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It is the 476th message

    In truth, because of the handicap of many blinds and deaf, they will take me for the mandated of the devil that comes to fight against the “men of God” who sell them objects of protection, of blessing, of prosperity...; who make them believe that Mary by whom the Lord Jesus passed to come like a simple man ascended in heaven and can intercede for them, and that the representations of Jesus and Mary through blocks of cement, pieces of wood… in the image of Robert Powell and Olivia Hussey have a place in their faith in God.

    I have a heart that comes from God, and that sees and feels pains of Christ on earth because of souls that are lost. The souls of men perish by lack of knowledge; they confide themselves to objects that have been fabricated by themselves in order to be protected, blessed and saved. In this effect, prophet TB Joshua offers multiple products of protection, of blessing, of salvation…, and because of ignorance, people rush in crowd to buy them in order to have earthly powers through these objects. And if I stay with the mouth shut, without making any movement, I will then be the enemy of the Lord Jesus, and the call and mandate that I have received from him, as well as my presence in the middle of people who are deceived and seduced would be useless.

    In this generation full of blinds and deaf, prophet TB Joshua is taken for the greatest prophet. But in truth, if the world does not know Jesus, how will he (the world) then know that it is Jesus who is operating in the man that he uses like his instrument? In truth, God being the source of blessing, he who receives him in him becomes the temple or house of blessing. God being the Almighty, he who receives him in him becomes the house or temple of Power.

    In truth, it is our creator who must protect us and not things that we have fabricated or transformed. But how can we understand that prophet TB Joshua sells bracelets to people who wear them to be protected! In truth, it is big blindness to believe that we can protect ourselves through things that are fabricated. By lack of knowledge and power of God, these blinds and deaf rush in crowd towards the one that is considered as the greatest prophet of this generation who possess spiritual products of protection, of blessing, of prosperity… to come in possession of earthly powers that they take for the power of God, such as the Samaritans in front of Simon the magician. In truth, if a blind man who wears the bracelet of protection of the big prophet of this world recovers the sight, he will rush to burn it because he will see that this bracelet has the power and mission to destroy his soul.

    He who has become the body of Christ sees a big trap of the devil in these products; for it is said: “Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it” (1Corinthians 12/27). If we have become the body of Christ, it means that we are the body of God; and if we are the body of God, we are a body which is blessed, protected and anointed; we are the body of life, of power and of fire. In truth, the multiple products of prophet TB Joshua are not for the veritable children of God; for the veritable children of God have drank the water which is Jesus; that is even why the Lord Jesus says: “On the last day of the feast, the great day, Jesus stood up and cried out, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink.  Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’” Now this he said about the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were to receive, for as yet the Spirit had not been given, because Jesus was not yet glorified” (John 7/37-39).

    If somebody drinks the blessed water of TB Joshua, no matter the degree of blessing of this water and his cost price, he will end up urinating it, but whoever drinks the water of Jesus which is Jesus, the blessing will be with him for the eternity. TB Joshua, your water is like that of the Samaritan woman for which the Lord Jesus says: “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again” (John 4/13); but it is for the veritable water, the blessed water, the word of truth, that the Lord Jesus said to the Samaritan woman: “but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again.The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life” (John 4/14).

    In truth, those who have received the Lord Jesus and in whom the Lord dominates are the gods. But what are these gods without protection who go and buy the bracelet of power to prophet TB Joshua to be protected, the gods without blessing and without anointment who go to buy drops of water in flasks to possess the protection!

    It hurts a lot to see such a barrier which is raised by these products that prevent the people from becoming the temple or house of the blessing, the protection and anointment of the kingdom of heaven! That is why evil cannot decrease in this generation, simply for the fact that people do not rush towards the possession of the heart of flesh, towards the becoming of the temple or house of the anointment, the blessing and protection, towards the becoming of the body of Christ; but they rather rush towards the buying and possession of objects impregnated of the earthly power of prophet TB Joshua. If the miracle was in the becoming, evil and wickedness would be rare, jealousy, the disease, the blocking, the failure and death would still be rare more than rain during the dry season. If there was a miracle that stops the bleeding, which means act as a brake against evil, there would be less victims of bewitchment…

    I know that people will always say that these things help them in their protection, blessing, prosperity, healing, deliverance, and will stand against this word of truth as people were standing against Apostle Paul because he had touched the power of the totem of the woman who was helping them to listen the divinations and things that were pleasing them (Acts 16/16-22). People cannot even ask themselves the question to know why everyday, people come in crowd being sick and bewitched, miracles being operated through these products so that these last should be healed and freed from the bewitchment, but the situation keeps on becoming worse? If the miracle cannot be operated in the hearts of people so that the bewitchment should decrease, even if every house in this world possesses prophet TB Joshua, evil, wickedness and the bewitchment will always be very high, and prayers, prophecies and the selling of products of blessing, of protection and of anointment would not do anything.

    I am not interested in dresses, houses, vehicles, money…, but I am interested in the lie which is taken for the truth of Christ, in the magic which is taken for the power of God. Evil, wickedness and bewitchments will always be too high as long as people will always be gained by the power of Satan and his signs, miracles and prodigies of lies, and not by the powerful word of spirit and of fire of God (2Thessalonians 2/9).


CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)

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