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It is the 440th message

    It is good and pleasing in the sight of God that this generation should come to the knowledge of the life of Jesus Christ or of his image and to be freed from a man and his image which is taken for the image of Jesus Christ. You do not only have to believe in the Lord Jesus, but to suffer for him and to let him use you as his worker, his employee, his official, his ambassador and diplomat on earth and in the middle of men to make his truth to be heard and read near or far; the truth that brings whoever receives it to be freed from the deception, the seduction and the eternal death.

    The poor blinds and deaf often take the will of the devil as that of God; for the devil knows that the Lord Jesus, is his will, a life to live, to put on, to possess and in front of which you must bow down. This life has been given to us, and if we have it, live it, possess it, put it on and bow down in front of it, we are in the image of God. The devil in his fight does not want that the man should believe that if he receives the Lord as his saviour for the eternity and that he walks according to him, he is in his image. Willing to bring the man to believe that the image of Jesus Christ that he must have, possess, put on and worship can be on paper, cement, wood…, after the death of the Lord Jesus and the passing of all the apostles whose names are written in the bible, the devil started seeking people who will be looked as being the images of Jesus Christ and Mary. According to him, their pictures and caricatured images will be worshiped, and the men will bow down in front of them, taking them for Jesus Christ or his mother in the flesh. The devil first used and presented the pictures of certain people as Jesus Christ and Mary, and it did not have great impact. For it to have great impact, it was necessary that those whose images were to be used to seduce the world should play the role of Jesus and Mary in a film. That is why the devil passing by Pope Paul VI asked the Italian producer Franco Zefferelli to shoot a film entitled “Jesus of Nazareth”.

    As such, Franco Zefferelli and SUSO CECCHI D’Anico wrote this film that was produced in the year 1977. In this film, Robert Powell at the age of 33 years was taken to play the role of Jesus, Olivia Hussey at the age of 26 years was called to play the role of the virgin Mary; and Lonrengo Monet at the age of 12 years was requested to play the role of Jesus at the age of 12 years. This film was shot in three countries that are: Mexico, Tunisia and Morocco. The film entitled “Jesus of Nazareth” came out in the year 1977 with a time of 06hrs 16mn. After the shooting and coming out of this film under the demand of pope Paul VI,   many people in the world took Robert Powell for Jesus, and Olivia Hussey for the virgin Mary. As the lie dominates the world, and that it is the papacy that asked to shoot this film entitled “Jesus of Nazareth”, the image of these actors were quickly valorised to submit the world in idol worshiping.

    For many people who have believed that Robert Powell is Jesus Christ and that Olivia Hussey is the virgin Mary, mother of Jesus in the flesh, they must now believe that it is a simple man or woman like them who played these roles. Robert Powell is an English man born on the 1st June 1944 in Salford in the North of England. We are in the year 2016, and he is 72 years old. He also played many films such as “The Detectives, Halby City…”. Married in the year 1975 to Barbara Powell, he is father of two sons; Barney Powell and Kate Powell. Olivia Hussey was born on the 17th April 1951 in Buenos Aires in Argentina. She is an Argentinian. We are in the year 2016, and she is 65 years old. She also acted in many films such as “Romeo and Juliette”; Death on the Nile, Black Christmas…” She got married to the actor Dean Paul Martin in the year 1971 and they had a son called Alexander Guther Martin. Divorced in the year 1978, she got married to the Japanese musician known as Akira Fuse in the year 1980 with whom she had a son called Max. Further divorced in the year 1983, she got married to an American musician of rock known as David Glen Eisley in the year 1991 with whom she had a child called India Eisley. She now stays in Los Angeles in California.

    Therefore, Olivia Hussey has three children got from three different marriages; and it is her caricatured image on blocks of cement that we find everywhere in the world, especially near the big buildings of the said first churches where people spend millions to build a small house to this block of cement. It is with this image of Olivia Hussey that the devil often sends his angel to appear in a luminous form in many places in order to attract many deaf and blinds so as to make of it a place of pilgrimage. Therefore, it is the image of Robert Powell that we find caricatured in blocks of cement, on crosses as rosaries… The enterprises fabricate calendars, big posts and others that they sell to those who sell them back to the blinds and deaf who keep these images in their homes, offices and sometimes wear them on their bodies.

    For these images of actors of film taken for Jesus Christ and the virgin Mary to be despised, the papacy that asked to shoot this film and that have valorised this images must first start to repent near God for the fact that she has worshiped and had made people to worship the image of a man taken for God; next, she should tell the world how the devil has used her to bring the entire world to worship a man in the place of Jesus. As long as the pope who is considered as a great man of God on earth by the deaf and blinds will always worship these images, there will always be millions of people who will always follow him as a model in this idol worshiping.

    Veritable children of God, the fighting men of the devil in the middle of the men of this generation no longer have something to prove, we are the ones who now have to demonstrate that what came first is fake. For king Nebuchadnezzar and his men did not need to show the people that the monument that they raised and that they were worshiping was not a veritable god, but it was question for the three mates in Babylon to show to all the Babylonians that this fake god is small and dead. Simon the magician did not need to show the people that his power was not coming from God, but it is Philip, stranger in Samaria who had to demonstrate to all the Samaritans that the power that Simon had was false and not coming from God.

    Therefore, veritable strangers and travellers on earth, if you are waiting that those who bring the people to worship images of actors of film should tell to the entire world that it is not Jesus and the virgin Mary, that they should despise and destroy these images taken for people above or below, and that the men of God who operate prodigies and miracles by the power of Satan should do the same, they are not the ones who will tell the people that it is not by the power of God that they operate, but you are the ones (veritable children of God) to demonstrate to the entire world that what is not of the Lord Jesus is false and not true, like the three mates in Babylon, like Philip in Samaria.

    There is much work in this generation of end times where the seduction dominates, but I pray the Lord Jesus to send his fighters who will be ready to suffer and to sacrifice their physical body and all what they possess for his glory that must fill this generation before the sound of his trumpet.

CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)

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