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It is the 127th message.


        The Lord Jesus Christ came in this world to give a new heart to man through one life of truth; and Ezekiel 36/26 says: “A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you; and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you a heart of flesh”. The gospel, the prophecy and Jesus Christ’s prayer give a new heart and a new spirit because they rest on his life. And the prophecy and the gospel of the devil rest on the seduction and flattery because it is man’s physical well-being that is sought-after. Here is why Satan in his ruse knows that when people assemble somewhere, it is not for a word of truth but it is for the journey, marriage, promotion, success in business and the recovery of the flesh.

       The devil has put in the mouth of his servants an attractive language where when these ones gather men to tell them: “It is your year of blessing, God has poured journeys, marriages, promotions, certificates, work, and childbirths”, the blinds answer: “Amen”, “God should be worshiped”. When these foxes, being in a hall of near to 200 people, they say: “there is somebody here whose journey, work, promotion or marriage is already there”, they know that those who are in this hall that is to say; those who don’t work, those who are not even married, those who will like to travel, those who are waiting for their promotion; it is each one who will say in him: “certainly, it is of me that he is talking about (the man of God)”. But these believers don’t know that all of them, that is to say; all those who have come in this hall to listen to these “men of God”; they all have the same problems of journey, promotion, and others. Where one promises these things, we see the crowd there because there are only vanities that can attract several people somewhere (when it is about prayers, divinations...). But where there is the truth; the one that transforms the hearts is preached, we find very less people there.

     Then, these “men of God” being artful, knew how to captivate the men through the words such as: “You who look at me, there is your problem; there is what happens in your life”. When they tell you such things, you are going to wonder: “How has he made to know such things? Because it is only God who makes that”. Those to whom the life (the one of the flesh) has been revealed will be going and telling to others: “go to that man of God, because when you arrive in his home, he will tell you everything that disturbs you and there, people receive journeys, work, marriage, etc.” You will never hear them say: “Go to that man of God over there; there is a truth that transforms the hearts (the life) that means it transforms man into god”.

     Today in this world, when people are gathered somewhere to listen to the word, it is not for the soul but it is for the physical well-being. In other words, those “men of God” look for their money on one hand (for the well-being of their flesh) and on the other hand, the men who listen to them search for what will also satisfy their flesh that means; (the marriage, the journey, work, the promotion, childbirth...).

     I say these things because when you go towards these foxes so that they should solve your problem, they tell you: “the one who gives a big offering will benefit from a particular prayer”. That is why they often begin by saying: “the person who has 1.000.000, 500.000... should pass to give here”. These lazy persons ask for such amounts of money from people because they don’t know how these ones suffer to gain money. When they “the men of God” receive this money, they make the advertisement while putting their pictures everywhere in the cities because the profession of seduction and lie pays. Those “men of God” of today make competition between them because it is each one who wants to show that he has money, a radio, a television channel or many believers.

      But the hour has sounded so that light illuminates the whole world. And you would understand that the gospel or the prophecy that comes from the Lord Jesus Christ is not pleasant to the men, but to God. It is a grace and a big sacrifice for the man who takes pleasure to listen and to practice the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

     I remind you that; to enter in the kingdom of heaven is not easy. It would therefore not be necessary that the liars and seducers (those “men of God”) make you believe the opposite. I greatly thank the Lord Jesus Christ who made me to know his thought so that I reveal it to others.

       To him only is the glory in the sky and on the earth for the eternity.


CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of men, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is knowledge. To know, avoid to sin and to be free from the eternal death.(John 8/32)

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