that the truth should be known nor accepted, he raises people to distract the others.
       All those who were baptised in Jesus have put on Jesus as it is said: “For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ” (Galatians 3/27). All those who have eaten the body of Christ have put on this body and they have also become this body; that is why Apostle Paul says: “ Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it” (1 Corinthians 12/27).
        In truth, wearing rings with your wife or your husband on the body of Christ is a danger which is ignored by Christians of today. These wedding rings that the man and the woman exchange on the body of Christ is another body or a foreign god that must be buried like Jacob did yesterday as it is written: “So they gave to Jacob all the foreign gods that they had, and the rings that were in their ears. Jacob hid them under the terebinth tree that was near Shechem” (Genesis 35/4).
       The Lord Jesus is a jealous God who does not share his glory with another god. For the men of this world, it is normal that these practices should be done because they serve another godand not Christand they are tied to this god. But these kinds of practices should not be found on the body of Christ, where they ask the man to put the wedding ring to his wife and the woman to put the wedding ring to her husband, and after this, they ask them to kiss each other on the mouth. But where are eyes to see? People do not even know what they call revelation according to God. It is very easy to see things of the flesh such as marriage, journeys, employment, finances, childbirth… and those who block these things. When Christians exchange wedding rings, thus making an alliance, a covenant and ignore what they are doing, they are dancing on a foreign land. If Christians ask God the danger that they run concerning these wedding rings, they will no longer open their mouths to despise his message, but will rather bless the Lord for his love towards them.
       If getting married was synonym of greatness, prophet Jeremiah, John the Baptist, Apostle Paul… will not be great men because they were not married; and King Solomon with his 700 women and 300 concubines will be the greatest of all men. I am not jealous of those who are married nor the wedding rings that prove that they are married, but I rejoice to transmit the message which is madness for the wise of this world.
        This message is a message received from the Lord Jesus and transmitted to men. Whether it is received or rejected, only his will be praised to the eternity. But what I know is that very soon, the Lord Jesus will be more gracious so that the truth on this mystery of the wedding ring on his body should enlighten more in order that many blinds should recover the view.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
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