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It is the 56th message.


     The question asked is the one to know; where the soul will pass her eternity? The eternity means last without end. This one (the Eternity) will be lived or will happen either in the kingdom of heaven (Luke 13/29) or in the pond of fire (Revelation 20/15).

     Why do I say that man is his soul? I say it because his flesh will never live the eternity, but it is rather his soul that will live it. Today, man unfortunately spends his time working for his flesh which is only dust and not for his soul. That is why John 6/27 says “Let your work not be for the food which comes to an end, but for the food which goes on for eternal life, which the Son of man will give to you, for on him has God the Father put his mark”.

     Where will you pass your eternity? It is a very essential question for man. But the answer to this question is difficult because it is not an answer that is been given by the word of the lips, but it is rather about a life spent (1 Corinthians 4/20). It is in fact the feeling, the thought, the word and the acts that live in us that will render testimony of our eternity. Will it be about the Kingdom of heaven or the pond of fire reserved to the devil and to the believers of his life? (Revelation 20/10). Understand that the eternity of the soul in the kingdom of heaven by Jesus Christ is been lived now in this flesh that covers our soul. Once the soul leaves this flesh (dust), this last returns in the earth where it has been taken (Genesis 3/19). A soul that lives Christ’s life in the flesh will wait for the sound of the Lord’s trumpet in order to be revived. Because it is what 1 Thessalonians 4/16-18 tells us: “Because the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a word of authority, with the voice of the chief angel, with the sound of a horn: and the dead in Christ will come to life first; Then we who are still living will be taken up together with them into the clouds to see the Lord in the air: and so will we be for ever with the Lord”. On the other hand, all the souls that had not received the Lord (in their life of the flesh) as their life, their father, their friends and brother will remain eternally far form the Lord Jesus Christ as it was the case of the rich.

     2 Thessalonians 1/6-8 says: “For it is an act of righteousness on God's part to give trouble as their reward to those who are troubling you, And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus comes from heaven with the angels of his power in flames of fire, To give punishment to those who have no knowledge of God, and to those who do not give ear to the good news of our Lord Jesus”. Understand that the eternal life either in the kingdom of heaven or in the pond of fire is a choice given to all the men living in this world. To be found either to the right or to the left of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 25/31-32) is a salary that each one will merit; and all this through the thought, the feeling and the work of the soul. Because, the one who works the spites and the one who works the forgiveness won’t have the same salary; the one who works the pride and the one who works the humility won’t have the same salary. In the same way, the one who works the mockery and the one who works the mercy won’t have a same salary, which means: will not reign in the same home.

     To have the Lord Jesus as he is, it is to live his thought, his mercy and his feeling. However, the one who doesn’t live his life can neither see him and can’t therefore judge himself. It is yet said: “But if we were true judges of ourselves, punishment would not come on us” (1 Corinthians 11/31). How can one judge himself without having or then, without knowing the judgement, the mirror, that allows us to know if we are one with him (God). I remind you that if a man doesn’t gaze himself on a mirror, he won’t know his face. And if he has not yet gaze himself on a mirror, he will sing how he is beautiful, the day he is going to gaze himself on a mirror, he will see his face and he won’t boast and won’t sing anymore in vain that he is beautiful. Therefore, man must become beautiful and just before God through Jesus Christ; his life.

     Today, the men cannot gaze through this mirror because they don’t see and don’t know it; all this is due to the fact that the men of God don’t show them where this mirror is. It makes pity! How will the men know that they are with God? God has his shape (his life) and he wants us to become that shape that is why he gave us a mould (a life) in which we have to enter; and if we stay in it, we will have the shape that he is looking for and what he is looking for is himself (God).

     If we want to win this precious home which is Christ’s right, let’s begin to look for this mirror more than money which is only dust. For the fact that Jesus Christ is victorious on the cross and being between the two bandits, simply announce what will soon come. In fact, these two men were bandits in the beginning, but at the end, one has been forgiven and the other has not been forgiven. That is why it is said: “For all have done wrong and are far from the glory of God” (Romans 3/23). This deprivation that was at the beginning won’t be at the end because some will recognise their fate (their bad life), and they will leave or give up from this life and they will therefore be forgiven; but others will say: “my life is just”; and it is for this that they will remain in their own justice which is the pond of fire because they will be in a miserable home as the rich.

     An advice: It is only when one is in this flesh that he can be forgiven (to change life or to repent), but once we leave it (the flesh), we are not more forgiven.


CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of men, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid to sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)

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