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It is the 97th message.


     Today, one hears the expressions such as: “I am in the faith”, “I have faith”, “It is necessary to have faith”; but it is necessary to understand that we meet three types of faith in this world.

     First of all, there is the faith in God by Jesus Christ, his word, his life, the faith (word, spirit and Jesus Christ’s life) which the people of Israel were waiting under Moses’ Law. That is why Galatians 3/23-26 says: “But before faith came, we were kept under guard by the law, in view of the faith which would afterward be revealed. Therefore the law was our tutor to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith. But after faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor. For you are all sons of God through faith in Jesus Christ”. Having Jesus Christ in you, to live him and to have hope in him, it is to have hope in God in spirit and in truth.

     The Eternal God had told to Abraham that all the nations of the world will be blessed in his posterity; but the benediction which all the nations of the earth must receive only pass through the practicing, the life and the obedience of Jesus Christ and not the customs coming from man. That is why Galatians 3/16 says: “Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He does not say “And to seeds,” as of many, but of one, “And to your seed,” who is Christ”. Then, it is said that: “Therefore know that only those who are of faith are sons of Abraham” (Galatians 3/7). It is also said in Acts 6/7 that: “Then the word of God spread, and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem, and a great number of the priests were obedient to the faith”. These people, who had the obedience on the faith, obeyed God. In the same way, some women had heard saying that Apostle Paul who persecuted them now announces the faith, that is to say Jesus Christ (Galatians 1/23).

     The faith in God is a life of hope and this life (faith) when it is not in us, God doesn’t take any pleasure in us; That is why Hebrews 10/38 says: “Now the just shall live by faith; but if anyone draws back, my soul has no pleasure in him”. One is not pleasant to God when he leads his own life or the one that comes from Moses’ 10 commandments or the one that comes from a religion. But one is pleasant to him by the life of the Lord Jesus Christ (Philippians 3/9), (Acts 13/39).

     When one lives Christ’s feeling, his justice, his holiness, his purity and his mercy, one must not doubt a time of this life, because while living it, one must have the insurance that he is with the Creator. It is therefore this insurance which is the miracle and also a victory that will be with us until the last day. Being in this life of the Lord Jesus Christ, one has no fear of the wizard anymore, nor the magician, the dead, mockeries, outrages, calumnies, nor the power of  water from dead, used by the men to destroy their similar, nor of human bones and poison. It is therefore good for man to be afraid (of God), when he doesn’t live the thought and Jesus Christ’s feeling and not that of man. That is the first type of faith that we rarely find it in the men. It is God’s faith by Jesus Christ.

     Then, there is the second faith which is that of man, because it is about the animal’s faith and it is this last one that we find almost in every human being. In fact, it means of a liberty that we give to ourselves that is; we live as we like or as our custom and doctrine want us to live. It means on other words that we don’t live as Jesus Christ wants us to live, but we follow our instinct, we live according to our desires, our feelings, our thoughts, having never the less the believing and hope. But you should understand that this believing and this hope are also found in animals that can also say that; tomorrow certainly we shall eat (while, they don’t live Jesus Christ’s life). And the following day, these animals finish by having what to eat and they also feast. It is thus this animal’s faith which is given as a teaching to the men in their “church” and it is her (this faith) which live in their thought; it is thus why, whether it is of those who go to church or those who never go, they all have a common faith which is the following one: “tomorrow I will eat”, “I will travel”, “I will give birth to children”, “I will have much money”, “I will be a business man or a star”. And when someone succeeds in getting or becoming what he was saying, this one will say: “it is because I have faith”. Then, he will tell you that to succeed, you must have faith as me; just believe. But man ignores that this faith is the same as that of the animals; because his faith and that of the animal are strange to that of God (life of the Lord Jesus Christ). Therefore let’s understand that it is a faith in vain or dead because it doesn’t bring man to live in the Kingdom of heaven.

     Finally, there is a third type of faith. In this case, it is about the men who endeavour to live Jesus Christ’s life, but in themselves, they have some doubts, they generally tremble in front  of the spirits of the deaths, the wizards, the magicians... However, when one doubts or trembles, God knows that we don’t totally have confidence in him. Those who have this faith must understand that when we live Jesus Christ’s life, it means that we are with the Creator and all the spirits tremble in front of you. Also, when we ask something to God in prayers, we must wait because our time is not God’s time but it is his time which should be ours. When you ask something to God, you should stay in the life and hope. That is, to be reassured that we are in perfect communion with him (1 John 1/7).

        How does a man who tells himself to be God’s child (carrying God in him) is afraid of another man who carries the devil in him, that is the wizard, the magician... If God’s child hides himself when he sees the child of the devil, how will this one (the child of the devil) testify the power or the greatness of our God; or again, how will he know that his power is smaller in front that of a god (a God’s child) And how will he renounce to his little strength or power to follow that which is above all power or strength, that is Jesus Christ; his life, his thought, his feeling? Because King Darius and Nebucadnetsar testified that there is no other power which is above that of the God of Daniel, the three mates, who God the Creator is (Daniel 6/25-27); (Daniel 3/28-29). And it had to be the same thing for you today (Child of God). God’s child by Jesus Christ must recognise himself as being a living god on earth, that is; that one who represents his celestial father on earth in the justice, the mercy, the holiness, the domination and the reign. He must therefore know that all those who are in face that means; belonging to the devil with all his power and strength, are dead gods; because we can walk on a dead but not on a living one.

     In fact, all the three types of faith I had to evoke, you will certainly recognise yourselves among one of them.


CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of men, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid to sin and to be free from the eternal death.

                                                (John 8/32)

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